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Everything posted by oldlady

  1. i used this base recipe and added a tiny amount of cobalt carb. got a beautiful, shiny pale blue glaze on frost. thank you marcia.
  2. oldlady

    JBaymore BottleForm

    is the twisted rope effect simply from sodium silicate and stretching? or is there a secret to get that look. resembles branfman's raku work.
  3. you already see advantages! now start experimenting. knowing you might lose some.
  4. that is the correct color for california poppies. i planted some of their seeds on my hillside farm and they were fabulous for several years. the color makes me smile.
  5. this will not be fired. it is pretty poorly done and i did it late at night and left the round piece of clay flat on a printer's blanket. it could have been carefully spread over a hump mold but i expect it to have warped significantly when i go out there today. i want to do a different kind of glaze on the real thing, not just clear. the glaze i use on my cobalt blue bowls is a transluscent white. want to try that. it is not for interiors so i still may use a clear but i do not use red on interiors.
  6. this is the result of being at a demo by Kim Kirchman at the Highwater clay location in florida.
  7. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    the red rib is one kim used and i figured i would get the right kind. anyone interested in this technique should look at her facebook page. last year she showed the things she was getting ready for the sale called "Tour de Clay" that happens every year in early december. i try to arrive in time to go on the tour of studios. always educational and fun. be sure to notice the amazing purple vine.
  8. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    a second attempt. on this one, while still on just paper, i tried to remove some excess red where i ran over the black lines. i used a Q-tip and got the color off but it did not all come off so you can see some paler color outside the lines.
  9. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    it worked!!! well, of course, i am learning a skill, not making a product so this first attempt has a lot of things i hope to improve on the next ones. i still cannot paint but this looks so simple, maybe i can do something that is ok.
  10. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    the painting is applied to damp greenware and the back of the paper is wet with a sponge. the image is rubbed firmly onto the clay. it is given a little time and then the next step is to pull off the paper being sure all the color has transferred. if some is not quite heavy enough, put the paper back down and rub it again. as long as the paper still is attached, it will go back into the correct place and the color can be tried again.
  11. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    the first thing down will come up on the top of the painting. the black lines were done with a tiny tip on a plastic bottle. hard to control but it does work very well. the colors are all amaco velvet underglazes. kim mixes them with mayco stroke and coat to get the perfect color. she keeps them in a wide palette and allows them to dry. when she is ready to use them, she sprays them with water to make them workable. great idea! the paper is a newsprint pad i got from the dollar tree. it is very strong and did not tear. this has finally dried so i can start the transfer.
  12. From the album: printing bright colors for the first time

    this is a photo of a trumpet vine. i have always liked them. they attract butterflies and hummingbirds but they can get a little wild looking if allowed to go crazy. so this is what i wanted to do because of the colors. i cannot paint and envy people who can paint directly on a pot and get it right and usually beautiful. there was a demonstration at the florida Highwater clay location by a local professor, kim kirchman, whose work is soda fired. i saw a little of it last year but only arrived as it was ending so this year, i got there early, brought blankets and sweaters and sat right in front. took photos of everything. came back the second day and saw it again. wonderfulll...............
  13. good to see Heidi still helping you out. the design is so difficult, i admire your success.
  14. is the space for the chattering band formed with masking tape?
  15. oldlady

    50ml Jug

    i think Min is referring to the style or lip that Robin Hopper shows in his several books.
  16. saw this and laughed a few minutes after you put it up. still laughing. remember sitting on a car watching planes land at Reagan airport, alexandria, va. the vibration alone would have flattened a sign like this one. still laughing.
  17. oldlady

    2017 long lovebirds/heart leaf tray

    did a combination of the lovebirds i usually put on cracker trays along with some of the heart shaped leaves. like the results so far. need to cut new lovebirds from a thinner craft foam sheet since this looks so deep. it won't with glaze in it.
  18. From the album: 2017 long lovebirds/heart leaf tray

    new birds will have longer branches to stand on. this design was for a much smaller tray. well, the bad news is that i smashed this by dropping one end of a shelf as i was putting it away. the good news is that i don't have to figure out a way of getting it back to wv.
  19. From the album: 2017 long lovebirds/heart leaf tray

    i think the birds are a little too deeply rolled. will cut some new ones from thinner craft foam sheet so they do not appear so far down into the clay. i like the combination and size, let's hope it all works through final firing in may.
  20. From the album: 2017 long lovebirds/heart leaf tray

    people seem to like the "outside the lines" cutting as shown here.
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