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Status Updates posted by Pres

  1. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LeeU


      Sorry to hear it-glad that it sounds like there is hope for a light at the end of the tunnel--best wishes!


    3. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      I used to work in a physio clinic. No one ever likes the foam roller, but the evil thing works!

    4. Pres


      Hammer massager worked quite well, and not that I have one I use it on my shoulders and legs a bit after a hot shower. Loosens things up well. Just have to be careful not to over do.

  2. Going to help with the adult class at the HS next 5-6 Saturdays.


    1. Denice


      I hope you have a good time.  One summer I took a three day tile course at a junior college.  We slept in a dorm at night and found our own meals during the day.   I had been making tile for several years and thought maybe I  could increase my knowledge on the subject.   At the beginning of the first day I realized that I was mistaken.  Most of the people there had never worked with clay.  The class was doubled book and one of the teachers was sick. A overwhelmed teacher asked me if I would help with the class.  I really enjoyed helping the students,  I think I would have been bored out of my mind  with the elementary presentations.  Denice

    2. Pres


      I taught in this position for 36 yrs, started the adult class. The new teacher 2nd after my retirement, treats me like a king. Great guy, and has kids coming in for the class along with adults. Lots of fun, and the interaction that I miss is marvelous. Teaching can be so rewarding, and often you learn something by teaching others.



  3. Sue and I celebrate our 50th anniversary today!



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GEP


      Congratulations to you both!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Just as long as I have been married to clay -no ring to show for it



    4. Jeff Longtin

      Jeff Longtin

      Congrats! Thats fantastic!

  4. potentiometer for the CXC Brent arrived today, put it in when I find a few minutes. Flooding did the thing in!

    1. Pyewackette


      FLOODING?  What happened?

    2. Pres


      Don't really know, Walked into the shop after the snow and ice we had, it was thawing outside. The shop had 4" of ice on the floor covering the foot pedal, the extension socket on the floor, and some of the bisqueware on the floor along with many other items. All thawed out, but the damage to the foot pedal and the extension socket. Easy enough to fix, As to where the water came from 3 possibilities: drain in the floor that leads to an underground river, brick walls that are worn after the last century, and the garage door that does not have a lip, just a rubber seal on the door itself. Who knows!! First time it ever happened in over 20 years.

    3. Pyewackette


      OMG well maybe set the foot pedal and extension thingy up on the wheel when not in use?  Of course I'm an abnormally clean potter and I always leave my station shiny.  Wouldn't work for someone who cleans Simon Leach style.  I mean I love the guy but his work space makes me shudder ...

      Glad the damage wasn't worse.

  5. Did you get my email yesterday?


  6. Shop is a disaster right now. The ice and snow melt outside found a way into the garage, and has frozen into 3" of mess. Shop has never had water in it before, and containers of bisqueware and bisqueware were setting on the floor and now is frozen in place after the heat being on for two days to try and thaw it. Will be vacuuming up water today. Lucky the GFCI was installed 3 years ago, as it did flip,  Extension cord to wheel with circuit box was laying in the ice!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      so sorry to hear this!

    3. nspeirs


      Hope you are managing to get dried out

    4. Pres


      Shop electric heat has been on for 3 days, ice melted, and has been vacuumed up. Glaze mixing started yesterday, Glazing this week on clear days. However the forecast looks bleak for much more than base glazing. 

  7. 5F. This morning, brutal, with snow/ice expected tonight, up to 12"!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Pres


      Yeah, my wife fell while getting into the car. .alone. Laid under the car for 30 minutes before my daughter found her. Broke her hip, could have been worse as it was winter cold, icy, and I would not be home for hours. Didn't have her phone.

    3. Denice


      That must have been awful for your wife to lay in pain like that not knowing when someone would find her.  I was amazed how many people that drove by and waved as I laying on the sidewalk like a fish out of water.   I  at least had a nice warm day to lay around.   I have a new phone and ordered a tough case with a lanyard for it.  I am thinking about getting a hiking stick when I walk  in the yard and flower beds.  It wouldn't have helped with this accident but may prevent future ones.  I was taking photos of our 4'x5' Century Plant that has huge thorns,  I am glad I missed it when I tripped.  Denice

    4. Pres


      Things happen, as we get older we need to make adjustments. We were told getting old were the "Golden Years". nobody mentioned that they were tarnished!

