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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. baking cakes and cookies today.


  2. baking cakes and cookies today.


  3.  Last minute customer e-mails coming in now wanting pots shipped past my ship deadline

  4. Went hunting on Monday and Tuesday with my Dad, 91 yrs old. Had a good time, but then we did not get a deer. . . it wasn't about getting a deer.

    Will be away again Friday and Saturday doing same.


  5. firing large gas kiln today-rain stopped and its sunny-time to get the boat ready for crabbing

  6. My previous post should have read more snow now, and more coming, ...sigh. Fired raku this evening with snow still on the ground.


  7. We have close relatives who are evacuated now and do not know whether they still have a house standing.Its very bad scene now as the fires move around with the big winds.

  8. Those days when you wake up with tons of plans and do nothing. Bleh. Guess I will just work twice as hard tomorrow.

  9. I am so happy with my work! I never thought I would say that this early in my career. Although I am still testing new glazes and new techniques. The majority of my kiln loads are finally being made to sell. How cool is that! Toot Toot! 

  10. A message from Alice (oldlady) regarding Terry (Pugaboo)
    "Terry Buffington, known to us as the vibrant Pugaboo, lost her husband on October 4 to a serious illness.  He had been ill and hospitalized for several weeks.  I know Terry would be glad to hear from her forum "family".  I am sure we all feel part of her loss and would like to express those feelings to her."

  11. Today the replacement lid with a counter weight came. Tomorrow my helpers come to lift the kiln and with out stands. And today I laid the foundation for my large raku kiln with a pulley system. Soon I'll be making big pots again. Very happy we have warm weather this week.I need to build the raku kiln in place so the pulleys and attachments to the chamber line up. Friday we had this. 6.5" of heavy wet snow. Many tree branches snapped. Today it was perfect for working outside.



  12. Browsing the job market again. Found a research and development technician role in my home town for a mainly Silicon Nitride ceramics company! Now to fail at getting an interview...

  13. What happens when you work like a maniac and then go on a trip for a week and eat junk food and don't get enough sleep? A week of forced vacation while you have a bug, that's what. -.- Itching to get back to work.

  14. Back from a 3 day eclipse trip-it was super-I took some shots with my 300mm and a 1x4 teleconverter-to tired to look at them after an 8 hour drive

  15. Back from a 3 day eclipse trip-it was super-I took some shots with my 300mm and a 1x4 teleconverter-to tired to look at them after an 8 hour drive

  16. Taking a week off from throwing-summer break

  17. Guess who is happy with his glaze work finally.

  18. Getting ready for my next fire, around mid-month. So far, I have managed not to break any greenware except one pendant. I got every piece finished and glazed, and I completed glazing “No Secretsâ€- a porcelain piece in the Hidden Mask Series. I have addressed it with color and thoroughly enjoyed planning and placing the palette.

  19. Sitting out back, five feet from the hummingbird feeder, watching four of them fight over it. Amazing little creatures.

  20. Hope everyone is having some good weather to work in. Stay Hydrated.

  21. Not doing anything in or with clay today-day off from studio

  22. lost one of my dear little 4 legged friends today. He was a comic relief in life. Adios amigo, RIP

  23. Up in the wee hours as usual: have to take mom in for surgery this morning.

  24. My big skutt gave up last night, after 15 hours only made it to 2000 degrees, time to rewire ugh!

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