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Status Updates posted by Pres

  1. potentiometer for the CXC Brent arrived today, put it in when I find a few minutes. Flooding did the thing in!

    1. Pyewackette


      FLOODING?  What happened?

    2. Pres


      Don't really know, Walked into the shop after the snow and ice we had, it was thawing outside. The shop had 4" of ice on the floor covering the foot pedal, the extension socket on the floor, and some of the bisqueware on the floor along with many other items. All thawed out, but the damage to the foot pedal and the extension socket. Easy enough to fix, As to where the water came from 3 possibilities: drain in the floor that leads to an underground river, brick walls that are worn after the last century, and the garage door that does not have a lip, just a rubber seal on the door itself. Who knows!! First time it ever happened in over 20 years.

    3. Pyewackette


      OMG well maybe set the foot pedal and extension thingy up on the wheel when not in use?  Of course I'm an abnormally clean potter and I always leave my station shiny.  Wouldn't work for someone who cleans Simon Leach style.  I mean I love the guy but his work space makes me shudder ...

      Glad the damage wasn't worse.

  2. Took an afternoon off after grinding bottoms of latest glaze load. Went Kayaking with my grand daughter.

    1. Benzine


      Living the dream Pres... Minus the grinding I would imagine.

    2. Pres


      Oh yeah, but grinding is even easier now. Got a diamond disc a few conferences ago, glued it onto a bat, attached to wheel with sponge of water, grinding is actually fine!

    3. Benzine


      Then indeed, living the dream.

  3. Crazy things happen. . . another tip to be published in Ceramics Monthly this next month.

    1. GEP


      Congrats, and I’m looking forward to reading it! I’m working on one too, to be published in a few months. 

    2. Pres


      Mine is really so simple, posted it here a while back.

    3. glazenerd


      Congrats to both of you.

  4. Posted some bowls and Communion sets on the blog last night.

    1. Joseph Fireborn
    2. Roberta12


      A wonderful commission! Beautiful work!

  5. Going to help with the adult class at the HS next 5-6 Saturdays.


    1. Denice


      I hope you have a good time.  One summer I took a three day tile course at a junior college.  We slept in a dorm at night and found our own meals during the day.   I had been making tile for several years and thought maybe I  could increase my knowledge on the subject.   At the beginning of the first day I realized that I was mistaken.  Most of the people there had never worked with clay.  The class was doubled book and one of the teachers was sick. A overwhelmed teacher asked me if I would help with the class.  I really enjoyed helping the students,  I think I would have been bored out of my mind  with the elementary presentations.  Denice

    2. Pres


      I taught in this position for 36 yrs, started the adult class. The new teacher 2nd after my retirement, treats me like a king. Great guy, and has kids coming in for the class along with adults. Lots of fun, and the interaction that I miss is marvelous. Teaching can be so rewarding, and often you learn something by teaching others.



  6. Putting my bisque firing off until at least the weekend. Started firing yesterday, but gas explosion caused loss of electric. Area soil is full of nat gas. . . one of reasons electric was off for 24 hrs.

    1. Min


      Have a safe weekend. Don't need something like that happening twice in a lifetime. My husband worked in a mill years ago where a lot of fine sawdust was generated. There was a fire by one of the machines and the operator shut the big fans off. This caused the fuel to oxygen ratio to increase which resulted in an explosion. Running a fan while firing the kiln might be an idea so any remaining gas doesn't accumulate. 

    2. Pres


      As my thinking follows never assume, I went to mayor's office on Wednesday, asking about firing the kiln. Mayor told me to go down to the guys working on the street from the gas company, and ask. Top guy there told me that there was no problem with the gas now at my side of the block evidenced by the road being opened and that their testing showed that the soil was no longer saturated. I explained that I was in a garage in back of the house with the firing and the garage was over the river tunnel. He said all of that had been cleared. Fired the kiln that day. The cone adjustment of -35 is not quite right. Next firing will be with cone adjustment of -30. Getting there.

  7. Snowing hard here since yesterday. Looks like about 6" so far. supposed to stop about 5 am!


    1. Denice


      It is going to be in the mid 50's this week but cold is moving our way this weekend.   The weatherman said it could get down to 10 degrees,   my husband will have to finish my Century plant cover before that happens.   I would rather have snow  and not so cold.    Denice

    2. Pres


      temps are running mid 20's during the day. Snow was about 10" still lightly snowing, but am dug out.


  8. First of Communion presentation sets went out. 13 more to go out. Honey jars and mugs are moving along. Whew.

    1. Gabby


      Do you have photos on your blog? I don't know what a Communion Presentation set is.

