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Status Replies posted by Min

  1. Worried my kiln for hire is going away. That would leave me to buy a kiln, -never had one- or drive a long way (4 hrs round trip) and pay a fee. 

  2. Well 41Degrees C here tomorrow, only got to 35 today,  Pots ready to trim before y'get them off the wheel. Shed a sauna, off for a long drink of tea, the best on a hot night.

    Tomorrow, my turn to sit in a gallery, sounds fine.

  3. Folks, I will be away for about 10 days. No. . . not more hunting. . . My wife and I are going to the Southern Caribbean, on a cruise. It is our 45th anniversary, and has been planned for several months now. Also, I will not have the quiz and the question of the week this week or next week. I will be dropping in now and then til Friday, but then not certain if I will be on afterwards.




  4. Tis the time of year, bring on Good Cheer, Respect for all, Peace on Earth and Blessings of Prosperity, Love and Happiness.




  5. Had my first MS relapse in 10 years Saturday the whole right side of my body went numb.  My hands still work  so I can still stumble out to my studio and still work.  I guess it doesn't take too much to make me happy.   Denice

  6. Go time in the pottery world for me-every outlet needs pots NOW. I'm making my rounds today after setting up my booth wit h pots.

  7. Honestas probitasque per se desiderandae.

  8. Just back from a very busy 2 weeks away to see family and wedding. Got a dreadful cold. Still sick but at least I'm home.


  9. Exhausted ... wood firing today!!

  10. Hi Folks, sorry I'm back. How's everyone been? Mixed bag for me the last few months while I sold/bought places to live and moved from ID to OR.  No time for clay until recently, found my motivation with renewed interest. 

  11. Hi Folks, sorry I'm back. How's everyone been? Mixed bag for me the last few months while I sold/bought places to live and moved from ID to OR.  No time for clay until recently, found my motivation with renewed interest. 

  12. Bisquefired two large pickling crocks last night.  Largest was 25#, thicker walls than usual, but wanted it to hold up to abuse, and the rim is a water catch to cut the oxygen contamination to the interior. Glazing later in the week as Med emergency with wife(broken shoulder).

  13. if anyone wants to contact pugaboo or make a contribution, pm me.  oldlady

  14. A message from Alice (oldlady) regarding Terry (Pugaboo)
    "Terry Buffington, known to us as the vibrant Pugaboo, lost her husband on October 4 to a serious illness.  He had been ill and hospitalized for several weeks.  I know Terry would be glad to hear from her forum "family".  I am sure we all feel part of her loss and would like to express those feelings to her."

  15. heading to Medalta again for a week!

  16. Glazed all day yesterday, fired last night, now the long wait until late tomorrow to pop the lid. . . Uhhhh!

  17. I may get to put some smalls in the Discover Portsmouth gift shop during the summer exhibition (have 2 pieces in the show-both from the Hidden Mask Series-wall portraits). I'm going to submit a couple of catch-alls, some tea light holders, and business card holders. Pics in my gallery.

  18. family health etc, etc has kept me away from clay. today will prob be dreamtime in my space.

  19. lost one of my dear little 4 legged friends today. He was a comic relief in life. Adios amigo, RIP

  20. prognosis: broken wrist in April aggravated by me. Will revisit wrist doctor in Sept.

  21. Youguysyouguysyouguys!!!! I just got notification I got into The Crafted Dish Cookbook!!!

  22. Hey everyone! Bet y'all thought I kicked the bucket or fell off of the face of the earth or something? Nope. Still kicking. Just stopped by to say high and that I hope everyone in having a great summer. Will try to swing back by here in a few days...or whatever....Always thinking about y'all!

  23. After nearly two years of testing and writing formula limits: threw my final stoneware recipe this morning. Finally satisfied with the results.

  24. My big skutt gave up last night, after 15 hours only made it to 2000 degrees, time to rewire ugh!

  25. Today I just got the paperwork from the Lawyer. It's official I have started "Aspie's Retreat" a camp for kids with autism. Art, pottery, music, eventually equestrian therapy, and ATV activitieswill be part of the program. Now I have to hit people up for donations. I'm so excited!

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