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Status Updates posted by JohnnyK

  1. Big weekend coming up as my trio of Horsehair Raku jars goes on the auction block at the local PBS KVIE station's annual Art Auction. At the preview Gala on Monday it already had an early bid of $150 against an asking price of $120. My segment of the auction will air in the 1PM hour on Saturday...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabby


      When my work is good enough, I hope to contribute it to auctions, not at the level of a PBS station but more of a local non-profit.  I am so glad when I hear that people whose work can really make a difference choose to donate it in this way.

    3. Benzine


      Wait, if it's made out of horse hair, wouldn't that be considered weaving?!...  I kid.

      Great work, for a great cause.

    4. yappystudent


      Citrus Heights is one of my old home towns, nice to see a CAD person doing the neighborhood some good. I lived in one of the apt blocks on the east side of sunrise mall when Alexander Calder stabiles and sunlight sculptures were still part of the mall's architecture, before it's makeover anyway, many hours spent at the movies and hanging out.  

  2. A pile of pots is in the kiln for a bisque firing...managed to fill the kiln to within 1" of the top...half of it belongs to a couple of friends. Will open in the AM

    1. Benzine
    2. glazenerd


      Have been enjoying your most recent works. Visually appealing.

  3. Farming season is over...I get to spend more time in the studio!

    1. Denice


      Thanks for reminding me I just got home from vacations and need to check my tomatoes.   Denice

  4. Opening the veggie stand today. Will also be selling pottery...

    1. glazenerd


      Stopped at a road side stand yesterday in search of sweet corn..

  5. Getting ready to open the vegetable stand in a couple of weeks...the farm is producing well. Just waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. it's a good opportunity to sell my pottery, too!

    1. Denice


      Wished I lived close by so I could shop at your stand.  I swear a lot of the stands around here buy their tomatoes from the grocery store and doubles the price.  They don't look like homegrown tomatoes or taste like home grown ones.   Potter. 

    2. yappystudent


      I used to live in Citrus Heights, in the second apartment complex behind Sunrise Mall! I miss central valley produce but not the summer temps. 

  6. Just had a trio of horsehair Raku pots juried and accepted for a local PBS TV station's fall Art Auction!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. glazenerd


      Congrats Johnny: always nice when your labors bear fruit. Well done sir!

    3. Pres


      Good exposure, and stop strutting around!:)

    4. Benzine



  7. Met Mark today at the UC Davis Whole Earth Festival and had an in depth conversation about his product,( which were outstanding}, and his general philosophy of product pricing and customer interaction. Thanks for the insights, Mark!

  8. Hey Mark,

    You said recently that you are going to be at the upcoming event in Davis this weekend. Where are you gong to be set up and how many days are you going to be there? If I can break away, I would like to come by and meet you...


    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      My booth number is N7 on the north side of UC  Davis quad.Show is this Friday-Saturdaty and Sunday-Sunday am is the sleepiest  time. Booth is Liscom Hill Pottery_I'm doing the show solo.

      The show starts at noon Friday and runs until 4 pm on Sunday -closes at 6 pm Friday and Saturday .

      You will need to walk in to campus. 

      Been doing this show since the middle 90s

      Only have a few left in me. Looks like this will be warm weekend.



    2. Min


      If you just look for the long line of people queuing up to pay you'll find Mark.

  9. In the process of designing and building a portable Raku kiln. Will be doing a bisque firing of the blanket buttons as well as some pots to fire when the kiln is done...

    1. Denice


      Sounds like fun I have often thought about turning a small old electric kiln into a raku kiln on wheels.  I have another old electric kiln bite the dust.  I will hang on to it for awhile in case I get ambitious.   Denice

  10. just opened the glaze firing and am blown away by the pieces. Some will be refired to enhance the look!

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      gotta post some gallery images when you say things like this!...

    2. LeeU


      yep-what he said


    3. glazenerd
  11. Waiting for my bisque firing of 30+ bowls, jars, cups, sponge holders and jewelry to cool so I can start the glazing processes. Biggest run since Christmas!

  12. 25 bowls in...25 bowls out without any cracked pieces...great! Next is firing of test tiles to come up with a couple of glaze combinations for application to the new bowls. Potters Choice layering is what I'll be using...

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Always nice when things go well.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      that's true! glad your firing went well. 


  13. Just completed a bisque firing of 25 bowls... waiting for the cool down so I can get to glazing. Will be running a glaze test tomorrow or Friday to come up with some ideas for glazing these Christmas presents...using Amaco's Potters Choice for layering...

