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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. 70 in mid Febuary. So for the first time in many years during winter- I am going to glaze fire tomorrow.

  2. Visited the Japanese sponsored pottery with climbing kiln today in Cambodia -threw a pot there as well

  3. Shipping about 200 cups to Korea... Who woulda thunk it!?!

  4. I mixed clay today! Picked up dry clays about 11, did errands, and started mixing about 1 pm while the sun was warm . Cold front is coming in tonight. Beat it! So happy. Mixed about 270 pounds wet. That should be a good start. This batch is for making new saggers. I didn't bring many with me. My birthday is Wed. so I can celebrate by doing some throwing. Kilns will be getting wired in Mid- February.

  5. Today is work on taxes day, clean house, flatten boxes for storage and take things to recycling, groceries on the way home. Would love to put up shelves and install another heat panel this weekend.

  6. I just got a great report back from an artist friend, her son is taking his first ceramics class in high school, so I gave him an hour lesson on the wheel one night when they were over visiting. His ceramics class just had their first day throwing on treadle wheels and he was able to throw a nice pot on his first try, the instructor told him he was the best new student he'd ever had! His mom and dad are both artists so I think he has great natural talent as well. His parents want to w...

  7. waiting for the electrician, no more. I called today and he stopped by this afternoon. Work will be done by mid February. New separate meter for the kiln shed. 200 amps to cover my 3 electrics including the 90 amp oval. I am glad I saved up for the!

  8. Glaze application skills going backwards. Or is it expectation going forwards faster?

  9. I'm a sad guinea today...I just found out the founder of The Art Spirit gallery, my favorite place, passed away on Dec. 31st from ALS. Guys, he was so awesome. He really liked my work & encouraged me to submit it... I'm really sad...

  10. Whewie, my paws are SOOORE today. So worth it, though; I made some adorable progress on Cap'n Cavy. His left leg is just about finished! Check out his SWEET lil' boot on my thread! Very proud. ♥

  11. snowy and cold -5 this morning. Lazy day around the fireplace. More snow. Things are progressing.

  12. snowy and cold -5 this morning. Lazy day around the fireplace. More snow. Things are progressing.

  13. I've got Mudtools!!! And Xiem carving tools. If you don't live in Africa then you don't understand how exciting this is These type of tools are just not available over on this side of the planet

  14. hanging overhead storage in my studio today. Rain expected tonight followed by dropping temperatures.

  15. Currently on my third cold in six weeks. Seriously. Just as I am getting over one, I get hit with another while my immune system is low. I want a plastic bubble.

  16. Currently on my third cold in six weeks. Seriously. Just as I am getting over one, I get hit with another while my immune system is low. I want a plastic bubble.

  17. With temps a little cool in the studio, 'tis the season for carving new stamps while propped up in front of the fireplace. :)

  18. Spent the first day of the new year making pots. Such a happy day.

  19. Anyone miss me? I got locked out when I changed my email.

  20. vFinally got my big oval into the kiln shed. My neighbor used a Bobcat to get it off the truck and lifted it over the fence. Amazing. The logistics of moving this have kept me sleepless for many nights since we decided to move.

  21. Taking small, managable, bites---I am finding I do much better work if I consciously limit my times & tasks to the time it takes for any body part or cluster of brain cells to start to be uncomfortable. "Quit while you are ahead" is my new daily mantra!

  22. I allowed someone into my studio on Christmas day...I don't do that. But I'm thinking that its going to be OK if I 'open up' a little more. Still processing that thought.

  23. enjoying the peaceful snowfall outside while sitting by the fireplace in a camping chair. Furniture should come tomorrow with the bulk of my studio.

  24. Mt favorite part of Christmas. Only one stirring is me. Got two of my first thrown pieces in the kiln: waiting to see how they turned out. Merry Christmas.

  25. Setting up what things for the studio I brought up in the van.I got 5 convection heaters which should [produce more than enough heat. I can install them in the morning. Then Christmas Eve dinner with friends.

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