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Status Updates posted by Chilly

  1. Broken collarbone :-( No Pottery, No Cycling, No Sewing, No Gardening, No Life !

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chilly


      thanks all for your support. ow sums it up politely. i apologize in advance if I seem GRUMPY, but I am. it was my own fault, so rather annoyed with myself. in 6-8 weeks time i should be back to normal! happy, optimistic self :-)

    3. Marko


      Oh, that sux. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    4. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Awwww that doesn't sound like a holiday. Take care, go easy and get well soon. Can you draw instead of potting?

  2. Forum's quiet. Where have you all been?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Denice


      I couldn't get on either, I even e-mailed Joseph to see if he could get on. CMF accidently locked me out one time, so I was just checking I wasn't the only one.

    3. terrim8


      I think there was something wrong with the website.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Yes. Jennifer got it fixed. She is the head administrator for CAD.


  3. Threw two whole pots today, then destroyed one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I destroy about 95% of what I make. I have a whole shelving unit full of stuff I am going to hammer and trash next week. Keeps me on my toes!

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Do you throw away because it isn't good or because your not satisfied with it?

  4. My non-art brain is being pushed to the hilt. I have to design a 60+ tile mural for Scouts and Explorer Scouts to carve at an event in July. I wish my mouth would learn to stay shut.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chilly


      Yeah, I'm thinking the mural should be like a photo montage of the weekends activities - pole-lathing, blacksmithing, baking bread, basket-making, archery, jousting. Oh yea, and pottery!

    3. Chilly


      A medieval/Camelot type weekend.

    4. Pres


      Take pictures into Photo shop, Make them Black and white, montage together, then change bightness and contrast. Print out and trace the line patterns.

  5. Can't sleep. Titanium plate and screws in my collarbone ! Feeling positive tho' :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rakukuku


      Ouch, I feel your pain, Get well soon.

    3. JohnnyK


      When I had my 2 shoulder surgeries, I had to sleep in my recliner for a month each time. If you have one you might try it...Hang in there and recover soon, Chilly!

    4. Chilly


      Sleeping definitely the worst thing. Pile of pillows is helping. And busy during the day.

  6. Sold my "Throwdown" style Pierced vase to "painter" at the pottery class. Picture in gallery.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GiselleNo5


      Her secret is, she does ALL the carving and then, only then, does she pop the cutouts. That way she has the integrity of the clay and can do much more intricate work.

    3. GiselleNo5


      I love pierced work so I thought you might like this tip. Not to take away from your vase which I think is absolutely gorgeous. :)

    4. Chilly


      Thanks Giselle, I like the cut it all, then remove it process. The clay has to be just the right hardness, Too soft and it doesn't cut, too hard and you end up scraping it out. Will try this technique on the next one tho'.

  7. The rain is back, no surprise there. Now "stuff" is not going to dry, it's going to have to come indoors. Going to get nagged. Again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Benzine


      Chilly, what about making a "Drying Cabinet"? I've seen people discuss the use of them.

    3. Chilly


      Benzine - I have half of an 8 x 10 greenhouse for a studio. There's barely enough room for me and all the stuff I've accumulated. I do have a shelf over the bath in the second bath-room, where stuff dries quite nicely, but I still put it in the kitchen too.

    4. Benzine


      Chilly, that would make sense.

  8. Waiting for the over-watered home-made slip to evaporate........

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chilly


      Trouble is, it's not settling out. Still looks as it was when I finished mixing it. Now decanted into four buckets not two. Come on sunshine, do your stuff.

    3. Babs


      Add some dry clay trimmings, let slake and sieve again, aztest way to go. Add Flocculant?? Try somee epsom salts.

    4. Chilly


      I'm clean out of any more clay of that type at the mo. Patience is getting there. Daytime highs of 40C in a closed glasshouse......

  9. Winter has returned! Farewell spring!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. terrim8
    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Well I was wrong, spring isn't here. Summer is here. It's pretty darn hot.

  10. It's official. Surgery two weeks time to fix my collarbone. Gotta get some clay finished first.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GiselleNo5


      I wish you minimal pain and fast recovery.

    3. Min


      I'm sure it will be a big relief to get it fixed. All the best with your recovery : )

    4. terrim8


      Good luck Chilly, hope you recover quickly.

  11. The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray, I'm going out to play.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babs


      was your clay clay or glaze?

    3. Chilly


      It was clay. I couldn't tell the difference between the "unkown" stuff and some from a new bag :-)

    4. Chilly


      It was clay. I couldn't tell the difference between the "unkown" stuff and some from a new bag :-)

  12. Oh dear, attended a glass fusing course and now I'm being drawn away from clay.  So tempting.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LeeU


      What he said! 