  8. My wife's fracture is a spiral involving the prothesis. Present treatment is continue to wear brace/sling and see if arm will heal on its own. If not, future surgery will require plate and bone graft.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LeeU


      sounds absolutely awful--best wishes

    3. Pres


      Last of heavy meds only at night now. Nothing during the day. She is doing pretty well.

    4. Roberta12


      That sounds brutal Pres!  Send her my best thoughts for healing!


  9. Putting my bisque firing off until at least the weekend. Started firing yesterday, but gas explosion caused loss of electric. Area soil is full of nat gas. . . one of reasons electric was off for 24 hrs.

    1. Min


      Have a safe weekend. Don't need something like that happening twice in a lifetime. My husband worked in a mill years ago where a lot of fine sawdust was generated. There was a fire by one of the machines and the operator shut the big fans off. This caused the fuel to oxygen ratio to increase which resulted in an explosion. Running a fan while firing the kiln might be an idea so any remaining gas doesn't accumulate. 

    2. Pres


      As my thinking follows never assume, I went to mayor's office on Wednesday, asking about firing the kiln. Mayor told me to go down to the guys working on the street from the gas company, and ask. Top guy there told me that there was no problem with the gas now at my side of the block evidenced by the road being opened and that their testing showed that the soil was no longer saturated. I explained that I was in a garage in back of the house with the firing and the garage was over the river tunnel. He said all of that had been cleared. Fired the kiln that day. The cone adjustment of -35 is not quite right. Next firing will be with cone adjustment of -30. Getting there.

  10. Kiln wiring is in, will set up wifi, and update software and then run an empty test firing.

  11. Kiln arrived yesterday, and is now in the shop. I am in the process of reassembling, and have an electrician coming to do whatever needs done with the wiring into service. I am also getting ready to set the vent into the chimney at back corner.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pres


      Assembled, now I am waiting on electrician.


      When the old J236 broke down, it was in the middle of a firing. The cones had turned white, and the pots were all glaze fired, but lacked depth and appropriate hardness. I believe the kiln reached about 2150F. Therefore, I have enough of a load to fire in the new kiln. The old kiln would hold 2 patens(plates) at a layer with overlap of rims at different heights. The new kiln will handle 3 to a layer, and will handle quite a load of chalices at the top levels.  The first firing will not be packed, but will get me used to what is going on.

    3. GEP


      Congrats, Pres! 

    4. dondon


      great news! hee hee exciting....x

  12. New kiln was shipped today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      congrats on entering the 20th century!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Congrats-I still am in the Stone Age with a Manuel kiln. Enjoy all the time off after the learning curve.

    4. Pres


      Received a call today from shipper.  Kiln will be delivered tomorrow morning. Asked for it early as I have appointments (bowling) in the afternoon.

      Have to have it dropped at the driveway. Luckily tomorrow is a no rain day.

  13. Snowing hard here since yesterday. Looks like about 6" so far. supposed to stop about 5 am!


    1. Denice


      It is going to be in the mid 50's this week but cold is moving our way this weekend.   The weatherman said it could get down to 10 degrees,   my husband will have to finish my Century plant cover before that happens.   I would rather have snow  and not so cold.    Denice

    2. Pres


      temps are running mid 20's during the day. Snow was about 10" still lightly snowing, but am dug out.


  14. Working on regular butter dishes. I made one for Christmas last year for a niece, now all of the aunts want one this year. Trying to be more efficient than on off.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pres


      Hope that gave you some ideas Min. The grooves in the molding actually help me get pretty straight cuts as one groove is wide and I use the outside edge for cutting the end, and the inside edge for cutting the sides.



    3. Min


      I like your molding idea to create the step in the base. In Canada butter mostly comes in 1 lb blocks so I'm thinking more of a box shape rather than a rectangle to fit part of a block of butter.

    4. Pres


      Sounds like it would work, pick your molding carefully. Mine was a window/doorway molding.




  15. Bisque load is off. Glazing tomorrow and Monday.


  16. Popping popcorn and mailing out communion sets.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Denice


      I have never heard of using popcorn for packing material.   We just save the packing material we receive in the mail.   We just ran out of boxes and my husband needed to send a car part he had sold on E-bay.   To solve our problem decided to order some groceries from Walmart,  if you spend over $35 you get free freight.   So far we have received only a fourth of our order but it was in a nice sturdy box.   As  our order trickles in we will be getting more boxes,  I got a e-mail notifying me of a back order.  I am glad I didn't order anything I was in desperate need of.   Denice

    3. Pres


      We go out once in a while, I had to go to State College on Monday afternoon as I was running out of popcorn and bubble wrap. Groceries once every 10 days or so, masks, etc. Staying in otherwise.

