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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. The easy way to get beautiful pottery is to buy it from someone else.

  2. Glaze day again-boy it comes up every week this time of year

  3. Wow. Unpacking my treasures from my co-artists of the past 2 weeks. Great experience and intense friendships formed with complete strangers by our creative interaction.

  4. Looks like I have a causalty of war in the studio. Went out early to shut down the two test kilns: one was frozen in "8888" LED status. Lightning came through at 4am/: think it is fried.

  5. Working on the mural with the others got most of it finished.

  6. found a potential house with studio space

  7. Highwater's Clay is much softer than it used to be. Or I was just getting old batches.

  8. I spent the morning spraying underglaze outside (and wearing a respirator)...just so you know, attempting to 'blow away' a bug that lands on your arm doesnt work well through a mask...trust me on this :)

  9. Another 100° day. Firings kilns in the basement. Window unit A/C working hard. Trying to remind myself that this is better than shoveling 2 ft of snow.

  10. Another 100° day. Firings kilns in the basement. Window unit A/C working hard. Trying to remind myself that this is better than shoveling 2 ft of snow.

  11. my big oval is really well insulated. Took over 30 hours for the bisque to cool. but the fan was running and it comes on at 120 F.

  12. Almost done hanging drywall on my studio ceiling. 8 sheet done 4 to go. And singing, "all by myself". Yup, I'll be happy to wedge a ton of clay after this.

  13. Hey y'all! How's everyone else doing? I finally have GREAT news! My beloved husband's cancer is finally reacting to the chemo therapy that his oncologist has put him on. Third time's the charm, eh!?! YAY!!

  14. Forum's quiet. Where have you all been?

  15. Cremating my cat in gas kiln today

  16. Power went out in the neighborhood today from 11:50-2:30. Peak heat.

  17. I just finished a website update today. If anyone has a moment, would you mind giving it a browse for errors, bugs or slow loading photos please? www.dieselclay.com

  18. My kiln is down. And I ordered parts from The Ceramic Shop, that ordered the parts I need, but Paragon sent my, drop ship order to The ceramic Shop, that sent my shippment to Paragon. I ordered it 6-2-12. This real suks. I'm so depressed. I live 7 hours from Paragon. So dpressed, I don't want to do anything. Nothing.

  19. Lost power last night. Had to go to sleep.

  20. Just acquired just under a ton of semi-dry Coleman porcelain clay...re-constituting this mess may take a while.

  21. Why is it so hard to find a direction...

  22. well monday we get a new puppy. so fun. I often make little clay eggs and I had some drying at home once. came home and found them full of teeth marks. No studio time for this pup.

  23. So, my fella is awesome. He found a grippy turnstyle thingy at a thrift store and got it for me. It has little padded prongs to grip cup-like objects for decorating, so I don't have to hold it while I underglaze! ^_^

  24. My wedding ring survived a batch of stoneware in the Peter Pugger...I always knew of my attraction to clay, but this takes it too far, methinks :)

  25. Had a great day firing foil saggars. Posting in my gallery a few of these beauties

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