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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. Went to an online site to buy some materials for "Magic Mud", ended up splurging on a Mudtool sponge and Do All Trim Tool, and a bevel cutter...

  2. So, guess who literally found almost $100.00 worth of underglaze at a thrift store in a bag marked $5.00? And then won a $1.00 discount off of it? YEP; THIS guinea pig!! ^_^

  3. New pieces do not photograph themselves *sigh*. I'll get right on that...perhaps tomorrow :)

  4. Three weeks later I'm finally photographing that huge glaze load. Starting to post in the gallery if anybody wants to see.

  5. Thinking about starting private lessons from inside my home. My health is crashing fast, and pottery is getting harder every day, but I have a lot of knowledge to share. :) I think I could take a couple students under my wing.

  6. Ah, finally. A stay-cation so I can work in the studio...I hope to see the floor again after 3 days of de-crapinating the space :)

  7. Working on a design for an "Anti-Gravity" workspace mat. That way any dropped tools could be retrieved without bending over. Alternately, I could just use those things kids have to attach their gloves to their coats...

  8. Firing some new glazes and combinations, designed for a slow cool schedule. Looking for that elusive semi matte with some variation. Pretty excited.

  9. Working on a design for an "Anti-Gravity" workspace mat. That way any dropped tools could be retrieved without bending over. Alternately, I could just use those things kids have to attach their gloves to their coats...

  10. finished my little raku kiln to take on a road trip up to Kansas and beyond. Posted a picture in my gallery.

  11. Hillbilly hosed off my clay clothes outside while pinned to my chain link fence today. I'm sure the neighbors were impressed.

  12. I've been sick for a week and I'm missing clay.

  13. Flu's been getting me down all week, but feeling positive it's gonna end, hehe.

  14. I miss warm weather. Please come soon Summer Days! I much rather sweat than freeze while throwing pots.

  15. I miss warm weather. Please come soon Summer Days! I much rather sweat than freeze while throwing pots.

  16. Happy Valentine's Day to all you sweethearts, hehe. All we need is love and a whole lotta clay.

  17. My husband was on TV yesterday for the NSF news conference in brownsville, Tx re; the discovery of Gravitational Waves. He works at the Center for Gravitational Waves Astronomy. He is still very excited by the discovery.

  18. Some half-crazed, clay-slinging, glaze spraying, slab-building, old-dude maniac has made a mess in the studio...oh wait.

  19. Great bird watching in the back yard: Osprey, Anhinga, Egrets, three types of heron, Rosiette Spoonbill, and Ibis, Green-winged Teals, Coots, Cormorants. All this is very distracting but exciting to watch.

  20. Pulling handles and trying not to smirk.

  21. I peeked in the kiln, which is too hot to unload. Entire top shelf is ruined. Don't know about the rest yet.

  22. 100 online here now ... All trying to escape football?

  23. Glazing. Its what happens to people who enjoy making things but then can't always decide what those things should look like once fired :)

  24. Tomorrow is glaze day. Prepped all my bottoms and lined all my insides! Looking forward to the weather 65F tomorrow! Beautiful day to start February.

  25. I have been on the forum for roughly a month now. I must say it is an honor to see the works of so many talented and gifted people. The willingness to share knowledge and information is also commendable. Just thought it needed to be said.

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