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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. spent a half an hour trying to update my avatar. Not working. First time I couldn't do it in several years. What's up with that?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      the new ghost ranch!


    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      your looking pale these days marcia.

    4. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I have sent a few e-mails to the admins which zero response after I tried to update my photo

  2. From the album: forum discussions

    much better teapot several decades after the first teapot.
  3. From the album: forum discussions

    my first found by a student in San Francisco 23 years after it was made in Phila. My student returned to Billings, Montana and posted this in my classroom. Beware of your early pots. They can come back to bite!
  4. had a great fast efficient trip to Houston. Husband got a visa to Brazil at the Consulate, I dropped off about 20 pieces at my gallery including some large raku slabs and picked up a new thermal couple, a rounded pair of raku tongs for obvara, and some porcelain. left Monday and were back on Tues. by 7. About 750 miles round trip. Took the dogs with us.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      welcome back Marcia.

    2. Marc McMillan

      Marc McMillan

      Dogs on a 7 hour trip....brave woman. ;)

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      they are road tripping' dogs.

  5. Packing and preparing for shipping and hand delivery.

    1. Marko


      Whatcha packing?

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Raku pieces for Houston, and some show pieces for San Antonio and Columbus.


  6. Big storms last night. Glad I finished the raku. Bad storms and flooding in Texas,

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Yikes!! Are you okay? D:

  7. From the album: Raku

    Finished firing this whole series finally. Now to finish up orb series.
  8. been fighting wind all week. This morning in a lull I hope ti finish firing my raku pieces before a week of wind gusts and thunderstorms.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      It's crazy windy up here, too. My living room window was open and one of the blind thingies broke off from the wind knocking them around all crazy.

  9. weather is stirring up. I still have seven pieces of raku to fire., but now I will start rolling slabs and then start throwing

  10. reglazed or touched up some of my pieces from my "disastrous" Saturday. It wasn't really all that bad. The pyrometer worked this morning during a firing. I only lost one piece and that was old. I wasn't upset about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GiselleNo5


      They were beautiful. My favorite was the heron with the reflection in the water. I could go on for days about all the reasons I like it.

    3. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Happy for you that the disaster was a small one...

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Big slabs are ready to fire. First batch is already in the kiln. I have about 8 to fire today.


  11. A few more raku firings to go to finish what is in my studio.

    1. Pres


      Some day, would love to revisit raku, but your Obvira interests me the most!

  12. the smoke from the Yucatan is gone with a strong cool front from the north. Perfect weather to finish all my raku pieces.

  13. From the album: Raku

    Pair of tiles 6 x 8"
  14. From the album: Raku

    4/27/15 small tile 6 x 6"
  15. Faced a new learning curve for my airmen. Need thicker glaze.

  16. no terra sig on these. Obvara works well on handbiuilt pieces.
  17. Por fin! I finally get to finish a lot of raku pieces with the new air pen. I hope it works as well as I think it will.

    1. Babs


      enclosure??? agricultural here!!

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      not pig pen. It is a slip trailer of sorts with a tiny compressor so the grip is loose. Should make continuous likes without getting cramps.

  18. Por fin! I finally get to finish raku with the new air pen. I hope it works as well as I think it will.

  19. The Air Pen I purchased at NCECA arrived yesterday. Can't wait to use it on my raku luster lines.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios
    2. rakukuku


      me too. where do you get it? rakuku

  20. finally home but with a very sore throat. Great trip: NCECA, family, and friends. My box of goodies fro NCECA s waiting for me.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Did you get a cold in the plane? In any case, get well soon. Drink hot water with honey and lemon juice in it. Gurgle with saltwater! Hugs!


    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I still have some orders to come. Still basking in the afterglow of over stimulation of NCECA.


  21. finally home but with a very sore throat. Great trip: NCECA, family friends.

  22. Taking the long way home...NCECAI, then family in NY and now train to friends in Philadelphia. Will be home on Tues night.

  23. In Providence, RI. Saw some great pots today at Friends of Fire Show at Chris Gustin's studio plus the unloading of pots at his Anagama kiln. NCECA begins!,,

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      I am missing it all!!! Got a call today from a friend looking for a dinner companion tonight at NCECA... not missing next year.

    2. ChenowethArts


      Officially envious :)

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