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Joseph Fireborn

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Everything posted by Joseph Fireborn

  1. It is amazing how easy it is to make good pots when your only working with 1 set of glazes. You can see the colors and things happening as you make it. Rather nice.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Nice. I plan on eventually adding more color to my work, but for now I am going to just explore these white/grey/brown tones.

    3. Marko


      Need to do that.

  2. What is this? Is this 3d printed or is someone crazy in the head and spent time weaving clay? Hahah. Its pretty awesome.
  3. For some reason I just always love this shape of your work. I am not usually a faceted fan, but I like your stuff this way.
  4. Today is my anniversary of pottery three years now. I posted an image on the gallery with more thoughts for anyone who wants to read it. Thanks to everyone here for all your wonderful help, thoughts, and support. Without you all I wouldn't be a potter.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Congrats on the 3 year mark-is that 3 years with clay from scratch 3 years ago?

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Yes. I have never touched potter until three years ago. I was bored out of my mind and needed something to do. Got addicted. It has been awesome. Mostly because of everyone here.

  5. Is the porcelain in the middle the black version cause it looks exactly the same as SIO-2 color. Interesting stuff. I can't wait to see them fired.
  6. Maybe finally found my main glaze for my work.. Firing it on a few larger pieces tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      maybe. still have a lot of work to do to find components that go with the glaze. A darker version to spray over, modifiers and fake ash glazes. but yea. the journey for a base might be near. which makes me happy tbh.


    3. High Bridge Pottery

      High Bridge Pottery

      At the end of the road lies another. Unless it's a dead end xD


    4. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Or your driveway. = )

  7. Experimenting with underglazes today, firing tonight. Kinda excited to get the burst of color I want on my pots.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. glazenerd


      Next time you are on the wheel, try dipping your finger into rio and make finger marks. See if it does any thing for you.

    3. Roberta12


      Beware, underglaze can be addictive. Use with caution!


    4. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I will try that Nerd. Roberta, we will see!

  8. That moment when you realize you went through 75# of clay making small yunomi and kept zero...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GiselleNo5


      And this is why it's called a process! :)


    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Aye! I enjoy the process more when I make things I love. I love yunomi. Thin beautiful cups. I figure I can apply to other cup shows in 2018 besides AKAR. There is one called SIP. I believe there are others as well. So I might be applying to a lot of those in 2018!

  9. When you love your greenware but dislike your glazed ware. #confused

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. GiselleNo5


      I have had a far more difficult time getting my glazes right than any other aspect of ceramics. I rarely have issues of any kind with the making process, if I'm going to have a problem it's always with the glazing. It can be really discouraging and the journey to success is different for everyone. It's such a disappointment when time after time you open the kiln and the results you see don't match the one you were going for. :(


    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Giselle. I can get my glazes pretty good now. I struggled with replicating results for a long time. But now my real problem is just picking a glaze and sticking to it. Although maybe it isn't a real problem. I do need to start using some glazes on actual work and listing it online for sale. I think I am just going to make yunomi and cups with handles for a while. They are my favorite to make anyways.

    4. GiselleNo5


      I tend to stick to about a half-dozen glazes, I don't think that's too many. How many do you have?


  10. This liner really makes the mug for me. I was looking back through your work and saw this. It is the perfect color for a soup mug inside.
  11. Out of the Earth, Into the Fire. On it's way to my house to be devoured by my brain.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Thanks Denice. Roberta: good news!

    3. Pieter Mostert

      Pieter Mostert

      I read it when I was starting out formulating my own glazes. It's a great book.

    4. No Longer Member

      No Longer Member

      Smoke'em if you got 'em....

  12. Yunomi 2017 Invitational : https://www.clayakar.com/collections/2017-yunomi-invitational // lots of beautiful pots to look at.

  13. I would buy this if I saw it for sale. Freaking masterpiece. You are keeping this one I presume.
  14. Developing a small bottle shape today for glaze test. Fun day.

    1. glazenerd
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      I had a good time. Main focus is building a small .5# shape that I can experiment with and spray glaze test on after I finish with the tile part of the testing. The bottle I have developed I think will work well for this.

  15. Joseph Fireborn


    They get more and more interesting each time. = ) Keep up the good work.
  16. Just read your comments about thickness. Those iron black bases need to be super thick to get the above oilspot effect. I tried it with Pierre's Tenmoku and its absurd how thick that glaze has to be to look good. Otherwise. BROWN. Glad to see you got it going on. Looks great.
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