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Marcia Selsor

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Everything posted by Marcia Selsor

  1. From the album: NCECA Pre-conference wood firings

    These were in the wood firings at UK in Lawrence. The one on the left was found in the ashes of the Anagama. The one on the right was in the soda/wood firing.
  2. These are some of my pieces from the Anagama and the Wood Soda firings. I teamed up with old friends Lori lear and Sandy Miller for wood splitting and hauling and firing shifts. We all helped load.
  3. still cleaning off the wood fired pieces from pre-NCECA conference. Got a totally black piece in wood and a light white with a touch of tan in the wood-soda kiln. similar small sculptures. Interesting.

    1. glazenerd
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor


      the word fired work was put in my gallery yesterday except for the sculptures.

      Soaked the crusty shells off overnight. Also fix a broken irrigation pipe and got some flowers for the garden. and writing an article before I go.



    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      posted them in gallery this morning (wed.)


  4. organizing the studio and getting ready for Potters Council trip to Barcelona. Arranging workshop needs for Scotland Potters Association because I doubt I can get much through heightened security at this point. Time flies!

  5. reorganizing my studio. Antoinette uses a shoe holder for a wall of tools in the pouches. She lines each pouch with a plastic cup. Brilliant. She is much taller than me. I am cutting the shoe holder into sections: one by the wheel, one by my glaze table and one by the slab roller.

    1. Amy Eberhardt

      Amy Eberhardt

      Genius strikes again! Thanks for the tip, Marcia! I just happen to have one of those old shoe organizers hanging around. If I ever get back into my studio, I think I'm going to have to repurpose that thing! :D

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      It is a really good was to organize tools...ribs, trimming tools, brushes, sticks, sponges.

    3. vinks


      What an indespensable tip...Thanks for sharing,Marcia..

  6. unpacking from three weeks on the road which included wood firing and a sod firing with Lorna Meaden, NCECA in Kansas City, and Taping an e-course in Saltillo , MS. My new used van made it in comfort.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. glazenerd


      I remember that van :)

    3. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      Best thing about that van is the seats fold into the floor. Marko, I waved as I past Kingsville on my rush to get home.


    4. Marko


      LOL, so that's what that gust of wind was.

  7. From the album: avatar

    during an interview with Antionette Badenhorst
  8. Busy working on my e-course on Alternative firing at TeachinArt.com .It has been a busy week making, explain and firing in my little raku kiln. Rain today so hopefully we'll fire Obvara tomorrow.

  9. Having fun with Antoinette and Koos badenhort in Saltillo Mississippi

  10. First full day of NCECA with bus tours to galleries.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. alabama


      Were Airstreams built in Kansas? What's the connection b/n clay conferences and trailers? I lived in an Airstream in 1960 for à couple of years!!! I guess they'd make a nice pottery studio!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I know one is a pottery/art filled one-maybe they need two now?

    4. Marcia Selsor
  11. In the middle of wood firing extravaganza. Loaded 2 of the 4 wood kilns , anagama and soda/wood kiln. Fired off the soda wood kiln with a great team under Lorna Meaden. We rocked!Anagama is still going. Our last shift for that is tomorrow 10-4.Then Tues we move into Kansas City for NCECA. We loved Lawrence and Kansas University.

    1. Marko


      Glad you're having fun. Thanks for everything.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      love the vibe happening here.


  12. almost completely packed up for a complicated journey North. Looking forward to seeing friends along the way. See you at NCECA

    1. Marko


      I'll be here. See you when you get here.

    2. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Marcia, how are you doing in Lawrence?

    3. vinks


      Wish i could be there,Marcia..Maybe next year..Enjoy !

  13. got taxes done and spent the rest of the day throwing pots for wood firing in Lawrence, Ks.

    1. GEP


      Today is tax prep day for me. Ugh I am late this year!

  14. got taxes done and spent he rest of the day throwing wof wood firing in Lawrence, Ks.

  15. It does have 2 inches of insulation but I think it is best to keep it away from ground dampness by using cinderblocks and firebricks.
  16. Nice. I made the holes in the 1/2 gas line that intersected the larger pipe. This looks better. Good job.
  17. From the album: Kilns

    At 1500 the walls were warm ..felt like tepid bath water. Could rest my hand on the surface.2" of fiber insulation all the way around. I like the results of this little kiln. Very light weight.Will weigh it.
  18. From the album: Kilns

    Fired up this experimental kiln. It is made of steel flashing, 2" of ceramic fiber insulation all around. Fiber treated with rigidizer. ceramic button and anthill wire used to additionally secure the fiber to the lid. Steel bands make the handles and bottom rigid. At 1500 degrees F I could touch the exterior wall. It was tepid..like bath water. Not burning hot. Very happy with this. I will take it yo Antoinette's to use for demonstrating alternative firing processes.I have been thinking about making a small kiln like this for faster tests in alternative firing processes.
  19. It is cute...and light. I have 2 handles to add to the sides for simple lifting.
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