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Status Updates posted by Pres

  1. Pkqw: Week 3 is posted. Week 2 answers are up also.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      Thanks, I hope to improve as I go. A good OCR is helpful.

    3. Pres


      Good to hear.

  2. Posted some bowls and Communion sets on the blog last night.

    1. Joseph Fireborn
    2. Roberta12


      A wonderful commission! Beautiful work!

  3. Started to send out Communion sets this week.

    1. glazenerd


      always a good feeling to close out an order.

    2. Marko
    3. Pres


      Definitely Holy!

  4. Glaze load turned out well, not now to smooth bottoms and store for future orders..

    1. Marko


      Happiness is a well throw glazed pot. kudos to ya Pres.

  5. Glaze firing started yesterday, kiln open on low at 5pm, 8pm closed with no plugs at high, 12am backed to 3/4, checked at 3am,up at 7 to check , ^6 nearly down-turned all to high, 7:20 am ^6 is down, kiln cut back to 30% turn off soon by noon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      Sounds like looking after a baby in the night. Be nice if they had come with an "off" switch.

    3. Pres


      3 am wake up was mine, no alarm, but in the past I have found that best not ignore a wakeup-just get dressed and go check. . too bad it was snowing!

    4. glazenerd


      I get the "way we always did it", that way myself building houses. I am however very attached to my digital controllers.

  6. Posted video of opening up a bowl with the elbow at my blog site, Had said I would post it a year ago, but didn't make it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. glazenerd


      Pres- very much appreciate you taking the time to explain the details.

    3. GiselleNo5


      Oh my goodness! How annoying of Google!! Well anyway I very much enjoyed reading the post and watching the video and I am totally going to try it with larger quantities of clay. So helpful!

    4. Pres


      Thanks all. . .Pres

  7. Another day of the Adult Ceramics class. Regular teacher could not be there, so I had another art teacher as the teacher while I assisted. Demonstrated a 3lb bowl first then a 15lb with elbow open up. Lots of fun. Will keep the for door prizes.

    1. glazenerd


      Sounds like you enjoyed it more than the students- a good thing.

    2. Marko


      Your students are so fortunate to have you at the helm.

  8. Going to help out with the Adult Ceramics classes on Saturdays for the next 8 weeks at the HS I worked at.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marko


      I know they will benefit most and you'll be happy for it.

    3. Pres


      I like demonstrate, and teach. Keeping records and attendance was always a drag.

    4. GEP


      Sounds like fun!

  9. Away from the house and shop to go hunting with my Dad for the next week or so. I try to spend as much time as I can with him.

    1. glazenerd


      Very wise decision. I buried my dad 5 years ago.

    2. Pres


      My Dad is 90, and still does most of the driving-for those of you that are hunters.

  10. I had a small article posted in Ceramics Monthly, Tips and Tools page, December 2016. NO big deal but then Whooo Hoo!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Min
    3. Babs


      YOu would have heaps to contribute Pres.

      Well done!

    4. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      My issue has not arrived yet-Its always weeks slow in the west.

  11. Dealing with bursitis right now. . should have known better than to cut in ceilings without breaks for painting rental. Oh well, no clay for a while.

    1. glazenerd


      I feel your pain Pres> I use to hang drywall, sub that work out now.

    2. Pres


      Don't have the golds in the LLC to sub anything out.

    3. Marko


      hang in there? JK Pres. I hope you feel better.

  12. New pig tail in, jumper, and holders replaced. Elements were within specs for firing. One set of fuses replaced, and everything put away. Now firing in 99F. heat.

  13. Replacing elements this week, along with some element holders and bricks, One of the pigtails is also being replaced after a failed bisque. Hmmm one blow up also. First one in many years, humidity!

    1. glazenerd


      We have been bouncing between 50-70% humidity for over 2 weeks. soggy!

    2. firenflux


      It's only humid in Tucson for maybe 15 minutes after it rains. Then the ground soaks it up and it's back to a dry heat.

  14. Back from Yosemite, now to get some time to work with all the other CRAP going on.

    1. GiselleNo5


      :/ Well at least it will all go away for awhile with the help of the clay.


  15. Heading to Yosemite, Kings, and Sequoia next week, be gone for 8 days. Hope to have wifi. Hope to see some potters and potteries

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I,m only 9 hours away pres

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I,m only 9 hours away pres

    4. Pres


      Mark, I would love to visit, but 9hrs is a bit tough. We fly into Sacramento then have the drive down, and the drive to kings and sequoia.

  16. Glaze load turned off this morning at 4:30 am, potter slept in after breakfast til noon! Open bowls tomorrow at JH school. Hard cone6

    1. glazenerd


      and I thought I was the only one who stood over my kiln during firing.

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I went the other way and got bit

  17. Will be helping with adult ceramics class on Saturdays for next 5 weeks. Will not make last class as it is on the 19th of March. I will be returning from NCECA.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      see you there Pres!


    2. Pres


      Looking forward to seeing you too!

  18. Getting ready to run a load of teapots and bowls. Caught cold hunting, so things are going . . . slow!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pres


      PA deer season will close this weekend. I still have not shut down as I have stuff yet to finish, and no, it is not fun!

    3. dhPotter


      Are you having any luck? It has been real mild here in MS. Sunday, I got a nice 8pt chasing a doe, 180 lbs - big for here. Good Luck!

    4. Pres


      Mississippi, wow, thought your deer were smaller than that-he was a big un. No luck, but my son got 5 pt. about 170.

  19. New wedding jar in glaze load today for my nephew. No cone 7 mistake hopefully.

    1. Benzine


      Did you making an offering to the Kiln Gods, just to be safe? When is the Wedding?

    2. Pres


      This weekend. NO offering, but stayed up til 2 babying it along. It should be spot on hard 6.

    3. Benzine


      I have a Wedding in mid-December, so I've got plenty of time to make the gift...

  20. Posted 6 teapots on the blog today, videos turned out well

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Pres, congrats! Those are beautiful tea pots. The gator is my favorite!

    3. GEP
    4. NFallon


      Very nice work...nice texture work.

  21. Aiiieee! kiln hit a hard cone 7. Top is darker, but lower levels not too bad.

    1. Benzine


      Is this like a variation of the adage "A watched pot never boils"? Instead, "An unwatched kiln always over-fires."...

    2. Pres


      Settings were line up for shut off in the morning. Nothing on high. under est. by 30 minutes is my best guess. Nothing ruined.

    3. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Yikes!! That's always scary. Piccies? ^_^

  22. Waxed bottoms of all pieces, start glazing tomorrow, and fire hopefully on Wed night

    1. Marko


      What I tried to do today. hehe. Too many distractions.

      Do you have an amount you make before you wax and glaze? I been trying to workout a schedule.

    2. Pres


      I usually fire the bisque, then while unloading clean and wax. This way whenever I decide to glaze fire part of the job is done. wax will stay there forever.

    3. Marko


      Cool. This is very helpful, believe it or not. It's very efficient.

      Now, if I can loose the distractions. Thanks a heep.

  23. Waxed bottoms of all pieces, start glazing tomorrow, and fire hopefully on Wed night

  24. Big bisque load in last night, 8 teapots, mugs, chalices, mortar and pestles, lot of stuff to glaze this week during the warmer 60F. days.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      EIGHT teapots?! Wow... you have been busy!

    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Nice. Firing a bisque right now myself. Full of bowls.

  25. Last of Communion sets sent ut today. Now to get started on other work.

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