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Status Updates posted by LeeU

  1. Made my cottle boards, and instead of watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, made my damp box. Yee haw!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marko


      I have three I use for handles and spriggs. What else can I do with them? Mine are, like 12x14x3.5. What do you use the taller ones for?

    3. GiselleNo5


      I have several plain totes ranging from 4"-9" tall. The day after throwing if I can't trim right away I put them in there with a lid. Keeps them workable for 1-2 weeks.

    4. Marko


      I was luck to have gotten some drying cabinets from a pottery business that closed. I knew the people, so the just gave them to me.

      They are aprox. 20x34 and about 6 foot tall. I wrapped them with plastic on 3 sides and a thick clear plastic for the door that I can hand roll up. I can adjust the shelves to fit the pottery.

      Although they were already built when I got them, I can honestly say they are not hard to make. And much more inexpensive than the wire ones ceramic suppliers s...

  2. I am missing the moderators and key resource/info people who are (recently) not here anymore---the place just ain't the same. 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. S. Dean

      S. Dean

      LeeU - I think if "mass migration" is a concern, then it is up to each of us to promote and maintain an active, vibrant and respectful community (as has, been our culture).  People come and go for a variety of reasons, and yes there are losses to lament.  However, it is the culture that  holds thing together over time.  There's an incredible amount of talent and knowledge on this forum today, and I'm thankful for the efforts of  the existing and new moderators that help make this a community where that knowledge and ideas can be shared.  

    3. Benzine


      Wow, where have I been?  I had no idea that John was no longer participating here. 

      That is unfortunate, especially if it was because of conflict/ disagreement with other posters.

      I have seen too many posters leave, for such reasons. 

      I have never taken anything, people have said here, personal.  If my views are questioned, I either further explain myself, or rethink my stance.   I am not the authority, that some former and current members are, so I have less to lose in a debate, but I am still always open to a health discussion.  If it turns negative, I just walk away...  That's exactly what I preach to my students, so I have to lead by example right?

    4. glazenerd


      Lee: many changes have happened in the last few months. It is more than just John and Bruce leaving us: the whole forum format has changed. Lots of us are still struggling trying to get use to the new layout: myself included. I much preferred the old version, most miss the "at a glance"  ease of use. 

      It will take Min and Neil awhile to get use to their new roles: so they are dealing with newness as well. This forum is no different than life, people move in and out of it all the time. We are approaching 30,000 members and perhaps 100 post on any regular basis. Give it some time to adjust from the changes and the disruptions: and it will level out. John and Bruce will certainly be missed.

  3. Well,  hot diggity dog--I have received an invite from the Ceramics Art Network's magazine, Ceramics Monthly, to write a short article w/pics for the Quick Tip series. It will be about my simple "works for me" inventory/storage system.

  4. Well, it's got nuthin to do with ceramics, but  a big black bear just helped himself to the suet cakes hanging from my car port roof. He made a crushed wire mess of my pricey squirrel proof double cake suet hanger. I've been hanging suet for 8 years w/o being visited by a big fuzzy thief.  Guess I won't be putting that out anymore. Did I mention he was big? (And beautiful-a treat to see, truth be told).

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lgusten


      Up on the porch is too close!!!  We occasionally have bears wander down....but it makes the news.  And the wildlife people are very good about getting the word out to not disturb the bears as they will wander back home.   Hopefully, your bear will wander back on the ridge.  You could put the feed on the ground....most of our birds will eat the seed the deer have spilled from the feeders.  

    3. LeeU


      I'll have to put my bear claws clay stamps to good use so I'm not clogging up the board with off-topic stuff! I'll make more biz card holders. There were 3  last nite--very unusual--mom  & 2 cubs--got in all the trash ready for pick up.  We're a single little street at the base of a small mountain, and near a big lake. The landlord called the fish & game guys--I think they encouraged them to go back home using the scent of dogs.  


      DT 1.jpg

    4. lgusten


      The bear stories are artistic inspiration.  We now have some fodder for our creative sides.  I have been working on a bear shape for my animal figures. 

  5. So glad this site is back!!!!! Thanks to whoever fixed the problem!

  6. I am thrilled to be turning down my first commission request! I am not going to do orders to specifications, but I will accommodate the person  by offering a few "close to/very similar" objects based on the desired attributes. 