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      rabbit hole -be careful 

    4. Denice


      I have done glass fusing in the past, it was interesting and fun.  Kind of like a kid with a new toy,  but the thrill wore off quickly.  I still needed to get my hands in clay.   Denice

  13. First firing of porcelain is cooling down. Won't get opened until tomorrow late afternoon. Can't wait........

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roberta12
    3. Chilly


      Yes, photos tomorrow,

      All seemed OK. :-)

    4. Chilly


      Photos in gallery, and in "Can't throw, can extrude" thread.


  14. My poor back. Cut, slam wedged 25kg of porcelain. One bag too hard, the other too soft.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      That can be tough, but for me after the cut and slam, wedge with cone or ramshead to restretch contracted spine.

    3. karenkstudio


      If the hard bag is not completely dry, cut it in a few chunks and wrap each in a

      very damp hand towel for a day or two.

    4. Min


      you sound like Goldilocks, hope your next bag is just right : )

  15. Four days later, three mugs are glazed. One-handed, all by myself!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marko


      Good on you. And ditto everything bciskepottery said.

    3. alabama


      How is the broken shoulder doing?

    4. Chilly


      It's getting better, thanks. Down fro 12 tabs a day to just 2. Hoping to drop those soon. Pain is mainly gone, just aches now. And frustrated at how bad I am at one-finreg trypong !! lol

  16. John Britt's new book is stopping me from doing housework :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      There *are* worse ways to avoid the vacuuming.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      The book is good isn't it. I just got my copy yesterday.

    4. Crusty


      yep, good book..

  17. Cold and damp. Glaze taking ages to dry. Bye bye summer :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Babs


      Must have had your head buried in your kiln for that moment in June.

    3. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Blech, good riddance! My kiln is in my living room and we had a hellfire summer this year. Winter is my happy place. ^_^

    4. Chilly


      Funnily enough, HB, some of the best weather I encountered this summer was in July, while visiting Gateshead. Perhaps you were sleeping, on nights?

  18. In the morning I find out if my "gifted" terracotta clay is clay or not

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChenowethArts


      'Hoping for the best!

    3. Rebekah Krieger
    4. Chilly


      Couldn't tell the difference between the "known" and the "gifted unknown" so will carry on using it. Just need to put up with it's stickiness.

  19. First time on the wheel for 5 1/2 months. Collarbone held up well. Shame about throwing skills (or lack of).

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Grats! Glad to see your recovering well.

    2. PRankin


      Great to hear you're back.

    3. GiselleNo5


      Like riding a bike :) Have fun!

  20. Raining. Again.

    1. Joseph Fireborn
    2. Denice


      Send it to Wichita KS they have been promising us rain for weeks.

    3. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      We got snow yesterday! :D

  21. Can't get into the studio. Fresh paving laid between house and greenhouse door. Not allowed to walk on it yet. Which book do I want to re-read?

    1. Marko


      Forget the book. Go press your hand in the cement, write initials, dates. LOL

    2. glazenerd


      Of Mice and Men- John Steinbech. back.. something like that. Not read it in 40 years, but still remember it well.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      "Thank you for arguing." That is one of my most recommended books to almost anyone who asks me about a book to read.

  22. Woo, woo. I now own, flint, whiting, sodium dispex in addition to the other stuff I inherited. Gonna be a fun few days, Yes, I do also have a mask!

    1. Babs


      any pics ofhte mugs for the agricultural world?

    2. Chilly


      Not yet. The centre's kiln failed to reach temperature. Again. Now the kiln techs have agreed with the experts here - new elements needed. So once again, my little kiln will get fired - manana :-)

    3. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      I like using dead sea creatures in my glazes too ;)


  23. Wondering where Evelyne Schoenmann and Guinea have gone

    1. Pres


      Evelyne is busy with a conference coming up, and other things that are filling her time up. She does check in at times

    2. claygram


      I also think often of guinea and wonder how she is --such a wonderful artist with such a beautiful spirit

    3. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Hi my friends. Thanks Chilly for asking and thank you Pres for standing in for me. I am crazy busy, but I will come here more often, now that I am in Switzerland again after a long time in Asia and then Italy. Love you all!


  24. How did your further testing go?

    My father passed two weeks ago, and I want to use his ashes in trinket trays for the family.  Will also use them in some fused glass work.

    1. Denice


      I am so sorry for your loss,  make sure you take the time to recover.  I hope you get the information you need to complete your trays for your family.   Denice

    2. glazenerd


      Sorry to hear about your loss.

    3. oldlady


      so sorry to hear the bad news.  hope you are able to make something to remind you of him.  thinking of you.

  25. Lovely feedback received from a recipient of one of my snowflake mobiles.  Happy potter.

    1. dhPotter


      woo hoo - way to go Chilly

    2. JohnnyK


      It's always great to get positive feedback from the recipients of your work, Chilly! Just had that same experience with my latest bud vases...Way to go, girl!

    3. glazenerd


      Satisfying feeling to know your hard work is appreciated.

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