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Mark C.

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Status Updates posted by Mark C.

  1. Two more glaze fires this weekend-a overnight trip to SF and  back then  off to Balli  to get underwater for some time

    1. Denice


      I hope you get some great shots,  have fun.   Denice

  2. Unloaded two glaze fires today

    Backstock is piling up like never before

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      More like I had a show worth and broke my arm and cancelled show so now I'm swimming in stock

    3. Gabby


      Do you have space to store things until the next shows?

    4. Mark C.
  3. unloaded two great kiln loads-xmas stock is piling up-Back to working with 5#s of clay now-broken arm is coming along nicely now at 6 weeks .

    1. lgusten


      Good News!!!!  Glad you are mending well!

    2. Rae Reich
    3. Min
  4. Unloading last two kilns on Friday for really big show out of state in a week.Packing dive gear into van as well.Then taking a summer break from clay for few weeks-hopefully catch some tuna during that period.

  5. unloading two glaze fire this afternoon-I have about 4 sake sets in them.One is a wedding gift

  6. unloading two kilns today and making pots in this weeks heat wave

  7. We have close relatives who are evacuated now and do not know whether they still have a house standing.Its very bad scene now as the fires move around with the big winds.

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Be safe! Hope all is not lost.

    2. Denice


      I have seen the photo on TV they are devastating, people are digging through ashes and then the poor wineries.  Kansas had fires like this earlier this summer,  killing thousands of livestock animals.   It was caused by drought and poor management of land.  We have a invasive cedar tree here that needs to be kept cleared off the land.  They fill the property in no time and  go up like roman candle fireworks when they catch on fire.  They are trying to get landowners to clear them,  I haven't seen any of that happening.   Denice

    3. Benzine


      My thoughts are with all those affected by these fires.  

      I couldn't believe how quickly the fires took hold.  They seemed to come out of nowhere, but of course this could just be because the news didn't initially cover it.

  8. You are my 1st response so I will get them packed up to ship out next week.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. See See

      See See

      They arrived safe and sound. they are large, I'll get payment on the way. thank you

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Did the sponge holder make it in one piece?

    4. See See

      See See

      Yes it did. My wife found a place for it right away! Very cool, thank you

  9. !st bisgue after taking a break after big show. Back to clay again-Fall production is starting like it or not

    1. GiselleNo5


      Have fun! Give youself time to make something new!

  10. 10 things going at once-when will it end ?Grasshopper says Dec 25th

    1. GEP


      no kidding ... just got back from haircut/groceries/gas station ... now to finish studio work, pack for tomorrow's show, make dinner, try to turn in early because I'm getting up at 4am tomorrow.

  11. 1st big kiln glaze fire and second little kiln glaze fire

  12. 2 glaze fires going today-xmas beat is picking up

    1. GiselleNo5


      Oh my word. I'm doing around one per month, or even every other month.

    2. GEP


      I'm in xmas mode too. four wholesale orders, three shows.

    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      <3 you are so inspiring with your # of work!


  13. 2nd car kiln bisque of year turned off today

  14. 4 glaze fires this week-my last glaze Friday until later in February

    1. GiselleNo5


      Enjoy the break! I suppose there will be lots of fishing? ;)

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I wish seas are rough all winter -maybe some crab if they ever open that season.

  15. 4th of July show my 43rd in a row-wonder whats it like not to work on that day??

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      it is nice but you have to calm down the animals because of the fireworks.


    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      We have no animals at this time-first time in 40 years without a cat or two or a dog.

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Enjoy the 4th and hope you have a good sale.

  16. 8 New burners on the car kiln-1st bisque in am with them

  17. after a 4 day break and a 2400 mile drive I'm setting the booth up agin for 13 days in am in my small town-my 37 the year at this location

  18. always fire a kiln today

  19. another big kiln glaze fire today.Show pots are starting to pile up.

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      and then soon vanish.

  20. another bisque fire then Monday is crabbing day

    1. oldlady


      are you only crabby on monday? it is more fun to be crabby every day.

    2. Chilly


      When Mark and Old Lady retire from potting, they should do a double act.


    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Dungeness crabs for eating from the ocean-we got 30

  21. another Glaze day on Friday-to kilns again.firing a bisque tonight

  22. Another glaze fire today-lots of tests in this one

  23. Apple juicing on Saturday -big apple year

    1. GiselleNo5


      Mmmmm fresh apple cider!


    2. Marko


      Apple a day, keeps the potter in clay?

  24. back for 4 days from Hawaii-loaded and fired bisque and two glazes fires.unload wens afternoon and drive Thursday to a show at UC Davis.Whole Earth Festival

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      sleepy molokai

      busy Kona

      trip was great

    3. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Buddy, you are the dang Energizer bunny. :)

    4. glazenerd


      When you post about slowing down; that means you are going to fire the 42Cf once a week instead of twice?

  25. Back from a 2,300 mile show drive.I'm spaced out

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      You are hardcore, dude. I start whining at 250!

    2. Amy Eberhardt

      Amy Eberhardt

      Pffft! I start sniveling after just 10!! Yes, I'm a home-body....

    3. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      I could drive up and down the whole country 8 times doing that millage!

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