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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. Flying out at 5 am. looking forward to seeing many many old friends and some new ones. NCECAI is like a Rite of Spring...an infusion of creative energy in an assembly of like minded creative clay people. I am so looking forward to seeing everyone and as many shows and talks I can manage.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      I'am sure you already are in Providence by now. See you soon!

  2. getting ready for NCECA. Anyone got a clue what the weather will be like for the next 2 weeks. I am visiting family nearby and will be there until after Easter. How to pack for this squirrelly year!

    1. Pres


      Most forecasts show mid 40 to low 50. Heavy rain on Thursday. Night time temps just above or at 32F. Looks like I will have a rain coat, hat, and winter coat. I get cold.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Thanks. Is there still snow on the ground? I looked at a webcam last week and there was a lot. Raincoat and layers.


    3. Pres


      Here in PA, very little. NY yes, don't know about RI

  3. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    A few pieces from my first Obvara firing of the year. This one is 10.5 inches
  4. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    A few pieces from my first Obvara firing of the year.
  5. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    A few pieces from my first Obvara firing of the year.
  6. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    A few pieces from my first Obvara firing of the year.
  7. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    A few pieces from my first Obvara firing of the year.
  8. Taxes done. Brew for Obvara has been sitting for three days. SO today I will fire!

    1. Crusty


      ahhhh the flour brew is ready- fire and dunk it - Dick Vitale - Knowone can dunk the brick like Marcia Ba-beeeeeee


    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor


      that brings back memories! I will post a few of yesterday's results in my gallery.I love Obvara!



  9. nothing like wanting to work in the studio as an impetus to get the taxes done!!

  10. Thursday there will be sun!

  11. Ready for a week of heavy rains. I know it isn't what many of you are suffering right now, but I need sunshine in the winter.

    1. kswan


      My arms are sore from shoveling the 6 inches of snow we got yesterday, but the sun is shining today at least. :)

    2. Denice


      You can just send that rain to KS. We are still in a drought. I would give up our first week of sunshine for rain.

  12. Archival photos reprinted onto porcelain tiles. Immigrants represented from Punjabi tribe, Chinese, Hungarian, Irish, Czech, Italians, Welsh, and current Central American refugees crossing . The idea was to represent various immigrants coming to America in different stages and who represent the diversity of our population.
  13. Archival photos reprinted onto porcelain tiles. Immigrants entitled "Mi Familia Americana" represented from Punjabi tribe, Chinese, Hungarian, Irish, Czech, Italians, Welsh, and current Central American refugees crossing the Rio Grande in Texas.
  14. Archival photos reprinted onto porcelain tiles. Immigrants represented from Punjabi tribe, Chinese, Hungarian, Irish, Czech, Italians, Welsh, and current Central American refugees crossing
  15. Archival photos reprinted onto porcelain tiles. Immigrants represented from Punjabi tribe, Chinese, Hungarian, Irish, Czech, Italians, Welsh, and current Central American refugees crossing The idea was to represent various immigrants coming to America in different stages and who represent the diversity of our population. I call it Mi Familia Americana.
  16. Marcia Selsor

    Paper Clay Installation

    Every Life is a Book, 9/11 MemorialPaper clay terra cotta book forms, saggar fired
  17. From the album: Paper Clay Installation

    An installation focusing on the history of immigration in the US
  18. From the album: Paper Clay Installation

    An installation focusing on the history of immigration in the US
  19. From the album: Paper Clay Installation

    An installation focusing on the history of immigration in the US
  20. From the album: Paper Clay Installation

    An installation focusing on the history of immigration in the US
  21. One day, today, of a hot blast from the Yucatan, then the Siberian express comes back tomorrow night. When will this settle down to normal.

    1. Pres


      Yeah, consider yourself blessed at this point. I am dealing with 1" of ice on my double wide sidewalks I do, 100 yards.

    2. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      Yikes, Pres! O.o... Haha, Marcia's in Texas, that state has some wild weather. It's in the mid-40s and sunny here! Perfect for a guinea. :)

  22. spent a dreary day reorganizing kiln shed , and one corner of the studio.Threw some saggars, and recycled some clay. Made chicken soup just because so many people have the flu. I made it just in case..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChenowethArts


      Any time you want to come to my studio and re-organize, build a saggar or two, and re-cycle clay...just come on down! (I'll furnish the chicken soup) Deal?? *grin*

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Love Nashville!


    4. alabama


      I like hot chicken soup on a cold day when I'm healthy. Soup loses it's

      taste if you have the flu...might as well be drinking rock soup! When I

      go to any store and hear someone coughing up a left lung on isle 3, I leave.

      If the food is free, it isn't worth 4 weeks of influenza. Let's break bread

      over a homemade ceramic bowl of soup while healthy.

  23. spent a dreary day reorganizing kiln shed , and one corner of the studio. Made chicken soup just because so many people have the flu. I made it just in case..

  24. Two Alternative Firing Workshops in Sept. in Las Cruces, NM and Lawrence, KS are shaping up to be really exciting. Obvara will be part of both.

  25. Working out details, schedule of events and material lists for 2 workshops in Sept.

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