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Thanks...yep--that is exactly what I'm going to do--I have a heart shape I can snip and it's pointed end is perfect! The pencil thing doesn't work for me but cutting between two paint sticks is perfect. Once I stop trying to stamp clay that is too soft  the labels will look better, also. I hate this type of work, but I'm sure it's good for character-building or something  :lol: My daughter is being my task master (a coach with a whip) and she's really helping me get over myself. I chose to do this, I want to do this, so reverting back to being like a stubborn 4th grader is not serving me well. 

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Min I used to like those drippers ,but the clever dripper in my mind works so much better-its ceramic made by Bonavita-you pour the water in the grounds with a paper filter inside like yours but it has a silicone stopper in a lever so you steep it for 3 minutes then let it drain out-coffee a bit like a french press only better as it drips into your cup. I have been using them for many years now and gave up on other drippers. I have a plastic one for travel as well.

I should add I'm very much a coffee person


Edited by Mark C.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Local pottery Association throwout a challenge every so often.  Latest is "Hug".

These two are drying, ready for bisque.  If they survive they will go into a wood-fired kiln at end of August.  Probably no glaze, might give them a wash with oxides, might not.

Hardest things I've made in a long time.  The standing pair are the third attempt, previous just collapsed.  They're small, as you can probably tell by the half-sized washing up sponge.







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So I mentioned before that my buddy was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle and I was working on a new tibia for him.  Well it's done and I'm giving it to him tonight after work.

Thrown and altered, crackle slip, etched aluminum plate and bolts, oak stand. 


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Min, are you throwing these in one piece, or in two pieces? I would think that a single thrown piece would work, with a bit of trimming at the base of the cone, and some trimming in the plate for the double foot rims.

Other alternative would be to texture a slab, then create the cone and join to the thrown base.




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4 hours ago, Pres said:

Min, are you throwing these in one piece, or in two pieces?

Top is slab built from 2 pieces and joined at the sides, base is thrown. I did try throwing as 1 piece but wasn't too keen on how the ridges looked in the cone part. A little to loose for what I was aiming for. I can get crisper lines using slabs and a texture mat.

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1 hour ago, Mark C. said:

Back to clay work this week-usual items-summer sales at outlets are on a terror with all the tourists in the area. This year we have seen way more tourists trying to have a get away and exit from the heat inland and now its get away from the smoke.

People trying to get away from the smoke in your area? Isn't that why they usually hit NorCal? :lol:

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