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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. arrived yesterday after 4. Wyo. wind was treacherous with interstate 25 closed to high profile vehicles. Friends stopped by to say hi. Three batches of housewarming gifts. Great to be back in Montana

  2. Slowly getting across Texas. Stopped early today due to snow. made it from San Angelo to Amarillo. 800+ miles total. late start yesterday and early stop today. 8 hours driving yesterday and on;y 7 today. tomorrow Cheyenne or Douglas Wyoming, Things will be warming up a little.

  3. Two knee operations, rehab, a hectic work schedule, and the fact that the site doesn't allow me to sign in using my tablet...it has been a while since I posted. It has also been a while since I worked in the studio...but 2017 is another year. Looking forward to getting my hands in wet clay again. Happy Holidays

  4. Garage door insulation almost finished. It is already getting hot in there from my space heater + house door open. Literally could tell the difference in 1 hour.

  5. Garage door insulation almost finished. It is already getting hot in there from my space heater + house door open. Literally could tell the difference in 1 hour.

  6. Getting ready to leave Texas this morning. Dark and foggy. Cats have been drugged, harness on one. one last shop cart to put into my van along with a suitcase, winter coat. too bad my snow boots are up there.

  7. Very sad news, I will not be able to take ceramics next semester...it looks like my hobby will be put on hold for quite some time, as we currently do not have the finances to set up the rest of the necessary equipment in our current space.

  8. Received an Etsy order just after midnight...with request to have it shipped "in the next hour'...hmmm, that would be a "No" :)

  9. My local sale is on day two today

  10. Slab roller is broken down and ready to load. I love Bailey equipment. My pug Mill is also ready. Took the lever and counter weight off, wrapped the pressure gauge as that got broken last move.

  11. That moment when you back up to a loading dock and a forklift approaches with a full pallet of dry materials...and you look at your SUV and say, "Sorry, Bud" :)

  12. Bought an 8" Samsung tablet last week but came to the true realization that I have no use for it. It's being returned tomorrow...

  13. Packing up and anxiety attacks. My personal pottery collection gets packed today.

  14. Packing up and anxiety attacks. My personal pottery collection gets packed today.

  15. Spent the last two days cleaning the studio. Everything is shiny and smells like apple-scented Fabuloso. Today I spilled some glaze on the clean floor and was like "NOOOOOOOO!!"

  16. mandatory studio time today. Need to get work to Nevada and Montana asap.

  17. laying out a map of new home to figure out what must be left behind. Also what I don't need in my studio like my old ball mill.

  18. So glad this site is back!!!!! Thanks to whoever fixed the problem!

  19. Have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to.. Brush on glazing of stoneware..

  20. starting to feel more in control of moving preps little by little.

  21. Keepng my fingers crossed...there is a small home with a large clay studio on the market in a nearby county...'will see it Sunday.

  22. Found a small Olympic gas kiln that I can use for crystalline reduction. Now I have something to test stoneware clay bodies in as well; the missing link.

  23. Glaze or bisque firing almost every day this week. Big push to finish EVERYTHING in time for my Open Studio which starts Saturday. :)

  24. Off to the Big Apple Friday to celebrate my folks' 70th wedding anniversary. Will get to play tourist and photographer for 10 days. Will try to visit a pottery or 2 while out there.

  25. 3 weeks of a sinus cold and no pottery makes a man go crazy. Well this man anyways. Trying to get back into my studio tomorrow!

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