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Up in Smoke Pottery

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    Sioux Falls, SD

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  1. Do you find sales better at small shows( <50 booths) or large shows(>200 booths) or somewhere in the middle? What is the worst booth neighbor to have... A). The German Roast Nuts....the intoxicating aroma becomes nauseating after a couple hours B). Kettle Korn, with the gas burner igniting every 10-15 mins drowning out all other sounds C). The Peruvian flute players playing their whole catalog of music from their CD's D). The overly chatty neighbor with no filter on what details they readily share E). Beer Tent Others????
  2. interesting question.... Bucket with sponge and chamois, wooded knife, needle tool, and a variety of ribs, wood, silicon, and metal, and of course the cut off wire. loop tool for trimming. and occasionally stamps or sprig molds for decoration.
  3. Plastic bags here also. Dry Cleaners bags, garbage bags, grocery bags, whatever plastic I have on hand. Keep many various sizes depending on what needs covered. Easily replaced, don't take up much room.
  4. Up in Smoke Pottery

    Pit Fired pieces

    Some of our Pit fired pieces. thanks for looking.
  5. Planning on doing a few "new" test in the next round of firings.... 1st will be on Monday. playing with some new chems. Thanks for the inspiration.
  6. Hi--just curious about the traffic for your website--is it generating sales? Do you have any idea "why" or "how" you are getting so much traffic (i.e  well known reputation, strong base of existing customers & interested others, targeted SEO skills, links to you placed on other sites???)  I enjoyed your videos and text & photos of your gorgeous work, by the way.  Lee U

    1. Up in Smoke Pottery

      Up in Smoke Pottery

      Lee U, sorry for the delay , at the current time, I do not sell from the website, I really don't think the photos do the pieces justice and do not show the depth of the coloring and patterns.   I did set a store up for the workshop, but decided to invoice them instead.  It would not be hard to activate it for the pottery pieces if I decide to go that route.

      I am not a huge techie, just got lucky with the use of meta keywords which helped me show up in searches.  Now as I understand it, the more clicks I get, the higher ranking I receive from internet searches, which helps keep me there.  I do a little social media, mainly on FB that links back to the site and vice versa.  Everything I did was done by following help files and reading a couple books on website building/design.

      Thanks for your kind words about our site and work.  Ha...the videos are cheesy, but get watched and shared  a lot.  I do need to do an updated Obvara one, got to talk one of my boys into being the camera guy again.




    2. Up in Smoke Pottery

      Up in Smoke Pottery

      Lee U, also it doesn't hurt to have @Marcia Selsor mention you and your website in the latest article she is featured in. :D  We do get several hits from Europe.  Thanks Marcia!

  7. For those who don't solely support themselves from pottery, what is your full / part time profession? If you reached the point self supporting in pottery, what jobs did you do along the way to fill the gaps?
  8. Up in Smoke Pottery


  9. just keep throwing,just keep throwing...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Up in Smoke Pottery

      Up in Smoke Pottery

      Thanks Marcia, been sidetracked for a while. Just loaded a couple obvara in the gallery from out last firing

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      will check them out.

  10. Frustrated with studio set up....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I have a lot of tables and glaze shelves on casters. Easy to move. I just built larger wheel top table for my wheel since visiting Antoinette's. Always room for improving. Got a magnetic roll of tape at Hoe depot for some throwing tools.


    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I have a lot of tables and glaze shelves on casters. Easy to move. I just built larger wheel top table for my wheel since visiting Antoinette's. Always room for improving. Got a magnetic roll of tape at Hoe depot for some throwing tools.


    4. GEP


      Start by throwing away everything single thing that you haven't touched in 12 months. You'll be amazed how much space you will find.

  11. few pit pieces from last firing in the gallery

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Why is it that you had lots of breaking this time?

    3. Up in Smoke Pottery

      Up in Smoke Pottery

      Too windy, heard pots pot and crack with every gust.

    4. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Awwww, so sorry. I know the feeling, hearing the pots crack in the pit... I once was weeping during a 3 hours fire. Hope your next fire will be better- and not much wind!

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