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Everything posted by glazenerd

  1. glazenerd


    This one has my attention.
  2. First pugmill being delivered Friday, another one at the end of September. Now to find a straight mixer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. glazenerd


      Guess I have to wait another week, the delivery truck broke down yesterday.

    3. GiselleNo5
  3. Yes, choc. Brown would be 12-15 plus I would guess. Have never added over 4-5 %percent
  4. Big spread in percentages. Watching and waiting.
  5. Sitting out back, five feet from the hummingbird feeder, watching four of them fight over it. Amazing little creatures.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Have had two get stuck in my garage ... takes some doing to get them out!

    3. Denice


      I had that happen also, we tried everything even ran down to the store and bought a feeder and put sugar water in it. They finally left when it was lighter outside than in the garage.

  6. One of these days I will be this organized. One of these days.
  7. From the album: Crystalline Glaze / Tile

    New cone 11 porcelain body, with crystalline glaze. Only given 30 minute soak time.

    © TJA 2017

  8. Getting large pieces symmetrical correct is an art of itself. Well done.
  9. From the album: Clay Tests

    New cone 04 colored porcelain body, with colored porcelain inserts.

    © TJA 2017

  10. Pieter: When I have chemically etched materials they separate out into carbons, solids, and metals. I would agree soluble salts are clinging to the sides: but by chance are those carbons floating? I do not know what the LOI of colemanite is off the top of my head, or how high you calcined this material.
  11. From the album: Clay Tests

    Experimental cone six porcelain with colorants, to produce an almond body. The idea was to replicate a stoneware look on a pure porcelain body.

    © TJA 2017

  12. Have 3 cone 04 experimental colored porcelain cooking, pictures later tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. glazenerd


      Like I said, need to test several 04 glaze recipes.

    3. Joseph Fireborn
    4. glazenerd


      Joseph, got so involved in developing the clay, sorta forgot the glaze.

  13. Up in the wee hours as usual: have to take mom in for surgery this morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady
    3. glazenerd


      They ended up putting in an artificial shoulder joint: she had shattered the bone that badly. The real problem is her continuing to live on her own at 85. She has fallen several times in the last few months, and has always given me " reasons" why. As her POA, I have real concerns about her being by herself.

    4. GiselleNo5


      This is such a difficult place to be. I'm so sorry, Tom. :( She is very fortunate to have a lovely son like you to watch over her. I always tell my son that right now it's my turn to protect and take care of him and one day when I'm older it will be his turn to protect and watch over me.

  14. Finding your voice I see. Well done sir.
  15. After nearly two years of testing and writing formula limits: threw my final stoneware recipe this morning. Finally satisfied with the results.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. glazenerd


      Ty Giselle, Joseph, Ron.

    3. Min


      Oh dear! On a positive note she has family to help.

  16. Just threw a cone 04 porcelain frit ware piece: talk about throwing cream cheese.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      You will figure it out. The cream cheese comment busted me up. I can imagine trying to throw cream cheese. It would be awful.

    3. Pres


      Always thought porcelain was like throwing butter, but cream cheese works too!

  17. Could not imagine firing for four days. Guess I have become accustomed to my "microwave" style electric kiln. Punch in a few numbers and walk away.
  18. glazenerd

    JBaymore VaseForm

    Mark: John is adding crushed granite and other large particles to commercial clay.
  19. glazenerd

    IMG 7207

    Creativity at its best.love it. Sometimes the quiet statements in art, say the most.
  20. Was going to hit the like button, but apparently I ran out. So let me do this: " I like"
  21. glazenerd

    JBaymore VaseForm

    Starting to see why you are going for the large particle grogs: the forms require it.
  22. I would ask the influences for this form: but that is rather obvious.
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