      I have been using popcorn for years. Haven't lost a pot as long as I compress the box and wrap pieces individually in bubble wrap. 

    4. Denice


      I was wondering if you also wrapped them in bubble wrap.

  17. Finished a bisque of patens, firing was weird. So checked out the elements with the ohm meter. Top element is dead. Have backups, will put in before glaze load.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pres



      I would think they can be shipped up there. However, with you being on the West coast, it really isn't a good idea with the shipping.

      I could have fired it without, but it will reach temp quicker this way. Gotta love L&L for the element holders.

    3. Min


      I think I'm just going to have to covet your L&L from afar, can't really justify buying another kiln. ^_^

    4. Pres


      I understand that, have been considering a new kiln, but the old on is 30 and doing well. I keep replacing whatever needs replacing.


  18. Amazing how much a changed fuse set in level 3 of my manual L&L has messed up my timing. Over fired a glaze and a bisque!!@#@#$!!

  19. Started a firing last night, something told me no right. I turned it off and waited til it cooled but, not before I noticed top coil was not firing. Later found that the SC-20 fuse on the right side on top layer was blown! No replacements until this morning with a walk to Ace Hardware. Firing now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Denice


      I am  glad you listen to your gut,  I get  gut feeling also.   I almost lost a lot of money not listening to my gut.   It was a big decorating job  of a well know local celebrity.   They had fired the decorator and wanted me to take over the job.  I didn't want to do it  but friends and relatives talked me into it.  Before I had any time or money invested in it they decided to give the last decorator another chance.  I was so relieved,  later in the year I found out that they didn't pay any of their subcontractors.  I could have lost $50,000 on a job like that.   I don't let anyone talk me in to something I have a bad gut feeling about anymore.    Happy birthday,  I will be 67 October 15.   Denice

    3. Pres


      70 here folks, thanks for the best wishes!




    4. Pres


      8 pm, Kiln dropping ^5 right now, 




  20. Kiln was sold probably before posted here. So I didn't get it! Dang!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. oldlady


      there are 2 kilns advertised on craigslist for long island.  one has only one sentence about a paragon Dragon.  no phone number, posted awhile ago.   the other is for a paragon Viking and is current per a phone call this morning.   PRESTON, PLEASE CONTACT THEM.   SEE MY PM TO YOU.

    3. Pres


      Really will hold out for an L&L, mine is nearly 30 now and still runs great.. . . not sure of others out there. Thanks for thinking of me.


    4. oldlady


      OK, i will stop looking.   it is just that kilns with controllers and all the shelves and other goodies do not come up very often so i jumped on it.   hope something L&L comes up soon.

  21. First glaze load of the year, pitchers and bowls, patens for chalice sets, orders start out this week.

  22. In Honolulu this week. We get on cruise ship on Saturday. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      Have a wonderful trip!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      One other off then radar thing is the early morning fish wholesale market-its opens at dark 30 and is worth going to to see them auction off all the days giant tuna and all restaurant fish for all of the islands-I did it 20 years ago and it was a highlite.Check it out

    4. Pres


      Bishop Museum today was great. New building, and some additions I had hot seen. In ten years this town has really built up. We are at the Ohana about one block from the International Market place. Nice room. I could only do a few days at Aulani, price and boredom.

  23. Rain once more here, pots are taking a long time to dry, but makes it easier to assemble after throwing lots of pieces.


    1. JohnnyK


      Rain...? What's that? We haven't seen rain here in the Sacramento, CA area since early May and probably won't be seeing it for another 2 months. Something to look forward to along with the shorter days...more time to spend in the studio when the sun goes down :)

  24. Took an afternoon off after grinding bottoms of latest glaze load. Went Kayaking with my grand daughter.

    1. Benzine


      Living the dream Pres... Minus the grinding I would imagine.

    2. Pres


      Oh yeah, but grinding is even easier now. Got a diamond disc a few conferences ago, glued it onto a bat, attached to wheel with sponge of water, grinding is actually fine!

    3. Benzine


      Then indeed, living the dream.

  25. Crazy things happen. . . another tip to be published in Ceramics Monthly this next month.

    1. GEP


      Congrats, and I’m looking forward to reading it! I’m working on one too, to be published in a few months. 

    2. Pres


      Mine is really so simple, posted it here a while back.

    3. glazenerd


      Congrats to both of you.

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