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Status Replies posted by Marko

  1. Heading to Yosemite, Kings, and Sequoia next week, be gone for 8 days. Hope to have wifi. Hope to see some potters and potteries

  2. Anyone have dreams about ceramics? I had one last night where I was trying to raku a complex piece and all these other people showed up and were building makeshift raku kilns out of inappropriate materials and causing great danger and making a huge mess. Makes me grateful for our safe and simple set up.

  3. A sad day for this North Carolina potter.

  4. Glaze firing tonight. Yard work tomorrow. Listings the next day. Then repeat!

  5. Workshop in Kilnun coming upon Friday. It will be cool with the Scottish potters Association.

  6. I just finished packing ONE large bowl for shipping...I think my first sofa came in a smaller box *grin*

  7. Nothing better than getting up, drinking some tea, then pulling some handles for some mugs. What a day what a day!

  8. packing for colder weather in Scotland and my Alternative firing workshop May 20-22. Sounds like we're taking the high road over the mountains and around the river Clyde. The scenery looks amazing.They have 5 raku kilns ready to go. Will post lots of photos or maybe just la link to them.

  9. Back in the dark ages when I first started using clay, I don't recall anyone telling me to be sure to photograph finished work...see, it is ALL their fault :)

  10. Silicon Carbide is arriving today. Going to mix up some test batches of some reduction glazes to experiment in oxydation chemically reduced! Lots of terrible glazes to come!

  11. Mothers Day: A good mom will let her kids eat batter off the beaters: a great mom will turn it off first.

  12. I had a small test tile melt glaze onto the shelf. I was able to chisel most of it off but there is still a small amount of glaze adhered to the shelf. Can I kiln wash over that 1-inch spot or does every bit of glaze have to be removed?

  13. Why does it take so long to post a thread, like I am back in 1997 on dialup xD No wonder people spam the post button staring at the blinky dots.

  14. Frustrated with studio set up....

  15. working ion editing videos for online course. So much in such a little time!

  16. Toronto Pottery Events this summer? I am going to be in Toronto

  17. back for 4 days from Hawaii-loaded and fired bisque and two glazes fires.unload wens afternoon and drive Thursday to a show at UC Davis.Whole Earth Festival

  18. My first ever single firing is in the kiln. Hunting round the house for displacement activities to keep me from wondering just exactly what is going to happen.

  19. My wedding ring survived a batch of stoneware in the Peter Pugger...I always knew of my attraction to clay, but this takes it too far, methinks :)

  20. I, too, have just had the best show of my career. What a year for potters everywhere!

  21. Had a great demo on teapots today and some of the potters got to work on the wheel.. Will post some pictures

  22. I made a mug from 4 lbs of clay, mostly as a joke. One of the first things to sell...

  23. My niece and I were playing, "If I Had a Million Dollars". I said I would give her a private performance by her favorite band. She said she would give me a lifetime supply of glazes. Awwwwwwwww.

  24. Had to take the decision to move out my studio, a little sad but going to keep working as much as I can from home.

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