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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. My Fred is officially hooked up. Dusted out his exhaust system and checked the elements. Back to splattery mud fun mañana.

  2. My kiln is fixed! My kiln is fixed! I learned how to replace power relays!

  3. Me and plaster of paris never seem to get along. :(

  4. Phew! First car load of studio 'stuff' gone to the re-cycling/land fill. Now, what to do with stuff another potter might want?

  5. I landed yesterday evening in Boston, tomorrow I'am driving to Providence for the NCECA conference. Yepeeeee!

  6. Friday, a friend brought his issue of Collectors Guide to Indian Pipes over, and the day was spent making Iroquois Tulip and Trumpet pipes, and one Creek pipe. Was able to use my new burnishing stone from Wisconsin. It makes great striations in Indian bowls.:)

  7. Firing last car kiln for show-looks like most of will not fit into van. Finally back to having lots of back stock

  8. I'm watching a Skutt kiln on the Govdeal website. It looks in fantastic shape, and is dirt cheap at the moment. Anyone used the site before? I'm just wondering how much it will jump the last day?

  9. Off the blog for two weeks. I sent my Mac to the Mechanic. Then forgot my password.

  10. I have two very large containers of dried Coleman Porcelain staring at me. I really don't want to sound ungrateful for the 'gift'....what I wouldn't do for a nearby ballmill :)

  11. There was this strangly bright orb in the sky today...probably some extraterrestrial who just wanted to steal our snow :)

  12. 12 hours and STILL haven't reached ^5, new elements not withstanding. Please, Oh Mighty Kiln Gods, show mercy on this tired old worry wort. Let the kiln sitter trip already!!!

  13. Ready for a week of heavy rains. I know it isn't what many of you are suffering right now, but I need sunshine in the winter.

  14. Dumped an entire 5 gallon pail of glaze on the floor. Scraping glaze today. Whoo hoo!

  15. doing a little bisque in my test kiln!

  16. Found inspiration in my dreams last night. Dreaming of pottery. Man o Man.

  17. Another round of ice, sleet, and snow...nothing like the hammering that is going on in the Northeast, but I reserve the right to whine when my studio is too chilly for clay work.

  18. Working with clay has made me a hoarder. I am always thinking, I could use that in the studio, or I could make a tool out of that and I don't throw it away.

  19. Bought a heater for my garage. Made a bunch of pots today. So nice throwing in 70 degree heat.

  20. It is nice enough in the studio today that I have the outside door open...and I can mop without fear of creating an ice rink! :)

  21. I may ave to have my long underwear surgically removed...I think it is starting to "root".

  22. I am back from my January trip ... if you would like to see images of my trip, follow this link ... http://www.ccpottery.com/tanzania-serengeti-safari--.html

  23. I'll have to wait until late evening to open the latest gas firing...unless I can find a little robot-guy in a fire suit to squeeze through a peep hole and broadcast pictures from inside...OK, so I still get excited to see new work, so shoot me ! *grin*

  24. I am starting to really like slab constructed mugs...with all this practice, one might conclude that I "under-stein" the process :) *groan*

  25. I have three kilns. Hoarding much? xD Plans for a gas conversion in the old one. Now to find my Olsen book

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