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Mark C.

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Everything posted by Mark C.

  1. yesterdays throw list was 50 spoon rests-30 sponge holders-40 soap dishes-24 cereal bowls-4 large bowls-work time now

  2. Bisquing today as well as throwing for upcoming shows next month

  3. Back from a 3 day eclipse trip-it was super-I took some shots with my 300mm and a 1x4 teleconverter-to tired to look at them after an 8 hour drive

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      we drove down from Red Lodge 180 miles. Had 2 minutes of totality and not much in the way of traffic.

      looking forward to your photos. I used a digital camera for a totality shot.

    3. karenkstudio


      Viewed eclipse at local living History Farm Museum.I set up a small display


    4. karenkstudio


      .....helped in their gift shop, and sold a few things.Viewed the eclipse until the last sliver of the moon cleared the sun. Many hit the road after totality creating bumper to bumper congestion.

  4. Taking a week off from throwing-summer break

    1. glazenerd


      Back to diving?

    2. Denice


      Have fun. Denice

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Woking on apple presses and boats-wind has made ocean undoable-filling pottery orders from finished stock as well


  5. Glazing fish this am-kiln is loaded and waiting for them.

    1. glazenerd


      Can I have the recipe for fish glaze?

    2. terrim8


      Fish Glaze >>>Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

      To make the browned butter lime sauce, melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. ...

      Season salmon with salt and pepper, to taste. ...

      Heat olive oil in a large oven-proof skillet over medium high heat.

    3. glazenerd
  6. Last night of eating fresh caught albacore from last weeks fishing trip-glaze day in am.

    1. Evelyne Schoenmann

      Evelyne Schoenmann

      Fresh caught, from last weeks fishing? How come?

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      caught on Thursday -ate for 3 nights-Vacume packed the rest on Friday.

  7. Looks like I may be away this week in Oregon Tuna fishing-getting the boat ready

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      sounds like a great adventure!


    2. jrgpots
  8. Not doing anything in or with clay today-day off from studio

    1. Denice


      Haven't been able to work in my studio for several days. My big Skutt needed rewiring. My husband decided we needed to put some more concrete board on the walls while it was out of the room. Hopefully I will have my studio back in a couple of days.

  9. Two glaze fires unloading this afternoon

  10. Two glaze fires cooling for a few days

  11. working on a few small tray forms for press molds

    1. Marko


      What's a few. Like a million an hour? LOL

      Do you have to have special clay for a press mold?

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I cut the master on a tablesaw

      made the plaster press mold. I use regular porcelain for the small ones-I'm testing these at next show to see if they sell.

  12. Glaze day on Monday-two kilns

  13. Loading another bisque in big kiln today.

    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      had enough left over to load the big electric as well-so its going -TOU rates are low on weekends

  14. unloading two kilns on the 5th for August show and summer gallery orders

  15. Firing two glaze kilns today

  16. refinishing 32 pieces of two racks-big job -almost done

  17. refinishing my racks this week-crappy job but its needed every 5 years

  18. Glaze day in am-two kilns to glazes and load

    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      10 hours of glazing and loading-mowed lawn moved a 1/2 ton into studio-burnt out now-life of a potter-not for the everyone

  19. Friday is another glaze and load two kilns day

    1. glazenerd


      The wheel just keeps rolling around.

    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      firing the small kiln (12 cubic) now and going to fire the 35 cubic car kiln in am

    3. glazenerd


      I know how much my 15 cf holds: cannot imagine filling a 35 cf'er.

  20. Took a week off from clay and went Camping in remote Eastern Oregon with my newly retired wife its calfing season on the antelope refuges

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Min


      good time of year to go there. before the fires start and the smoke from forest fires is everywhere.

    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      saw golden eagles -bald eagle s

      prairie falcons-antelope with calfs-trout-lots of swallow tail spices-family of burrowing owls-seeder types of deer and many types of snakes

    4. Joseph Fireborn
  21. When you play with dark oversaturated clays with colorants you will have issues-its part of the deal. Like playing with fire you will get burned sooner or later.
  22. Glaze firing today

  23. Off on a 5 day art show trip.

    1. Joseph Fireborn
    2. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      Thanks but luck is not in the equation-I have tons of stock and the weather is great and I have a25 year history at The UC Davis whole Earth festival-it will be epic.

    3. Joseph Fireborn

      Joseph Fireborn

      Nice! I like epic.

  24. Two kilns cooling -open Friday

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