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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. I'm discovering that airbrushing with underglazes is pretty cool...having the air compressor kick-in at 4am, awakening the wife...not so much :)

  2. Finished digging the studio out from the snow yesterday, resuming clay operations today!

  3. New books arrived, including Denice's suggestions. Very excited to start playing!

  4. Is anyone else not liking the new sign in page, besides me? There's no "Remember Me" option in which to keep myself logged in. Very annoying!

  5. I'm taking a day off. For excitement, I may sit at a window and just watch the rain...(do I know how to have a good time, or what?!)

  6. Just did an initial mix of my dry Laguna glazes. I've been buying premixed all this time. I feel kind of like I'm making a cake from boxed mix after buying them at bakeries all my life. ;) One day I'll make one from scratch.

  7. Shop floor mopped, clay trim reclaimed, wheel head refinished. Clay order on the way. No better way to get re-energized than to re-tool the shop.

  8. The cold snap finally passed, and the nights are in the high 20s (instead of below zero)! Fred's cookin'!

  9. It dropped down to 0F/-17,8c here last night. I wanna fire Fred...but, will my cooling pottery be safe in such frigid temperatures? D:

  10. My family loves me! My one present this year was a barely used 10 cu ft electric kiln!!

  11. Did my first glaze firing in my new L&L kiln on Christmas Eve. Turned out very well.

  12. I have had bad luck with my pots lately. Hydra exploded and the family tree vases I made for parents christmas gift look like a 10 yr olds school project. :(

  13. A nice clean studio feels so nice.

  14. Taking a day off for tamale making....and CARNITAS!! Merry Christmas, all!

  15. SNOWWWW!!! Glorious SNOW!!!! Yes! I have SNOW!!! :D About 4 inches of WONDERFUL SNOW!!!! :D

  16. OMFG I feel like a six year-old at Disneyland. I just pulled my duck mug and owl bowl from the bisque and AAAAH THEY'RE SOOOO PRETTAYYY!! Gonna glaze on Tuesday! *dying of happy*

  17. Finally got my website back up and running. Loads of work to do yet, but it's a start. Pretty big victory for a guy pathologically deficient at web design.

  18. Ordered me up a pair of measuring rulers that take into account shrinkage! Can hardly wait for them to arrive!! :D

  19. Ordered me up a pair of measuring rulers that take into account shrinkage! Can hardly wait for them to arrive!! :D

  20. Made my cottle boards, and instead of watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, made my damp box. Yee haw!

  21. I was just offered 50/50 consignment, I pay shipping both ways, they don't believe in signed agreements and I have the feeling loses and theft will also come out of my pocket. Hmmm ...NO

  22. I am putting my Bailey table top slab roller together and have to rearrange my studio to accommodate it, which is energizing me out of the tail end of a slump I have been plagued with. Clay is good for the health!

  23. just posted a gallery pic of a porcelain sculpture in progress. off to do naked raku today

  24. My annual clay order comes in this week-the hualing will begin-my order is 11.5 tons of stuff.Includes 1 ton of a mixed glaze.Tired thinking about this move.

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