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Status Replies posted by Roberta12

  1. Experimenting with underglazes today, firing tonight. Kinda excited to get the burst of color I want on my pots.

  2. Out of the Earth, Into the Fire. On it's way to my house to be devoured by my brain.

  3. Thinking about starting to stockpile for a studio show in six months.

  4. Thinking about starting to stockpile for a studio show in six months.

  5. Arrived in Red Lodge after driving a uhaul and pulling a trailer 1820 miles due North. happily here in Red Lodge. Unloaded the van Wed. and the truck yesterday. Sorting out things. Sat. I am flying back to Brownsville and touching up nail holes and returning with Matt and the dogs in his Mini. Should be a much faster trip. Glad we made it.

  6. packing up the last of my house in Texas. Driving a truck back Sunday-Wed.

  7. I donated some pots to a raffle and there were several murmurs of excitement from friends. One even came up and bought a bowl that was't in the raffle - my first ever actual sale.

  8. Started a short (1 month only) pottery class last night. Touched a wheel for the first time in 8 years. Given my past experiences I think I was a trooper. Made a pot-thing sort of then ran out of time. Hand built a couple more. It was very mellow. Long drive there/back. To my surprise we'll be given KEYS TO THE STUDIO and can come in and basically do 'lab' work unsupervised any time there isn't another class on. This is a fully equipped college pottery room and I'm delight...

  9. Got rid of 2 rubbermaid storage containers of porcelain, plus boxed raku clay and Armadillo porcelain. I have clay waiting for me in red Lodge, so I don't need to take more 1800 miles. Moving sucks.

  10. Dang!! Thanks to everyone helping me get this done...especially Ron and the magic of the url! I now have an avatar I can live with.

  11. Anybody ever had their instagram account follow a load of random people? Mine has about 300 new follows that were not me, I don't think I have used anything dubious with instagram, no third party apps.

    1. Roberta12


      Joel, I was talking to a friend this morning and she suggested "reporting" the hacking of your account. Apparently IG can "clean up" your account.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anybody ever had their instagram account follow a load of random people? Mine has about 300 new follows that were not me, I don't think I have used anything dubious with instagram, no third party apps.

    1. Roberta12


      We are VERY glad you have sashayed into this forum!


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Anybody ever had their instagram account follow a load of random people? Mine has about 300 new follows that were not me, I don't think I have used anything dubious with instagram, no third party apps.

    1. Roberta12


      nerd, I have to say I like Instagram for the visual feeds. Also for being able to connect with people all over the world. I only "follow" family and potters and some fiber people. but it's a great way to see what others are up to. However, there can be a downside to social media.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  14. Anybody ever had their instagram account follow a load of random people? Mine has about 300 new follows that were not me, I don't think I have used anything dubious with instagram, no third party apps.

    1. Roberta12


      I have had some odd folks like posts and start to follow me, so I just block them. But I have never had what Joel is experiencing....ugh.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  15. Anybody ever had their instagram account follow a load of random people? Mine has about 300 new follows that were not me, I don't think I have used anything dubious with instagram, no third party apps.

    1. Roberta12


      So does that mean you will have to go through and unfollow all these weird accounts?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. SPRING WHERE YOU GO!? Just when I start enjoying spring and have my garage door open, a cold front comes in and I am back in the house hiding from my freezing studio and achy bones!

    1. Roberta12


      55 here today and allll of our snow is gone! Weird.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  17. Posted some bowls and Communion sets on the blog last night.

  18. back to finishing taxes.

  19. Biking around lagoon with dog, koala in middle of road, dog needs restraining, koala latches onto my leg, and sinks teeth into right knee, teeth either sid eof my patella,.... claws deep into my calf muscle, prised the thingie off woith ma pottinig hands...

  20. Visited the Japanese sponsored pottery with climbing kiln today in Cambodia -threw a pot there as well

  21. Posted video of opening up a bowl with the elbow at my blog site, Had said I would post it a year ago, but didn't make it.

    1. Roberta12


      Very nice. Slow, controlled, deliberate.....and the bowl was gorgeous!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Shipping about 200 cups to Korea... Who woulda thunk it!?!

  23. picking up clay tomorrow. Wish I could have picked it up yesterday and mixed it today in a balmy 51 F.

  24. waiting for the electrician, no more. I called today and he stopped by this afternoon. Work will be done by mid February. New separate meter for the kiln shed. 200 amps to cover my 3 electrics including the 90 amp oval. I am glad I saved up for the!

  25. Had laser surgery on my left eye due to retinal tears. The floaters are annoying me.

    1. Roberta12


      Are you recovering from the surgery? Yep the floaters are a pain, but you can still see the clay, right??


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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