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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. From the album: My Studio, marciaselsorstudio.com

    Slabs up to 24" wide are dried on gypsum board. The rack is wrapped in heavy plastic for slow drying
  2. Dumping rain today 2+ inches so far this morning. Hoping for a good raku firing day on Friday.

  3. From the album: recent pieces in October

    Recently fired in a ceramic saggar with copper carbonate, sawdust, wood and wire.
  4. From the album: recent pieces in October

    aluminum foil saggar firing to 1350 F
  5. From the album: recent pieces in October

    these are both fired in an aluminum foil saggar to 1350 F.
  6. posted some of the recent saggar firing results in my gallery.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      I used to love raku results in damp weather ... Hope it works out well for you.

    3. Rebekah Krieger

      Rebekah Krieger

      your pieces are wonderful! Have you written a book about your process?


    4. Crusty


      I wish someone would write a exhaustive book on Raku/atmospheric style firings- Hint Hint

  7. From the album: recent pieces in October

    the two on the right are saggar fired. the yellow (center) and two on left are aluminum foil saggar
  8. Finished firing sag gars yesterday.Next is raku, mounting tiles, finish pedestals.

  9. done firing sag gars for my show. Next is Rake slabs, the obvara.

  10. cold front is here...highs in the 80s. Firing saggar today and preparing more raku glazed pieces.

  11. Good Raku firings today. Happy camper!

  12. Firing again. Glazing for Raku mural. Building frames. busy!!!

  13. ran out of propane in my 4 tanks. First refill in 10 months.

    1. Babs


      thought you were tempting fate when you were writing about the no. of firings:)

  14. we still have highs in the 90s here and high humidity. I need to get firing lots of loads but slow drying and really hot. I have to wrap burnished pieces to avoid sweat from touching them.

    1. Denice


      What do you wrap them with and are you protecting them from your sweat or theirs. Denice

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      paper towel used loike a potholder.

  15. we still have highs in the 90s here and high humidity. I need to get firing lots of loads but slow drying and really hot. I have to wrap burnished pieces to avoid sweat from touching them.

  16. fired large bisque of slabs for raku project and the last of the orbs for my exhibition

    1. Babs


      love to see the outcomes

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      it is going to happen soon because I have three weeks to finish up the projects.


  17. glazed and firing tiles, glued first stage of hard wood risers for show, recycled 5 gallons of porcelain, and burnished pots. good day.

  18. glazed and firing tiles, glued first stage of hard wood risers for shos, recycled 5 gallons of porcelain, and burnished pots. good day.

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