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Status Updates posted by JohnnyK

  1. Got the stitches out of my hand today and will be able to get my hands on the clay in about a week. The orthopedist said that throwing would be excellent exercise...

  2. Great news today...my submission of the Three's A Charm horsehair Raku was chosen for a Juror's Award in "Sculpture" at the KVIE  PBS Art  Auction!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Min
    3. Pres


      Whoop!  great job there JohnnyK! Take a victory lap!




    4. LeeU


      How exciting! Way cool!

  3. Hey, Pres, How 'bout this for QOTW: How do you see yourself in clay?

    One of the things about taking college level Ceramics courses it the challenges you are presented with. In the last course I took on Raku the professor had a thing for Xian warriors...the terracotta army unearthed in China. One of our assignments was to sculpt a version of one of these figures...with a twist. We had to incorporate some aspect of our current life situation into the sculpture. I don't consider myself a sculptor, but I wanted to give it my best shot. Since my primary interests at this point in my life are ceramics, farming, and photography but none of the statues were suitable for the pottery or photography aspects, I chose the farmer idea. It was a real challenge, but a productive one. Here is a photo of my Raku "John Warrior" self-portrait. , and the challenge..."How do you see yourself in Clay".1299123587_JohnWarriorsm.jpg.30ea4bb345e990b1968990a252eab7b1.jpg


  4. I think the new format of the "Recent Posts" section leaves a lot to be desired. In some instances, the subject of the post can take up the entire section where we might get 5 answers to a question rather than 5 questions as it was before.  Many times, we are told that the changes are supposed to "make things EASIER for us". I don't think that is the case here...

    1. JohnnyK


      WOW! Talk about a quick response! I really appreciate the return to the old format!

      Thank you!

    2. Denice


      I am with you on this,  I like the old arrangement of the forum.     Denice

  5. I was just reminded how fragile bone-dry greenware is when I was transporting a stack of berry bowls from my studio to my garage to load into the kiln...broke 2. Will open the kiln this afternoon to unload 40 pieces and get ready for glazing and horsehair Raku...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JohnnyK


      One loss in the firing...a lid came apart on the jar it was made for...might have been a tad tight. I'll just have to make another lid. Otherwise, all went well...glazing to follow.

    3. Pres


      Do you standardize lids and rims? Used to not do so, but now try to with everything.


    4. JohnnyK


      Not yet...maybe down the line when I do more with lids. This was a one-off.

  6. In the process of designing and building a portable Raku kiln. Will be doing a bisque firing of the blanket buttons as well as some pots to fire when the kiln is done...

    1. Denice


      Sounds like fun I have often thought about turning a small old electric kiln into a raku kiln on wheels.  I have another old electric kiln bite the dust.  I will hang on to it for awhile in case I get ambitious.   Denice

  7. It's been 7 weeks since my spine surgery and I'm happy to say that the procedure was a total success! I'm back to doing everything that I couldn't do and more. No back or leg pain at all. Looking forward to firing up the wheel again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Denice



    3. Mark C.
    4. oldlady


      johnny k,  i tried to send you an email through  a personal message here and it will not work.  is there somewhere we can exchange some information?

  8. Just completed a bisque firing of 25 bowls... waiting for the cool down so I can get to glazing. Will be running a glaze test tomorrow or Friday to come up with some ideas for glazing these Christmas presents...using Amaco's Potters Choice for layering...

  9. Just completed a Raku course at Sierra College in Rocklin, CA...What a semester! Completed with an "A"!

    1. Pres


      Excellent. . . .beyond the A, it sounds like you have that sugary sweet bourbon like taste of accomplishment! EXCELLENT!


      best as ever,


  10. Just finished a bag of Laguna B-3 Brown ^5 which is supposed to fire black...we'll see...and thanks for all the input on not firing above ^5...

  11. Just found a dynamite use for trimming tools...cleaning the inside and carving the outside of Jack-O-Lanterns...

  12. Just got a jar of Amaco's Honey Flux and am looking forward to seeing what kind of great layering effects I can come up with.

  13. Just got my first Bison carbide cutting tool . It will be a little while before I get to using it since I'm in the process of getting my little farm ready to plant. Also working on glazing another 20 or so pieces before I start throwing again.

    1. oldlady


      you will LOVE it!   congrats!

    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Yep. Worth every penny.

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I keep mine in a wall mounted plastic tube next to trimming wheel. Mine is accustom small double ender. Its either in the tube or my hand no other place ever. Of course I have a few spares as I do wear them out in a few years and send them back for new tips.There really is no reason to burn thru cheap carbon steel tools like butter melting in the sun when you are doing this like i do.

  14. Just got notification that "Another Horsehair Raku Trio" was accepted for this year's PBS station art auction. They were happy to get the new contribution since last year's went over so well.

    1. oldlady


      GOOD FOR YOU!  :D

    2. Pres


      EXCELLENT! Great to know others recognize your talents and hard work!




  15. Just got the Call for Artists for the local PBS art auction in October...I think more Horsehair Raku and maybe regular Raku will be in the offing this year since the Horsehair went over so well last year...

    1. dhPotter


      Sounds like a tradition is setting up. Congrats, JohnnyK

  16. Just had a trio of horsehair Raku pots juried and accepted for a local PBS TV station's fall Art Auction!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. glazenerd


      Congrats Johnny: always nice when your labors bear fruit. Well done sir!

    3. Pres


      Good exposure, and stop strutting around!:)

    4. Benzine



  17. Just had an interview with a local online news source posted based on my KVIE-TV Juror's Award...Where would be the best place to post the PDF?

    1. Min


      Ceramics Events of Interest sounds about right. Looking forward to reading it.

  18. Just had spine surgery so I'll be off the wheel for a month or two, but will still keep up with the forum...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      reading is good, have you done the william kent krueger series?


    3. JohnnyK


      I haven't, but I'll give it a look...always looking for a good author. I'll be spending a lot of time perfecting my drone flying skills since I have to spend a lot of time standing and walking,,,

    4. Denice


      I hope you heal quickly,  our neighbor got hooked on drones.   He joined a drone club and started doing competition flying.   He has built a couple of hundred drones,  they young members in his group got him started on it.  He recently drove to a  competition in Florida and won  second place not bad for a retiree.   Denice

  19. just opened the glaze firing and am blown away by the pieces. Some will be refired to enhance the look!

    1. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      gotta post some gallery images when you say things like this!...

    2. LeeU


      yep-what he said


    3. glazenerd
  20. Just shipped my first commissioned Horsehair Raku jar with very positive review...

  21. Just started a Raku class at Sierra College. Can't wait to start burning things!

  22. Just wanted to say that I like the increase in the # of Topics!

  23. Kinda lookin' forward to getting my new coils from Euclids so I can start testing the old Cress Kiln...

    1. JohnnyK


      For those who may have seen my previous reply (before editing), Euclids made a mistake on the shipping charges and took care of the discrepancy! Instead of $160, the charges were only $16....

  24. Major fail, but lessons learned...see Forum entry.

  25. Met Mark today at the UC Davis Whole Earth Festival and had an in depth conversation about his product,( which were outstanding}, and his general philosophy of product pricing and customer interaction. Thanks for the insights, Mark!

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