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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. Gt a bisque fired last night. Lots of rain coming in from the Gulf and from Hurricane Patricia. Looks like Austin may get 20 inches. We may get 5.

    1. Benzine


      Hunker down and take care. Sounds like it's going to be fairly intense.

    2. alabama


      Patricia was said to be the strongest ever recorded. How well did you all get thru it?

  2. got my pieces fired but had to get propane. First supplier was out of gas. Second one filled up all 4 of my 30 gallon tanks. Only dropped 500 degrees while I was filling up the tanks. Got the pieces I need for the Yellowstone Art Museum.

    1. Marko


      Your so blessed.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I know it and I am grateful!



    3. Marko


      Sorry Professor, You're so blessed. lol.

  3. From the album: Raku

    15 x 19" , 38.1 cm x 48.26 cm
  4. From the album: Raku

    15" x 19" raku slab 38.1 cm x 48.26 cm
  5. got 7 slabs glazed today but feeling kind of slow...still a little sick. Beautiful weather down here today. In the 80s and lower than usual humidity.

  6. over the flu and must fire raku soon before 5 days of heavy rain comes along. I need to submit work for a major museum auction before I leave for 6 weeks.

  7. been in bed with a flu since I got back.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. vinks


      Takecare of yourself!!

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I finished off a huge batch of chicken soup. Still feverish but coughing less. Thanks for all the get well wishes!


    4. GiselleNo5


      Ohhh noo! Feel better!

  8. From the album: New 2015 Obvara

    top view of crackled surface fired in Obvara
  9. Recent trip to Andalusia and Extremadura .in Western Spain. I saw many pots originating in locations I had visited during my Fulbright research in 1985-86. Sadly many of these locations no longer have traditional potters. Spain's entry into the European Common Market, severely effected the production of traditional Spanish handmade pottery. It has all but disappeared.
  10. From the album: Pots seen during travels in Spain

    Roman pottery from Rio Tinto mining area. Roman mined the area after the Phoenicians. It is still being mined.
  11. From the album: Pots seen during travels in Spain

    a collection of Cortegana pottery in El Choron, a bar/restaurant in Alajar, Huelva in Andalucia
  12. From the album: Pots seen during travels in Spain

    One of many large bowls decorating the Parador in Trujillo. about 30" in diameter hanging on the walls.
  13. Had a great trip to Andalusia , Spain and through Extremadura to and from Madrid. Saw many pots from where I had visited in 1980s doing research. sadly most of the traditional potters are no longer around.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Looking forward to spend some time with you in Spain in 2016! All the best for the c.r.e.t.a workshop Marci!

    3. Marko


      I wish I could go. Well I glad you had a great time Marcia.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I don't get to travel with my husband very often. We do have fun together.


  14. In Spain close to where I did my Fulbright research in1986. Hope to see if any potters are still working in Cortegana.

  15. In Spain close to where I did my Fulbright research in1986. Hope to see if any potters are still working in Cortegana.

  16. In Spain close to where I did my Fulbright research in1986. Hope to see if any potters are still working in Cortegana.

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