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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. yes it works in reduction. I formulated for ^6 reduction 35 years ago. Marcia
  2. with the next week with temperature 100 everyday, I may wait to fire.

  3. OK. There are some who have good reasons to stay private. I can understand that on a public forum. But could others be polite and respond when your info is answered.

    1. Benzine


      Are you referring to people, who ask a question, receive several answers and then are never heard from again?

  4. OK. There are members with good reasons to stay

  5. I wish more people here posted an avatar of at least some image rather than ghost heads. Bizarre names and no info in their "about me" diminishes the community spirit of the forum. Couldn't someone say I am interested in this or that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      I think it's more of a case of,not knowing how to do it.

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I don't know about that. And the bizarre names are very weird.


    4. Denice


      I had a avatar but it was lost when they changed the forum a while back. To busy to mess with it again. Denice

  6. smashed my finger in the studio door. Ouch! It may slow down throwing.

    1. Denice


      When ouch's happen to me I try to find a neglected project to work on that doesn't involve my injury. Denice

    2. Tyler Miller

      Tyler Miller

      Did the same thing last week--caught my finger with a hammer. Not fun. Heal up quick!

  7. made porcelain paper clay yesterday. Starting some new ideas today.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      Now I am really interested!! Whatcha doin with paper porcelain? I love playing with paper porcelain!

    2. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      In Switzerland we say: you cannot say A without saying B. Pleeeeease tell us what your new idea is. Like Chris, I'am interested very much!

  8. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  9. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  10. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  11. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  12. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  13. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  14. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  15. starting some sculptural work. Made paper clay yesterday.

  16. painting the new potters stools today. Hope to finish them today and use them tomorrow.

    1. Babs


      different colour scheme for each stool?

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      no the same and I did match the top of the slab roller cart with a fresh coat of plum wine paint!

    3. Min


      must give you a smile and a burst of energy to have such vibrant equipment. I know just giving my workroom a thorough cleaning makes me more energetic : )

  17. posted some pictures from the Architectural ceramics class

  18. just started adding pictures from the Tuscany Tour IV

  19. Two days left before I get home. Both the Potters Council tour and theArchitectural Ceramics workshop went well. camp is almost over. Will post pictures when I get back or check out the PC page on Facebook.

  20. Having a great workshop in with Stephani Stevenson in Italy. Will post when I get back. Can't edit photos down to 50kb on my iPad. the large pieces are drying for the wood firing next week.

  21. Visited a nice potter in San Gimignano today.

  22. Evelyne joined us yesterday for the Obvara firing at La Meridiana. It was very nice to meet her in person. she operated the door of the kiln as we pulled the pieces.

  23. Obvara firing in Tuscany today

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      It was a fantastic day at La Meridiana, together with you Marcia and all the lovely PC people. I enjoyed time with you all very much (and the Obvara pieces are beautiful!)Greetings to everybody. Hugs! Evelyne

  24. Leaving Faenza for Certaldo tomorrow.Sunday we have our first studio day.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Glad to see that everything went according to plan so far. See you Wednesday. Still the Obvara day on Wednesday I hope?! Have a good time!

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