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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. Pretty bummed at the moment. I just found out that Jillian Johnson, one of the casualties in the Louisiannna theater shooting, was a Design Major my first year here at Belmont U.

  2. Surgery Tuesday to replace my entire right knee. Rehab began yesterday. It looks hopefully be released today. Will work the old flywheel kickwheel into rehab routine when I can. Oh the drugs are so good. Sings "what a drag it is getting old" ( showing my age too)

  3. preparing for two Alternative Firing workshops in Las Cruces NM 9/11-14 (sold out)and at Brackers in Lawrence, KS.9/26-27. Anyone from here coming?

  4. another extremely hot muggy day in south Texas. I have a friend coming in August to fire with me. I hope we get a break with the heat.

  5. Glaze firing test schedule #6 for surface qualities. Almost there.

  6. Seems like I cannot add a profile photo still.

  7. Ummm, did anyone lose some posts? I made a couple comments last night and this morning, and they no longer exist. Unless I'm imagining it all. Is this something to do with the update that was mentioned a while back?

  8. I have been at the hand surgeons this morning and got an appointment for carpal tunnel surgery: September 25th. No working with clay for 3 month after surgery.... BooHoo

  9. It's been wet, hot and humid here lately. And very little wind to cool down with. I got my fan and an exhaust ceiling fan going and it still get around 90 degrees. But I plan to make some more mugs and fire a small load starting tomorrow evening. When it is cooler. How's your weather?

  10. Still glazing...the more I glaze, the larger the kiln seems to get as I load it. Whazupwidat? :)

  11. We are moving into a much better house than we originally thought. It has a two car garage with my name on it for a studio!!!!

  12. I think attaching handles is my favorite part of a mug right now. So much comes from the way the handle looks attached to different forms. It really makes or breaks the form.

  13. First time to load one pot that fills my home studio electric kiln...a lot of eggs in one basket, for real :)

  14. This just might be the year I wish I had air-conditioning. However, my highest power bill,this yr. is $27.00.

  15. Is it weird that I'm nervous to start slab building..? Hnnghhh...

  16. Broken collarbone :-( No Pottery, No Cycling, No Sewing, No Gardening, No Life !

  17. On my way out of the studio tonight I suddenly had a brilliant idea of a way to move things around, have more storage AND more floor space! I measured and everything would fit so of course I started heaving around filing cabinets and bookcases at 12 am. I neglected to move my shelf of drying pottery first and with a huge crash something fell straight on the top shelf, breaking a mug I can make again and a dinosaur piggy bank for my son that has taken me hours to make. :( :(

  18. I'm beginning to think that the Kiln Gods hate me! :(

  19. You know you are on the wheel too early in the morning if you dip your sponge into your coffee rather than the water bucket :) #JustSayin

  20. Spent the weekend firing foil saggars. I am experimenting for more variations in color. Got some keepers. Will refile the less than stunning ones with fresh salts.

  21. Spring cleaning, in the studio. Mopped, organized, ready for the next project.

  22. Am I the only one to receive offers to give a one to one free workshops to total strangers?

  23. A little cooler weather is on the way...'sounds like a good excuse to do a bisque firing.

  24. We have a couple of tile murals here in saint Augustine themed around st Augsburg history. The kids did an excellent job. Want me to take pics?i would have thought Spanish conquering of the new world boring , but the tiles are great.

  25. My Fred is officially hooked up. Dusted out his exhaust system and checked the elements. Back to splattery mud fun mañana.

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