  14. Just completed a Raku course at Sierra College in Rocklin, CA...What a semester! Completed with an "A"!

    1. Pres


      Excellent. . . .beyond the A, it sounds like you have that sugary sweet bourbon like taste of accomplishment! EXCELLENT!


      best as ever,


  15. Just started a Raku class at Sierra College. Can't wait to start burning things!

  16. Surgey went well. No pain 2 days later. looking forward to a complete and successful recovery...Thanks for your well wishes!

  17. Minor hand surgery tomorrow to fix a "trigger finger". Will be out of the clay for about a month.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      good luck with the PK afterwards

    3. glazenerd


      Thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

    4. Roberta12


      best of luck with that surgery. Let us know how it comes out.

  18. Yesterday Iused my homemade extruder for the first time and squeezed about 4 lbs of clay to get 30 test tiles. Today I'm going to make those trestle type feet to go under flower pots and then...

    1. glazenerd


      Go Johnny go....I remember that song.

  19. It's 7AM; 1080 deg F on my first kiln firing in more than 4 years and the first ever ^04 bisque/glaze firing with my new Orton digital controller...The first 2 hours were a real disappointment when i saw the TCL message on the controller. The kiln didn't fire. I had ultimately realized that I hadn't pushed the reset button on the kiln sitter. Pushed the button and the kiln came to life!The firing took 12Hrs 18 min, but only reached 1941 degrees which is about halfway between ^...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Celia UK

      Celia UK

      I remember that 'forgot to push the reset button' moment too. Such a relief when you realise it's nothing major. Hope all ends well.

    3. Celia UK

      Celia UK

      Worse than this, today I forgot to put the thermocouple in the peephole (a retrofitted one) & set the kiln for a bisque firing. 2 1/2 hrs later heard error message beeping! It had reached 500oC! Reset programmer thinking it would continue from 500oC without noticing the programmer said it was in the first segment, when actually near end of 2nd one! Spotted this 3 hrs later by which time temp was down to 220oC. Moved program on to 2nd segment and now keeping my fingers crossed...

    4. Marko
  20. Bought an 8" Samsung tablet last week but came to the true realization that I have no use for it. It's being returned tomorrow...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SydneyGee


      Between a smart phone and laptop I would not have a use for one. I can see how for children it would be fun for games.

    3. Callie Beller Diesel

      Callie Beller Diesel

      I communicate here almost exclusively on a tablet.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I use mine for traveling and storing books to read.


  21. Just got back from 2 weeks in the Big Apple. I did manage to visit the Clay Arts Center, a gallery and training center in Port Chester, NY and was definitely inspired by some of the work I had seen there, the least of which were simple pinch pots on a windowsill that contained succulents. Looking forward to getting into the studio with the cool, rainy season starting after the long, hot summer here in the Sacramento Valley!

  22. Off to the Big Apple Friday to celebrate my folks' 70th wedding anniversary. Will get to play tourist and photographer for 10 days. Will try to visit a pottery or 2 while out there.

    1. vinks


      Enjoy the "spirit".


    2. Denice


      Your parents must of gotten married when they were children. Have fun!

    3. Min


      70 years, congrats to them! Hope you all have a memorable trip : )

  23. Wow...has this summer flown by! The farm production is slowing down. The days are getting shorter...this all means more time in the studio with my hands on the clay instead of in the dirt and manure!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JohnnyK


      It's about 1/4 acre planted, which netted me about $700 in sales at my streetside veggie stand on weekends during the summer. Next year I'll have some of my pottery and other wares for sale also. Looking forward to the rainy season in the studio!

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I did not know you had a rainy season?

    4. JohnnyK


      Yes, Mark, down here in the Sac Valley we have 2 seasons...rainy & hot. 98 yesterday with a cooling trend on the way!

  24. Wow! Threw a few mugs last night but had a problem with centering, so I closed my eyes and centered blind. What an experience!

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Get a mirror and put it in front of your wheel so you can see yourself. This helps me when centering large amounts of clay.

    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      I use a mirror to check the form without having to stand up.


  25. Headed to the CA State Fair today. It's an annual trek to see how my wife does in the Jam & Jelly Competition.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Ill take some Jam or Jelly as well. Good reviews promised.

    3. glazenerd


      I will gladly trade you a four star review for a jar of blackberry jelly.

    4. glazenerd


      Thanks Johnny; stopped at our local veggie stand and bought a flat of strawberries. Cleaned them, put them in the freezer for 30 min and eating out of the bowl. Yum-EEEE!!

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