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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. contractor finishes today. I can get back to work. The dogs are on their own I I 'll be in the studio.

  2. Spent yesterday working on my website while keeping my dogs calmed down while contractors worked on the kitchen floor . I added a page on installations plus fixed glitches in the links.

  3. Lost power last night. Had to go to sleep.

    1. Denice


      I love it when that happens, I can go to sleep with a clear mind.

  4. Just me and the dogs home alone for two weeks.

  5. Finally got to use my diamond bit hole cutter to perforate a little kiln shelf for my demo kiln. I got the bit at NCECA and it works great!

    1. bciskepottery


      Just like that old saying, "Girls and their toys."

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I always tell my husband , I like my diamonds on my drill bits.

  6. Finally got to use my diamond bit hole cutter to perforate a little kiln shelf for my demo kiln. I got the bit at NCECA and it works great!

  7. I have Anne's book. It is my favorite paper clay book. Working with Paper Clay
  8. May 20-21 2016 Alternative firing workshop in Kilnun with 23 participants. Prepping and firing in raku kilns for 2 days for Obvara, Ceramic Saggars, Foil Saggars and Horse Hair and feathers and other organic materials.
  9. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    this was a grouping of some of there obvara pots from our first process firing Everyone brought small test pieces for learning the processes.
  10. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    what an amazing location.
  11. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    Anne was a member of the Scottish Potters Association for several decades. Her leadership is missed. We used her kiln as very respectful reverence. Her recent death was a great loss to the group. It was an honor to include her kiln in our processes.
  12. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    we fired in Moira's garden along the side of her house, with the cemetery and Argyle mausoleum behind us and the Holy Loch in front of us.
  13. posted pictures from the workshop in Scotland in my gallery under its on album. I also saw some great Lucie Rie pots and a collection of bernard Leach and family pots.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      yes. will be here until road trip to Montana in Aug. followed by symposium.

    3. vinks


      Captivated by the pictures and the background scenic beauty!!

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      It was really a beautiful location. Hard to believe Trident submarines are out in the Clyde.


  14. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    The rain went away and we fired a lot of pots both on Saturday and Sunday.
  15. From the album: Scottish Potters Association workshop

    Fantastic location for outdoor firings. At one moment we had six raku kilns firings. We accomplished quite a lot of firings with technique new to many of the participants from the Scottish Potters Association. They said the workshop sold out in half a day with 23 signed up. That was impressive to me!
  16. Back home. Had a great experience with the Scottish Potters Association in Kilnun across the Holy Loch from Dunun in Argyle.

  17. Second full day of workshop in Kilmun. Finished about 4 pm. Will post pictures whe I get home.

    1. vinks


      Awaiting Marcia..

    2. High Bridge Pottery
    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I have posted on Facebook but can't edit the size on my iPad.

  18. Great first day of firing Alternative processes in Kilmun, Scotland.

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