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Mark C.

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Everything posted by Mark C.

  1. 2X 300 discs in 2 300 disc players- random play mode in house- speakers (6 sets) two in studio area with volume controls. Could not work without that.
  2. Sun and rain sun and rain-up to 34 inches for the year for rain less for the sun

    1. Denice


      Mark is that the average rain fall you get every year.   We have had a little over a inch of moisture since last November.  I just noticed that you had your 65th birthday in March, congratulations.  I had my 65th October 15 last year.  I  am going to draw off of my husbands Social Security,  I will get more money that way.   I have to wait until I am 66 and he has to enroll also.   My husband is still working and is retiring next October.    Denice

  3. Another middle 60s day great for drying out pots-This past week has been great weather for pottery drying outside

    1. Benzine


      It snowed here yesterday, and this morning we had wind chills near zero...

    2. terrim8


      #**!!@^% its -10 here right now. The pond is still frozen. I'm feeding the poor robins and other birds. Not supposed to go over negative temps until Monday. Ice age anyone?

  4. Friday is glaze day

    Saturday fire two glaze fires

  5. Back to throwing today-sunny and pots are outside drying in sun-65 degrees today

    1. Pres


      Today was warmer in the shop 48F., wearing insulated pants, base layer 2 sweatshirt. Throwing honey jars, and mugs lately. Don't ever seem to get warm even when back in the house.



  6. Never got over 50 degrees at home today and raining and we are freezing after a month in Molokai 

    1. Denice


      Is this your last blast of winter?  We have been in the 80's already but it is suppose to be in the 60's and rainy all week.  Last year it dropped down to 10 degrees one night at the end of March  and cut down on the population of wasps that chase us around every summer.  Denice

  7. The bench is 2,400 miles away now and when I left a month ago it was empty. I will check on it Friday when I get back to see whats turned up.
  8. salt fire came out really nice .

    1. Denice


      Post some photos when you get back.   Denice

  9. 2 3 3 4 This is just a guess as I do not have the book or know the project and am supposed to be on salt kiln vacation . Going swimming today for sure.2 days left-Going now to unload slat fire.-Hey Pres you could do a quiz on my salt conversion kiln
  10.  salt fire two is unloading today at 9.30 MolokaI TIME ZONE

  11. Salt kiln firing today on Molokai

  12. salt kiln loading afternoon

  13. salt kiln glaze day at Molokai Art Center-starts at 2pm-then I load kiln.

  14. Salt kiln is coming together -I'll try to take some more photos.should be done today.

  15. cloudy and cooler today -76 degrees with light trade winds

    1. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      We got the salt kiln lined today with fiber .

    2. Min


      Really enjoy seeing the build in progress, thanks!  Can't wait to see how the pots come out. 

  16. snowed last night-winter wonderland here this morning.Very rare for us indeed-into the 20's tonight

    1. Denice


      We got a ice storm overnight,  it thundered and lightning and rain a quarter inch of ice.   My son is visiting from Palau and is freezing.  Denice

    2. Benzine


      We should have snow on the ground, and a week ago, we did.  Most of it melted over the weekend, and woke up to thunderstorms this morning. 

      Last year at this time, it was in the 60s and 70s!

    3. Denice


      We had another ice storm last night,  we only had two cold nights last year.  It is suppose to be in the high 50's next week.   I only worked in my studio yesterday for a couple of hours, it was to cold and my heater wasn't cutting it.   Denice

  17. Dropped off work at 5 outlets yesterday-only two more to cover before the tropics-I'm taking the lead that Pres started.

    1. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      by this time of winter I am envious. My arms are aching from the snow shoveling. Enjoy the Tropics.



  18. Glaze kiln is cooling for an afternoon unload-next glaze will be in late March-big break

  19. Monday glaze day and tax account day.Last load before my trip

  20. Two kilns cooling today

  21. Took the day off and caught 100#s of herring for bait.Two glaze fires in am for me now.

  22. 1st bisque of the year-glaze day on Monday

  23. Mixed up two clay bodies (50/50)for fellow potter who is 83 yr old.Its 500# and I will drop it off to her in next few days .It less than a two hour job with the Peter pugger.I do this every year for her.I hope someone does it for me when I'm 83.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      nice thing to do, Mark. Good of you to help her. 



    3. Mark C.

      Mark C.

      I have used and liked her work for the past 35+ years. We had the same teacher.She can no longer lift a box of clay.

      but a pug she can handle.She gave up shows long ago but still supplies a few outlets.

    4. Marcia Selsor

      Marcia Selsor

      we're all getting older.

      You have a good heart!


  24. Cleaned studio-back to work in clay on the 31st-taxes almost done

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