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Joseph Fireborn

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Everything posted by Joseph Fireborn

  1. Hi! You can definitely create this on your own. I do it in small batches because I don't have a mixer. Find a ratio of sand, grog, and grit(if you want it super chunky). I sprinkle the mixture onto a wedging surface. Then I take about 5-10 pounds of clay sliced up into cubes. I place the cubes on the mixture and roll them around. Then I slam wedge all the pieces together for a bit, then spiral wedge it and slice it apart into throwing balls. I will say learning to throw this type of clay takes practice because it will eat your hands apart very quickly. Particularly if you add the grit. https://www.starworksnc.org/starworks-clay If you are local to the south east USA. Starworks clay makes a clay that resembles of the above clays: Grogeewemee 10 This is the coarsest clay we make. It is based on OkeeMedium 10 with added coarse grog. Perfect for larger scale coil building and slab work. The Grogeewemee 10 clay body works very well in wood or salt kilns. Cone 10-12, Average Shrinkage at cone 10 OX = 11.94%, Average Water Absorption at cone 10 OX = 3.95%, Contains 19.5% Mullite, Kyanite and coarse grog I have handled it in person and it is very nice.
  2. You can definitely get some body flashing with wood-ash in electric kilns. I did it for a bit, as an experiment to see what all I could get out of unwashed ash from my fireplace mixed in with various components to make sure it melts at cone 6. It helps with shells for sure to add to it. That being said it isn't anything random or magical like a firing with an atmosphere. The only interesting results you are going to get are ones that you create manually via your glazing process. This can seem like a downer at first, but if you are careful with your application and research you can achieve interesting results that are repeatable. So maybe to the potter it isn't as great of a pot, but to others it can be just as magical. \ All of these are cone 6 electric fired, you can see subtle flashing around the bases where wood ash glazes end. I would just start experimenting with seashells as the first flashing opportunity. They are easy to acquire, work well, and don't need any special treatment besides placing them on a pot. Oh I found photos of my test tiles previous to this work that show the flashing better:
  3. I think these are just snapping because the handle is being applied to dry. To me with the clean break it looks like it was stressed when bending the shape and then as it dried the stress caused it to crack. There is really no other reason a handle would snap at this location besides stress during application. Cracks from a handle from drying normally would be around the application point, where the body of the cup is pulling moisture from the handle. I would try to apply your handle a bit sooner, no amount of slow drying is going to save a fractured piece when being bent.
  4. I really enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShinobuHashimoto/videos They are not in English, but some of the techniques he uses are remarkable. Some of his more recent stuff has translations.
  5. Merry Christmas!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Denice


      I bet your having a great Christmas with your little one running around the tree!  Denice

    3. LeeU
    4. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Yes happy new year to all

  6. I thought about all of you fine people today so I figured I would come say hello and that I love you all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oldlady


      me, three!   hope all the folks around you are well and that you are happy.

    3. LeeU


      four and surely there are more :wub:

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Hi Joseph! Greetings from Montana. Hope all is well. We have a lot of smoke blowing in from CA, Idaho and Oregon. Very dry here.


  7. Firing some test tiles to get kiln back in action. Somewhere along the last 2 years I lost my schedule so I am trying to figure it out all over again! 

    1. Min


      Have to admit I've made that mistake more than once. 

    2. oldlady


      oh, don't worry, joseph, your notes will turn up about 10 minutes after you unload the kiln.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      So I got very lucky and this firing was pretty much perfect. 

  8. Kids are so busy. I was spoiled with my 9 year old who just turned 10. Now this 1.5 year old is just rampaging everything again. I forgot what that was like. Hahaha.
  9. I will be sure to send you some pictures. ! It has been so long since I threw anything today I forgot how I made my work. Like I could throw stuff just fine, but it didn't feel like mine. Going to take a while until I get back into the soulfulness of my work.
  10. I am investing in time, I get up for work at 3:30AM on a few days of the week, and instead of sleeping in on my days off I am going to just get up on those days too and work in the studio before the kids get up. I have all the equipment I need, I just need more time. Some ideas for my work popped into my head and I would like to explore them!
  11. I just open the garage door and listen to the birds lately. I watch my dog lay in the driveway getting too hot, then coming in the garage to cool down, then moving back to the driveway and repeating this all day.
  12. Finally maybe at last back to pottery now that my youngest is 8 months old. Life is crazy!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Denice


      My studio was in a small building in our back yard when my son was a baby,   they didn't have baby monitors yet but I had this weird radio system.    I would work in my studio and listen to him sleep,  when he woke I would here giggling  and playing.   I knew my time was limited.  I would start cleaning up and head on into the house about the time of the first cry.   He started walking at 8 months old so I really enjoyed listening to him and not having to follow him around the house.     Denice

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      My son will be walking next month for sure. He is already standing up on his own and balancing!

    4. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      They're intense at that age! The work gets slower, but it still happens. 

  13. Glaze firing 5 pots. First time in months.

  14. Number 2 at cone 6 is a remarkable color. Beautiful
  15. @liambesaw Congratulations in the most happy way possible during these trying times. I wish you all the best.
  16. Threw my first pots in almost 8 months, used my mixed clay blend with course grog and chicken grit. Made 3 vases! felt good.

  17. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you wonderful people.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Denice


      Happy holidays to everyone.   Denice

    3. Mark C.
    4. Denice


      I read your last greeting with sleepy eyes and thought it said happy holiglaze. 

  18. @Callie Beller Diesel I just saw this. Love! Perfect color and slip work. Very nice.
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