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roberta12


      Lee, can you tell me how you turned down the commission work?  For instance, what words did you say?  I just got a request from a customer today saying that she wants 3 more mugs like the one she bought from me in December only she wants red hearts and she wants things written on them and ......  I have to be able to nicely turn down some custom work.......


    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I tell them I do not write words or do special orders.

    4. Roberta12


      I knew it, I knew it, I knew you would say that, Mark!!!   My husband said, no,  Just tell them no.  

  7. Dang!! Thanks to everyone helping me get this done...especially Ron and the magic of the url! I now have an avatar I can live with.

  8. My "mixed mess" single fire came out beautifully! And the few pieces that did not do so well taught me what I needed to know.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I always learn the most from my mistakes. The stuff that goes right I get so happy I forget what I did right! Glad you learned so much and got good results at the same time.

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      post some pictures of both successes and failure with explanation if you could.


    4. Roberta12


      Great job, Lee!! Love those experiments!


  9. Taking small, managable, bites---I am finding I do much better work if I consciously limit my times & tasks to the time it takes for any body part or cluster of brain cells to start to be uncomfortable. "Quit while you are ahead" is my new daily mantra!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Denice


      That is also my new mantra.

    3. LeeU


      My former small business ofmany years was called Two Steps Forward (as in...one step back), so I guess some of what I learned from that focus was not to try to move too fast LOL.

    4. Marko


      Move as your feel comfortable with. And then move again. Or wax on, wax off. ;)

  10. Posted some pics of my studio reorganization efforts in my gallery

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LeeU


      It's shear self-preservation-lack of containment makes me crazy! I even used some masking tape to put labels on shelf edges to keep me "honest"-plus I just plain forget where I get stuff from. Old Lady-great tip-thanks! Appreciate all the comments. Well, I appreciate everything about this site!

    3. Roberta12


      It really does look good Lee. You inspired me to rethink my little space. Been measuring and going to rearrange slightly.

    4. Pres
  11. Started in on my first clay toy for a small event later this summer. Not so easy, but feels great to be back in the studio.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roberta12


      Lee, I think that carving must be your super power!  Great shape!


    3. Gabby


      Beautiful turtle. Every Wednesday morning I start my day by greeting two very slow and peaceful Asian Brown Tortoises. Isn't the tortoise a good luck symbol?

    4. Denice


      Great turtle, if you decide you want to sell it in your on-line store you could make a press mold.   Use some paper clay to keep the weight down.    Denice

  12. I tweaked my web site a bit more-a lot of of work, need descriptions, a shopping cart, and much more stuff. Probably shouldn't have published it yet, but oh well!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. glazenerd


      Happy sales LeeU, I wish you every good success.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I looked at your site, looking good so far, keep up the hard work!

    4. Roberta12


      I liked the contrast between the background and the lettering.


  13. I am putting my Bailey table top slab roller together and have to rearrange my studio to accommodate it, which is energizing me out of the tail end of a slump I have been plagued with. Clay is good for the health!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amy Eberhardt

      Amy Eberhardt

      Just color me pea green with envy about the slab roller!

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Kick starts are good!! Ride it!


    4. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      You will love having a slab roller!!

  14. Holy cannoli----my Termal-lites, which I have waited for 6 months to come from Germany, are now at Bailey's!  


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      OK, the computer says i do not want Termal-lites, i want Thermal lights and only that!    so what is this?

    3. Min
    4. LeeU


      @oldlady  Thermal-Lite Advanced Formula Nitride-Bonded Silicon Carbide shelves  ---and trust me, if you can afford them, you want them!!!!! :)

  15. Aarrgghhh...we only got a few weeks notice that the guild I belong to is doing a raku demo 10/28.  I just emptied my kiln and I do not have anything low fire to fill it with,  so I could bisque (required) a few raku pieces for the event.  I'm going to try to crank out a lot of ^5 and bisque that along with the raku clay. I don't want to pass up the opportunity.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benzine


      Careful, Raku is addictive...

      It's the gateway to other alternative firing methods.

    3. JohnnyK


      One of the great things about building your own Raku kiln is that you con make pots whenever you want and fire them whenever you want. As you have suggested, I have both ^5 building sessions and Raku building sessions, bisque firing them at the same time, and having the pots available to glaze and fire at any time. Hope you get your pieces made in time for the demo!

