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Status Replies posted by Denice

  1. been in bed with a flu since I got back.

  2. Most recent bought books: Domestic Pottery of the Northeastern United States, 1625 - 1850, 250 Tips, Techniques, & Trade secrets for Potters, Early History of the Creek Indians and their Neighbors, Creek Indian History, and Indians of the Southeast.

  3. Most recent bought books: Domestic Pottery of the Northeastern United States, 1625 - 1850, 250 Tips, Techniques, & Trade secrets for Potters, Early History of the Creek Indians and their Neighbors, Creek Indian History, and Indians of the Southeast.

  4. All right, day before surgery. I will not be online much in the next few days. Will come back though as good as new...

  5. Firing the big kiln for Christmas/and gallery orders-I just could not help myself-trying to get way ahead.

  6. I put some of my new work that I was going to list on etsy in my gallery, honest feedback welcome in comments or on the pot comments.

  7. My house/studio was burned to the ground in the Valley Fire that started very close to my home. Our street was the first to go and my area is totally destroyed. 75% of the homes in my little town are gone. I had over 300 pots ready for fairs and of course, all the pottery we use daily. I’m devastated. I’m hoping I’ll be able to recover some pots that didn’t break/melt, and maybe my kilns? Wheel? The evacuation order hasn’t been lifted yet. With the shards I’ll make a big mosaic wall when we...

  8. Gallery backed out on me. Stings quite a bit, but I guess that means I can sell those pieces on my own. I'm a pretty grumpy guinea right now, though.

  9. FINALLY posted my three gallery-bound pieces for the charity event! I'd really like some feedback, pleeez. :3 (Sorry about the sucky photos, hnngh...)

  10. Success! My first glaze firing in my own kiln came out perfect. Yay!

  11. Success! My first glaze firing in my own kiln came out perfect. Yay!

  12. My uncle's coming over to wire the house up right so I can fire my Fred! Hooray! ♥

  13. I am now an official member of Potters' Council and I put up my artist portfolio. Next Saturday is the opening of a show I'm in (with 7 other potter/sculptors) at a gallery on the Mendocino Coast. And I just added listings to my etsy page. I'm finally feeling like an integrated part of the greater pottery world instead of going it by my lonesome.

  14. Being such a rubbish potter at the minute. Hardly getting into the studio at all :( Need to get my lazy ass moving after work instead of relaxing.

  15. Being such a rubbish potter at the minute. Hardly getting into the studio at all :( Need to get my lazy ass moving after work instead of relaxing.

  16. Back home from 10 days in Landon & Dublin...sometime today I'll figure out what day/time it is :)

  17. finally got the pug mill back in operation. Will start making something functional later.(steins)

  18. Abandoning all my glaze work, and sticking with one glaze. Work harder on improving the aesthetics of my pots in combination with this glaze. Sell pots with this glaze. Once I feel I understand it. I will test until I find another glaze that goes with it, and then repeat.

  19. even with the air conditioner on in my studio, the sweat was running into my eyes. Finished trimming and went into the house.

  20. Darnit, the heat finally broke (gonna be 80! Yippee!), and I'm stuck cleaning house. It'd be a perfect trimming day, too. I think I'll try and underglaze later on, though. Pics? :)

  21. Back from a super masterclass with Marc Leuthold and Martin McWilliam in Germany!

  22. Getting pains in my left thumb and thumb pad. And some tingling in my fingers too. Is that carpal tunnel?

  23. My clay creation was interrupted by a HORRIBLY abscessed premolar whose root canal just about killed me, but it's 74F today, my tooth's finally shut up, and it's terracotta throwin' time!! ^_^

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