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Status Replies posted by Roberta12

  1. Nothing better than getting up, drinking some tea, then pulling some handles for some mugs. What a day what a day!

  2. Had to take the decision to move out my studio, a little sad but going to keep working as much as I can from home.

  3. Gave my daughter the Starfish tray (in my gallery/smalls) for her birthday and she loved it - she's persnickety and likes "pretty", which is not my style at all, usually. So "mom did good" :)

  4. Packed up and delivered about 350 pots.

  5. Can't stop watching all the potters on Periscope...must remember to sleeep

  6. forgot how finicky porcelin can be.........

  7. My husband was on TV yesterday for the NSF news conference in brownsville, Tx re; the discovery of Gravitational Waves. He works at the Center for Gravitational Waves Astronomy. He is still very excited by the discovery.

  8. Glazing. Its what happens to people who enjoy making things but then can't always decide what those things should look like once fired :)

  9. One more sacrifice to the kiln gods for this overnight firing including the rest of a large order and my hydria.

  10. Love this kind of phone call: "You remember that big mixing bowl you made last year with the texture on it? I want one." *headspin*

  11. Using our Go Pro to make throwing videos for our new You Tube channel...

  12. enjoyed a successful workshop at Brackers Good Earth Clays in Lawrence, Kansas. Two days of five firing processes and demos.

  13. Back on track, hand in a cast, arm in a sling, stomach upset from narcosis and painkillers but... still alive. Thank you all so much for your healing thoughts. in my recent status update of sept 24th it says I got 13 comments but can read only 3. admin could you please let me read all 13? thank you

  14. My house/studio was burned to the ground in the Valley Fire that started very close to my home. Our street was the first to go and my area is totally destroyed. 75% of the homes in my little town are gone. I had over 300 pots ready for fairs and of course, all the pottery we use daily. I’m devastated. I’m hoping I’ll be able to recover some pots that didn’t break/melt, and maybe my kilns? Wheel? The evacuation order hasn’t been lifted yet. With the shards I’ll make a big mosaic wall when we...

    1. Roberta12


      I am very very sorry to hear this news......my thoughts are with you.


    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  15. Didn't sleep well last night. All those bowls in the studio kept yelling, "Trim me, trim me!' ...and so began the pre-dawn saga (at least after a cup of coffee).

  16. Spring plant pot....... Plant pot with spring theme........ SPRING plant pot......... Spring Plant POT.......... POT, PLANT, SPRING.......... Nothing, empty, silent brain.

  17. I just got accepted to the largest show I've ever applied to. I'm freaking out a bití ¼í¾‰í ¼í¾‰

  18. Am I the only one to receive offers to give a one to one free workshops to total strangers?

  19. I opened up a bag of clay that I mixed, pugged, and wrapped over a year ago...I am more convinced than ever that age improves throwing (at least for the clay...hopefully for the maker).

  20. I opened up a bag of clay that I mixed, pugged, and wrapped over a year ago...I am more convinced than ever that age improves throwing (at least for the clay...hopefully for the maker).

  21. almost ready for Empty Bowl on Friday! My kiln pooped out but a friend in another county is firing the last load! YeeHaw!

  22. So many new white/clear glaze tests. It's so amazing/frustrating how the same stuff can do so many different things.

  23. Making bowls for the Empty Bowl Fundraiser!

  24. Holy Mother of Pearl! Now I know why kiln shops charge so freaking much to install new elements!!! That's quite a job!

  25. Are we all glazing this week? I spent most of yesterday in a respirator while waiting for bisque.

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