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Status Replies posted by Roberta12

  1. found a potential house with studio space

  2. Starting to miss my studio :( Been a few months since I have touched clay.

  3. In Billings, Montana

  4. Three months' worth of work cooling in the bisque kiln right now. I've gotta fire more often and in smaller loads! !

  5. I am back from a week on the road! Helped a son move to New Mexico. Even though he lives in a remote area, he is only two hours from Santa Fe!

  6. Another 100° day. Firings kilns in the basement. Window unit A/C working hard. Trying to remind myself that this is better than shoveling 2 ft of snow.

  7. Glaze firing on - mostly transparent over oxides and tissue transfers with my v reliable glossy glaze. On the shelf is a batch of stoneware pieces from a throwing workshop I attended - after 2 failed stoneware glaze firings I'm very reluctant to get on with these. Have tweaked the glaze and will do just one test piece before sacrificingthe rest to the kiln gods

  8. You know you are getting old when you open the test kiln only to realize you never glazed anything!. hangs head in shame...

  9. Took out a turquoise glaze firing yesterday. Hangs head in shame. streaky, pinholes and white areas :(. They were on order too

  10. leaving tomorrow at 5 am to check out a potential retirement home in Montana for my husband and me. Studio space, kiln space and mountains! My friends have me covered for p/u at airport, drive to town, stay with friends. I love Montana!

  11. I recieved several private messages today from people still experiencing problems getting into the forum. Anyone have an update I can send them?

  12. Can't sleep. Titanium plate and screws in my collarbone ! Feeling positive tho' :-)

  13. I 'have new favorite throwing clay..nara 5. I'll have see will fire well alternative firing techniques as well as with glazes. loved working with this weekend.'.

  14. I 'have new favorite throwing clay..nara 5. I'll have see will fire well alternative firing techniques as well as with glazes. loved working with this weekend.'.

  15. My "mixed mess" single fire came out beautifully! And the few pieces that did not do so well taught me what I needed to know.

  16. I 'have new favorite throwing clay..nara 5. I'll have see will fire well alternative firing techniques as well as with glazes. loved working with this weekend.'.

  17. Hey y'all! How's everyone else doing? I finally have GREAT news! My beloved husband's cancer is finally reacting to the chemo therapy that his oncologist has put him on. Third time's the charm, eh!?! YAY!!

  18. Score!! A potter in NH is selling off most of her studio, so I got myself over a $100 (retail) worth of tools for $15. Yee haw!

  19. 5th night in a row firing. I will figure out this celadon thickness if its the death of my elements.

  20. Just acquired just under a ton of semi-dry Coleman porcelain clay...re-constituting this mess may take a while.

  21. I'm SO HAPPY with my red pie plate! New photos in the gallery, take a peek. :)

  22. I tweaked my web site a bit more-a lot of of work, need descriptions, a shopping cart, and much more stuff. Probably shouldn't have published it yet, but oh well!

  23. I tweaked my web site a bit more-a lot of of work, need descriptions, a shopping cart, and much more stuff. Probably shouldn't have published it yet, but oh well!

  24. A sad day for this North Carolina potter.

  25. A sad day for this North Carolina potter.

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