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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. studio maintenance in the works. Building 3 raku kilns in the next few days. I have a workshop on South Padre Island and need to replace my old worn out rusted barrel. Also trying a smaller version with steel facing that I have had for years 20" wide. I have had this idea for several years just didn't want to do it. Today is beautiful, sunny and 61 F.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      that should be steel flashing.lined with fiber.

    2. Crusty


      ahhh that south Texas weather... Take lots of pics for us please.... I have a box of 8lb density in the basement just crying for me to let it out...


    3. glazenerd


      We hit 65, after over a week of 15-20.

  2. I am gearing for 2016. excited about new ideas and direction.

    1. vinks


      All best Wishes...waiting for your online classes too.

    2. glazenerd


      Excitement is contagious, it tends to pass on to customers.

  3. enjoying home life and family over the holidays. Need to get some work shipped out by next week.

    1. vinks


      Home is where the heart is.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      yes it is. May you have a good 2016.


  4. Home at last. Shipped out work today. Replace van battery yesterday. Maybe I can get into the studio to get back to wok on new ideas from Rome.

  5. Photos of work, studio, and workshop
  6. Show opens tonight. It is already set up. Looks beautiful with the work of my two other studio mates. Our work is very different.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Congratulations Marcia. I hope to see pictures on fb. All the best for the show.


    2. Babs


      can't wait for pics.

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I posted a couple from the opening


  7. this is my last week in the studio at CRETA Rome. It has been inspirational and promisong experience. I appreciate the sharing of the studio with Linda L. and Darien Johnson. We have has great experiences together,

  8. My ix weeks in Rome are quickly coming to an end. Firings are scheduled for the remaining days. Rome is dressed for the holidays. It has been a great experience.. Be back in US Dec. 15.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      the is 6 weeks not Roman 9



  9. My ix weeks in Rome are quickly coming to an end. Firings are scheduled for the remaining days. Rome is dressed for the holidays. It has been a great experience.. Be back in US Dec. 15.

  10. going to the countryside studio to fire foil saggars and obvara firing with the workshop group. I'll be back Sunday, hopefully with pieces fr my exhibition.

    1. Amy Eberhardt

      Amy Eberhardt

      Pictures, or it didn't happen! :D

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      posted a few in my gallery. More from the workshop firing today.


  11. Half way through my residency and very happy with new ideas developing. Meanwhile, Rome runs on espresso. I must make some espresso cups with this Limoges porcelain to bring home.

    1. Pres


      When I was there it was not difficult to get cafe Americain.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      when in Rome...do as the Romans! Drinking cafe with the locals in the morning on the way to work.


    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I never knew I had this in common-

      Rome runs on espresso.

  12. Taught an Obvara workshop today. We made pieces for the firing. I have more students on Sat. Then we fire the following week. Will post some pictures.

    1. Chris Campbell

      Chris Campbell

      How is your wrist doing? Sorry about your fall and hope it does not impact your fun!

  13. making some carved AMACO blocks for Obvara firing for y workshop in Rome

  14. having an inspirational time in the studio with my resident mates Darien Johnson from Denmark, and Linda Lietuviete from Latvia. wE are hanging out together as well and went to the largest flea market in Rome yesterday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      so far I don't like Limoges porcelain for throwing. I have an obvara class on Thursday and will b using a raku clay for that.


    3. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Love to hear that you can do Obvara in Rome!

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      not in Rome. We will go to the countryside near a lake where paolo has his studio and raku kiln.

  15. hAving an interesting time in the studio at CRETA with my mates:Darien Johnson from Cppenhagen and Linda Lietuviete from Lativa. lInda and I are sharing a great apartment in a neighborhood one small block away from the Tiber River in Trastevere. having a very inspirational time her Eyes!

  16. Packing for my residency in Rome. Very excited. Will post updates.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      I wish you a blast in Rome!! Give my regards to Lori-Ann.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I will see Rosana Antonelli also at their Keramos Culturale Associaition


  17. beautiful pattern! more patience than I have. Very nice work!
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