    2. Pres


      They are the chalice and paten sets. They are used as a presentation to ordinands into the ministry with high community service, academic achievement and religious commitment. It is called the Hickman award. I have them posted in last years blog postings. My sets are completed with the Order of St. Luke logo, stamped on the plates which are actually larger than the standard paten that was used with the wafers for communion, but of late the churches are going to the broken bread communion and intinction. Intinction requires a wider bowl on the chalice to allow for dipping of the wafer or bread. Almost too wide to be drinkable, but not quite.




  9. Snow, Snow, Snow, Oh NO!

    1. Denice


      Hopefully your last storm,  it suppose to be 77 today.  We have gotten a total of 1 inch of snow this year, still in a drought.    Denice

    2. Pres


      11 inches yesterday, will probably all be melted off by the end of the week. I would not want to be in a drought, but at the same time, some warmer weather will allow me to get into the frozen shop!

  10. Tower computer is up and running with all software installed. Now maybe I can catch up on things, nice to be back to a large screen for using word processor,OCR, and browser all at once.


    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Tower of Power

    2. Pres


      Yeah it is i7 8700K processor 16gig of RAM and a new Mobo to handle it all.



  11. PQothW # 39 is ready to tease your gray matter!





    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      grey matter is all thats left

    2. Pres


      Can never remember English, or American spelling!




  12. burial urns, honey jars, mortar and pestles today. . . back on the wheel.

    1. Marko


      Lions, Tigers and Bears, oh my.

      Have fun Pres

      It's been 90-100 degrees here. I might have an hour or two in the mornings of 70's in the garage.

    2. Pres


      been 80s to 90s here, but then I like the heat more than the cold. Humidity is high though!

  13. Week 9 quiz is up, Enjoy!

    1. glazenerd


      Tough one for me Prez- I have not read many pottery books.

    2. Pres


      Every week, different book. This book is a must for most libraries in Ceramics.

  14. Another day of the Adult Ceramics class. Regular teacher could not be there, so I had another art teacher as the teacher while I assisted. Demonstrated a 3lb bowl first then a 15lb with elbow open up. Lots of fun. Will keep the for door prizes.

    1. glazenerd


      Sounds like you enjoyed it more than the students- a good thing.

    2. Marko


      Your students are so fortunate to have you at the helm.

  15. Away from the house and shop to go hunting with my Dad for the next week or so. I try to spend as much time as I can with him.

    1. glazenerd


      Very wise decision. I buried my dad 5 years ago.

    2. Pres


      My Dad is 90, and still does most of the driving-for those of you that are hunters.

  16. Replacing elements this week, along with some element holders and bricks, One of the pigtails is also being replaced after a failed bisque. Hmmm one blow up also. First one in many years, humidity!

    1. glazenerd


      We have been bouncing between 50-70% humidity for over 2 weeks. soggy!

    2. firenflux


      It's only humid in Tucson for maybe 15 minutes after it rains. Then the ground soaks it up and it's back to a dry heat.

  17. Glaze load turned off this morning at 4:30 am, potter slept in after breakfast til noon! Open bowls tomorrow at JH school. Hard cone6

    1. glazenerd


      and I thought I was the only one who stood over my kiln during firing.

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I went the other way and got bit

  18. Will be helping with adult ceramics class on Saturdays for next 5 weeks. Will not make last class as it is on the 19th of March. I will be returning from NCECA.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      see you there Pres!


    2. Pres


      Looking forward to seeing you too!

  19. Big bisque load in last night, 8 teapots, mugs, chalices, mortar and pestles, lot of stuff to glaze this week during the warmer 60F. days.

    1. Cavy Fire Studios

      Cavy Fire Studios

      EIGHT teapots?! Wow... you have been busy!

    2. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Nice. Firing a bisque right now myself. Full of bowls.

  20. Another glaze load in tonight. Chalice and Pates to finish orders.

    1. Pres


      Load finished at 3:30am. Going to take a nap!

    2. Cavy Fire Studios
  21. Main cone pack blew on Monday glaze fire. Refired yesterday off at 130am. cooling now. Hate it when they blow, first one in years.

    1. Tyler Miller

      Tyler Miller

      They can do that? Yikes.

    2. Pres


      Yeah, if not properly dried and firing too quick. My fault, but then it happens.

  22. Thumb dressing is off, shop is frozen, I won't be in til after the stitches fall out. Hoping to get back to bowling week after next.

    1. docweathers


      I'm glad you're doing better.

    2. Evelyne Schoenmann
  23. Taking grandaughter to Mt. Rushmore area- now in Omaha-tommorrow Badlands.

    1. Up in Smoke Pottery

      Up in Smoke Pottery

      Your entering my neck of the woods, hope you have a great time.

  24. Chalice and patens this week, after a few larger bowls, and a canister set. Hope to bisque this weekend, but rain is keeping things wet.

  25. Returned from SD vacation yesterday. I will get some work in shop this week, but head for PEI with my father and his wife this weekend in his motor home.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      jury duty starts today. may be gone for a while.

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