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Status Replies posted by Roberta12

  1. dropped my bison trimming tool that I have had and used for 9 years. :(

    1. Roberta12


      The handle fits my hand so very well.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. dropped my bison trimming tool that I have had and used for 9 years. :(

    1. Roberta12


      That is very sad.  Very very sad.  Especially since it is a challenge to purchase those now.  


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. About to mix glaze for the first time in 3 years. Excited and terrified at the same time.

  4. We closed today!

    We have keys and remotes; tomorrow we'll start moving things from storage.

    The garage space has one big "two car" door and a one car door.
    The one car space will become ...Studio!
    My plans include putting up a wall to close off the one car space, with a person door near the back - door with a big window in it, to catch some of the light from that North facing window.
    We'll run wiring in the new wall, separate the overhead lighting from the rest of the garage, and add several flat mount LED lights up there.
    The heat pump thing will go on that far wall somewhere, the kiln in the corner by the rollup door.

    It's a nice space. The window isn't as big as the prior Studio's, but it will bring it a lot of light, being Westerly.
    The space is a bit bigger.


    The roll about shelving we negotiated for from the sellers.
    I'll very likely use a few of them on the Studio side; they are adjustable and very stout.

  5. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Roberta12


      Dang it!  I started having a problem with my piriformis after my knee replacement last fall.  That took lots and lots of stretching.  

      Take er easy!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Have IT Band Syndrome, painful to walk, and work in shop. Working on stretches and massage gun.

    1. Roberta12


      Oh Pres, I hope the stretches help.  We don't like to be slowed down, do we!?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sue and I celebrate our 50th anniversary today!



  8. Thank you to all who reached out about how we are doing from the big earthquake. I only lost 5 cereal bowls at my xmas booth and zero breakage at studio. Our home is fine as we are prepared for quakes and have out styff bolted to wall and our water heater and solar tanks are straped to walls. Yes we had stuff fall but it all made it fine. This was my best earthquake as pottery damage was so light.Our house is bolted to foundation as well so its fine to.


  9. finally over the shingles and can start working in the studio.  mostly to clean it up so i can find the tabletop.

    1. Roberta12


      Denice, I got the 1st shot when I was 58.  The old shot.  I was horrified by what my friend had gone through.  I paid for it out of pocket. Then I got Shingrix shots about 4 years ago.  I didn't realize they expired.  I will ask my dr about that.  My friend was sick for a month.   It really hits some people hard.  Yes, be sure to put it on your calendar.  We simply do not need more issues that can be easily prevented with a vaccine!   Just my opinion.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  10. finally over the shingles and can start working in the studio.  mostly to clean it up so i can find the tabletop.

    1. Roberta12


      I got the vaccination years ago after a friend had shingles in his eyes.    Take care of yourself.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. finally over the shingles and can start working in the studio.  mostly to clean it up so i can find the tabletop.

    1. Roberta12


      So sorry to hear this Alice.  I hope you fully recover!  And also sorry to hear Denice's hubby!  Take care!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Look for information about correct temperatures to slump bottles? Thanks

    1. Roberta12


      I did not have success with the program included with the dynatrol as far as slumping wine bottles.  You may need to develop your own program depending on the size of your kiln.  My top temp is 1400 F

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Gas prices are now  2.09 Litre for regular, whoohoo, we have the highest gas prices in North America. (7.90 CA dollars per US gallon)

  14. Originally from Indianapolis, moved to Denver, and now in Moorhead, Minnesota. My grandparents and parents dabbled in slip ceramics and I recently inherited my grandparents kilns, unfinished projects, molds, and glazes. I very much want to start up this hobby and maybe turn it into a business.

    1. Roberta12


      Fargo has a great clay community!  You should be able to find some places there that offer classes or community studios.  Welcome to the forum.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Putting my feet up and watching it snow today

    1. Roberta12


      Me toooo.  We have quite the blizzard going on.  Glad to be home, not on the road, enjoying a warm fire and leftovers.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. My wife's fracture is a spiral involving the prothesis. Present treatment is continue to wear brace/sling and see if arm will heal on its own. If not, future surgery will require plate and bone graft.

    1. Roberta12


      That sounds brutal Pres!  Send her my best thoughts for healing!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hello! I am new to ceramics and am somewhat of a hobbyist as of now. I'm mainly on hear to seek help and advice, and for inspiration.

    1. Roberta12


      Hi Riley! Welcome to the forum!!  If you scroll around you will see that most of the questions and information are specific.  Feel free to browse and search.



    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Gray skies from clouds so much better than from smoke. Happy to have the rain!

  19. Finally maybe at last back to pottery now that my youngest is 8 months old. Life is crazy!

  20. Thanks Roberta,   I called Rocky Mountain clay and they were very helpful.  

    1. Roberta12


      Good!!!   I do that all the time, contact the glaze people, the clay people, the kiln people.  

  21. Hi everyone!  This is quite the community.  Glad to have stumbled upon it.  Minju and I are based in Taipei - we make pots on our balcony.  Bear with us as we find our way around this forum.


  22. Who's going to NCECA and needs a roommate? Pm me.

    1. Roberta12


      As we chatted about, I don't need a roomie, but I am very excited to meet you in person!  

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. Oh well...I submitted two of my "Hidden Masks" (that reference domestic violence and suicide)  for a juried exhibit,  but got notice I was not accepted. Phooey. ..maybe shoulda gone with the bowls! 


    1. Roberta12


      Getting ready to submit to a small show as well.  A person just never knows.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Have to cancel my next weekend art fair due to broken elbow  1st canceled show ever

    (cracked radius bone)

    I was in my old apple tree when a 5 inch limb broke and I fell about 7 feet.1st ever broken bone.Two weeks in sling no clay for at least a month. kiln is firing last glaze fire now.just coming to terms with this setback

    1. Roberta12


      That is a bummer!  Sorry to hear this Mark!   


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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