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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. snow storm yesterday and today. I will quit shoveling until it stops except for  path for my dog.


  2. Falcon heavy launch, probably the best thing I have seen all year.

  3. Well, it is Christmas Day. Had family in Jordan and South Korea finishing their Masters. Between that and passing the flu around for months: today is Christmas.

  4. Hi! I ended up here because of your heading "single firing an electric kiln to ^6! I used to visit your area (Antietam and Shepherdstown) frequently when I lived in Maryland. Now I live on an island 10 miles off the coast of Maine where electricity costs 70 cents a KWH!!!! Unfortunately I am addicted to making ceramics.

    Luckily I can sell my pots through a co-op here in the summer. Between  costs for boat freight for clay and  electricity,   I don't know if I could afford to sell at wholesale.

    As you can surmise, it would be fantastic to be able to save a firing for each piece. Did it take you a long time to figure out how to successfully once-fire?

  5. So I'm buying a kiln. Probably a Skutt from Georgie's. How do you like them bananas? :)

  6. Mixed up two clay bodies (50/50)for fellow potter who is 83 yr old.Its 500# and I will drop it off to her in next few days .It less than a two hour job with the Peter pugger.I do this every year for her.I hope someone does it for me when I'm 83.

  7. firing saggers today while it is sunny and little wind. 27 F  no freezing on my little propane tanks.
  8. Worried my kiln for hire is going away. That would leave me to buy a kiln, -never had one- or drive a long way (4 hrs round trip) and pay a fee. 

  9. How did your further testing go?

    My father passed two weeks ago, and I want to use his ashes in trinket trays for the family.  Will also use them in some fused glass work.

  10. working in studio between shoveling snow in front and out back. Studio is comfortable but lower temperatures are coming. 5 this morning and that was ok. -20 is cold.

  11. Home alone again. Husband returned to Va. to work. He was telecommuting for 2 of the three weeks he was here. He did manage to do some jam sessions at the Snowcreek saloon. Mother-in-law spent a week over Christmas with us. I am now back to the studio. I did some reorganizing of layout to improve heat flow. its nice in there when the temperature i up to high 30s. Around -10 the studio temperature went down to 55. I have a kerosene backup if I need it.

    Happy to be in the studio again.

  12. Last crabbing trip today and tomorrow before commercial season opens and crap are all gone. Great trip today on the ocean.Fresh crab tonight .

  13. Will be heading home on Monday late. Having a great time. Very little pottery. Hope to be up and running by Wed. However, we are not looking forward to the frigid temps.



  14. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly at first!

  15. The forum seems slow must be the cold

  16. The forum seems slow must be the cold

  17. Finally over my cold. I had such plans for this break, but between a family cold, kiln controller dying, and freezing cold garage I haven't gotten much done. However, I am going to accomplish a lot in the new year! Going to continue to work on my surfaces and glaze development. Exciting times.

  18. just received a copy of a new article about my work from Revista Ceramica published in Spain. Beautiful photos. Very impressive. I am delighted to be in it. The editor remembered me from an article i wrote in the 90s on Los Hornos Arabesque, 3-story kilns in the town where I lived during my Fulbright. A similar article on those kilns was published in Ceramics Monthly in 1989. 

  19. A few outlets are wiped on stock(yes the grocery stores)

    seems like the day before xmas is a feeding frenzy no matter what I give them in terms of stock-restock in am before heading offshore to get more crabs.Love the ocean and its bounty.

  20. Last day of sales-then time off.I have been making at least 3 drops a day to outlets and today is the last day of that as well-ya.

  21. I am out of porcelain.  I am out of clear glaze.  I do not want to mix more right now.  I discovered today that I need to change two elements due to glaze landing on them (I do not know how they have been firing so well) All signs are pointing towards hanging it up for 2017!

  22. Had my first MS relapse in 10 years Saturday the whole right side of my body went numb.  My hands still work  so I can still stumble out to my studio and still work.  I guess it doesn't take too much to make me happy.   Denice

  23. Had my first MS relapse in 10 years Saturday the whole right side of my body went numb.  My hands still work  so I can still stumble out to my studio and still work.  I guess it doesn't take too much to make me happy.   Denice

  24. Had my first MS relapse in 10 years Saturday the whole right side of my body went numb.  My hands still work  so I can still stumble out to my studio and still work.  I guess it doesn't take too much to make me happy.   Denice

  25. Oh dear, attended a glass fusing course and now I'm being drawn away from clay.  So tempting.


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