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Status Replies posted by Marko

  1. A nice clean studio feels so nice.

  2. Peace to all and planet Earth.

  3. Making pots, it's a mugs game.

  4. Making pots, it's a mugs game.

  5. I, too, have just had the best show of my career. What a year for potters everywhere!

  6. SNOWWWW!!! Glorious SNOW!!!! Yes! I have SNOW!!! :D About 4 inches of WONDERFUL SNOW!!!! :D

  7. 2016 - Maybe the year I start selling stuff? EH?

  8. 2016 - Maybe the year I start selling stuff? EH?

  9. Driving home from 2400 mile show best show of my career so going to to give it up in a year and start slowing down

  10. Made my cottle boards, and instead of watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, made my damp box. Yee haw!

  11. Made my cottle boards, and instead of watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, made my damp box. Yee haw!

  12. Fired two kilns yesterday-now its time to start selling.

  13. Have had guests for 4 days and while fun, lack of clay time has made me antsy. Can't wait to get back tomorrow and see kiln unload.

  14. Dear friends. Thank you all very much for your prayers and positive thoughts. I love you!! Surgery went well but this time I had problems with the anesthesia and so I am not really up to par yet. But also this will pass. I am looking forward: now that I had surgery on both hands, everything can only get better. I am glad that I am not a squid... haha. See you soon again... Hugs

  15. May I have your prayers and good vibes one more time, my friends? Tomorrow Friday, very early in the morning, I'll have my second hand surgery (left hand). I hope everything goes as well as the right hand did. Thank you all!

  16. Painting isn't pottery, but my shipping room needed it. Should finish tomorrow. Yea!

  17. My annual clay order comes in this week-the hualing will begin-my order is 11.5 tons of stuff.Includes 1 ton of a mixed glaze.Tired thinking about this move.

  18. Glaze day today-xmas pots are getting glazed-

  19. After a morning of do this, do that, I will be back in my studio glazing this afternoon. Hopefully.

  20. After a morning of do this, do that, I will be back in my studio glazing this afternoon. Hopefully.

  21. Done with both werkends of the four-day show. Sold about 25% of my inventory and met lots of great people.

  22. Waxed bottoms of all pieces, start glazing tomorrow, and fire hopefully on Wed night

  23. finishing up a wholesale order and studying real estate laws.... I can't wait to make my own work again!!

  24. Waxed bottoms of all pieces, start glazing tomorrow, and fire hopefully on Wed night

  25. Done with both werkends of the four-day show. Sold about 25% of my inventory and met lots of great people.

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