    4. LeeU


      My landlord has been wonderful about allowing me to install the electric kiln (closed in back porch) & a studio (was the bedroom) in my trailer, but there is not an inch of space to spare & I'm not permitted to do anything out in the yard.  I did get my pieces done though, & will bisque this week. 


  16. Phooey--table top slab roller is "stuttering"--all bodies, all thicknesses.  Might be a broken sprocket. I hate having to take things apart and not being able to use something until I figure out what is wrong, how to fix it, and then do it, if I can.  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LeeU


      It's a Bailey...if I can't locate the problem I'll give them a call! 

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I have had 2 Baileys, dual rollers. Is yours dual rollers?


    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      they have good tech support.


  17. The challenge to Self these days is my old nemesis--lack of patience. So, to push myself into either a state of growing frustration or a state of growing acceptance, I am making myself replay old scenes in the hidden objects game June's Journey. That is a game that requires mega patience, on steroids. Why? you ask. Because I let myself actually run out of clay--all three of my main types. I ordered some, and they are out of the one I need the most and need the fastest! Go figure.   Another lesson in patience, coming right up. (Yeah, they are getting in it and shipping it soon.):rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Denice


      I bought clay a couple of days ago,  I thought I was out.  I looked at the companies web site and it wasn't listed,  freaked me out.   I had tried several clays  for throwing and this one worked the best for me. Turned out they had a new website and the web designer didn't include it.    When I was making space for the clay I found two bags that were covered with mold,  I bought it around Christmas.  Never had clay mold this fast,  using it first.   Denice

    3. JohnnyK


      I heard from a pro potter that, like bleu cheese, mold in clay is good...

    4. Denice


      That is what it looks like, it is suppose to throw better.   I remember potters putting beer in when they were mixing clay they thought it would mold faster.   Denice

  18. I've been largely offline due to two surgeries and recovery time I think the whole world should know that it took me the equivalent of over 3 days to cull through -- judiciously picking and choosing only some things to check on -- CAD forums, Facebook, and LinkedIn! I empathize w/Evelyn..my studio is essentially shut down for now-just can't do it yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      PT can do amazing things. I used to not be able to put my arms above my shoulders. Now I can put my son on my shoulders. It's worth taking the time to do it right. Best to you.

    3. PRankin


      Just worry about healing and recuperating and taking care of yourself. The pottery will still be there when you are able to give it attention.

    4. Marko


      Well that's no fun. I hope you will spinning your wheel again soon.

  19. Not happy, not happy. I went to change my profile picture and no matter what I do---and yes, I have read and tried suggestions/instructions from this site--it will not "take" anything, including my original pic. Phooey.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marko


      Get with admin.

    3. GEP


      LeeU, are you trying to use your new logo as your avatar? If so, then I think your image is too large at 2300 pixels wide. Try uploading a smaller version. It only needs to be about 300 pixels wide.

    4. LeeU


      Still failed ...contacted an administrator.



  20. Score!! A potter in NH is selling off most of her studio, so I got myself over a $100 (retail) worth of tools for $15. Yee haw!

  21. Enjoying the building excitement of waiting for the kiln to cool down.

  22. Getting back into the swing of things, finally! Did a bunch of small treat trays, using my new slab roller-felt good to do "something--anything" LOL.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. glazenerd


      Glad your health is back- and your doing what you love.

    3. Min


      happy for you!

    4. Clay Butterfly

      Clay Butterfly

      oooh fun! I got myself a very basic slab roller too recently. Treat trays sound nice!

  23. Well, it's time to get back to work! I wish I didn't have such a negative feeling about having to wedge all that clay, thorough...I have been procrastinating going back in the studio because of that! My priority now is to work on an attitude adjustment!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Why are you wedging lots of clay? Reclaim?

    3. GiselleNo5


      I know just how you feel. I have about 30 lbs to do myself. :(

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      if your clay is coming in a box , be sure to drop it into the floor a few times on each side to soften it up. Don't wedge hard clay.


  24. Getting ready to test some underglazes in a cone 05 fire; the completed studio reorg is downright inspiring-I can find everything and have more working space!

  25. Just put a few newly fired (cone 6) pieces in my gallery.

    1. Joseph Fireborn
    2. LeeU


      That will teach me to never again say I "just" posted when I actually hadn't gotten to it and was ass-backwards!! LOL

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      There they are. Ohhh ahhh. Very nice work.


      Your glossy surfaces look great! Beautiful outsides with the natural clay. I am a big fan of that.

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