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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. Happy 4th of July weekend. Rodeo in town and three parades this weekend.

  2. Could not submit to the MRI due to breathing challenge laying flat. Now what?

  3. great day in the studio. Ceramic heaters on while my garden survived the cold and hail.

  4. trying out my rebuilt little Paragon kiln to cone 6 today. I usually just use it to bisque but the electrician said it can go to 6 but the elements won't last as long. I wonder what that means exactly....

  5. I had thought of applying to show five cups in the Cup: The Intimate Object show at the Charlie Cummings gallery in the fall. I was a bit intimidated by the resume requirement. Do they only accept artists with formal training and a degree? I was curious if anybody knows.

  6. closing on our Texas house today! Now we'll just have our Montana home.

  7. I had thought of applying to show five cups in the Cup: The Intimate Object show at the Charlie Cummings gallery in the fall. I was a bit intimidated by the resume requirement. Do they only accept artists with formal training and a degree? I was curious if anybody knows.

  8. That moment when you realize you went through 75# of clay making small yunomi and kept zero...

  9. pieces packed for delivery to the gallery in Nye, Mt. Threw pots for an obvara demo during the opening on June 3. Beartooth Highway pass opens Friday local access to Yellowstone. And my rocket science husband jammed last night at the Snowcreek Saloon. The stars were bright in the sky. Happy to be here.

  10. Out of the Earth, Into the Fire. On it's way to my house to be devoured by my brain.

  11. I can't say exactly where I have been hiding, but my Mayan is certainly getting better :)

  12. packing up the last of my house in Texas. Driving a truck back Sunday-Wed.

  13. enjoying a nice slow cappuccino in a new mug from the wood firing.

  14. enjoying a nice slow cappuccino in a new mug from the wood firing.

  15. Got rid of 2 rubbermaid storage containers of porcelain, plus boxed raku clay and Armadillo porcelain. I have clay waiting for me in red Lodge, so I don't need to take more 1800 miles. Moving sucks.

  16. My wife saw a the table covered with bowls, each with a little slice of lemon all wrapped up in cling film and realised yes he's lost it...

  17. Sooooo what's wrong with Gallery? Will only let me upload one image at a time. -.-

  18. Well, I have expereinced my first disappointing fire-my own doing-nothing wrong with anything technical, just about half of the resulting designs arfe not what I had hoped for; adjustments will be made!

  19. Winter has returned! Farewell spring!

  20. Ordered a 3D printer kit. So I will assemble it and make a clay stamp. Probably take about a week to get it.

  21. SPRING WHERE YOU GO!? Just when I start enjoying spring and have my garage door open, a cold front comes in and I am back in the house hiding from my freezing studio and achy bones!

  22. I was able to help a new friend today with computer stuff. Hopefully, she will dazzle everyone with some of her pottery pieces.

  23. whole family together for Spring break and help with unpacking and arranging house things.

  24. Still in Indonesia Diving(3 dives) every day

  25. Biking around lagoon with dog, koala in middle of road, dog needs restraining, koala latches onto my leg, and sinks teeth into right knee, teeth either sid eof my patella,.... claws deep into my calf muscle, prised the thingie off woith ma pottinig hands...

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