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Posts posted by Denice

  1. I have reached out to a couple of local high schools to donate 48 Ceramic Monthly magazines .   Both pottery teachers indicated that they were to busy to drop by my studio and pick them up.   It is almost impossible to donate at the school,  they would probably call the bomb squad if  had boxes in the car.   I tried for six months and the quit trying when Covid blew up reality.  I use to donate magazines to high schools, unless you have a child or grandchild in the school donating is impossible.     Denice

  2. Last day at the physical therapist,  still need more healing time to have a decent grip but I think I can handle cleaning my studio.   I have a mural to make in the near future so I will spend  time sketching.  My studio is hard to warm up on really cold days so having a design project is good.  I have a feeling that winter is about over in Kansas,  dandelions and new grass are popping up all over.   Denice

  3. I was sorting some bisque test tiles the other day and ran across some liner tiles that I had a made years ago.   I am pretty sure the clay is C5.   I am going to glaze a few and fire them in my test kiln.   I haven't had low fire clay in my studio for at least 30 years, who knows how long they have been in the bottom of the box.   It is better to be safe than sorry.    Denice

  4. That's what it feel like to be retired,  I had my husband retired as soon as we could afford it.   The company he worked for was going to kill him.  His boss retired so he had to cover his work,  the hazmat personnel was fired another job for Stu.  Millions of questions to answer from amusement ride owners and government officials  and when he had some time he could do his actual job of technical publication,  writing the huge manuals that went out with each ride.  He has been retired for two years  finished restoring a rusty 74 Challenger last spring .    January he started working on a man cave in our unfinished basement.   He hired a few jobs out but did everything else framing, plumbing, wiring, painting, trim work and tiling.  Most of the theater and bar is finished  he still has to tile the bathroom.  It sounds like a lot of work but he loves doing it and he starts and stops whenever he feels like it,  even sleep late in the morning now and then.   You can keep doing what you really enjoy  with out any pressure of a schedule    Denice

  5.  I need to look into making french presses,  my son will only make his coffee with a french press.   He is somewhat a fanatic when it comes to coffee,  he orders green coffee beans and roast them himself.   If he asks you if want a cup of coffee just say no,  it will be a couple of hours before he is finished making it.   He had me make him two part shaving mugs that held hot water in the bottom and the shaving cream was made in the next layer.   The hot water kept the shaving cream warm and  this made it easier to shave a heavy beard.   I made him musical pots when we was in high school and a urn for his dog a few years ago,  the things we do for our children.

  6. That is a great idea,  my husband does some wood working.   He is one of those people that can fix for build anything.    I have been thinking about making a new set of dishes,  my old set  glaze is getting fuzzy from a million tiny scratches.     I have a appointment with the hand doctor Thursday  hopefully he can do the surgery soon.  My neuro told me that my nerve test came out really bad and I needed surgery as soon as possible.    Denice

  7. Ten pounds was my limit,  with my bad hands and wrist it is probably 5 lbs now.   I am mostly a handbuilder so the amount of clay I can or can't throw doesn't matter.  Spiral wedging was the method I was taught first,  now I do the slam method or just work out of a new bag of clay.  Sometime little bubbles pop up,  I can handle them.  I am hoping after my left hand surgery I will be able to throw again.    Denice

  8. I have a hot waxer for feet and hands,  I was just wondering if it sped up the healing process.   I just got back from my nerve test and they were pretty bad the doctor thinks I should have the surgery right away.    I want to wait until January,  I guess I will have to speak to a surgeon about this,  maybe he will give me a steroid shot.   Good news is that my last MRI showed no new signs of lesions or damage from my MS.      Denice

  9. Marc how do you use hot wax to help your wrist surgery,   I am still having problems with my last surgery and my stiff finger is starting to curl again.   It will be a year in November since my surgery,  my left hand is now causing me trouble.   I am having some nerve test done tomorrow by my neuro to see if it is MS or carpal tunnel that is bothering me.   Denice

  10. Hulk your high cubby reminded me of a newly thrown pot sitting high on a shelf in a outdoor drying area at a local pottery class.   The pot was had  a tunnel wrapping around the pot,  the maker was furious and demanding to know who ruin  his work.   The teacher pulled the pot down  and found a large worm eating its way through the clay.   The potter felt pretty foolish that he had thrown such a fit,  he decided to fire the piece and see what happens.  It was the last day of the class so I never found out,  it probably cracked up.  LOL   Denice

  11. I don't even like lending tools to my husband,  the only way I get them back is to hunt for them in his garage.   Now he has a new woodworking shop in the basement so I it will take longer to find them.   He will go in my studio and get a tool without asking,   what really bothers me is that he will take tools that he also has but can't find them.   He doesn't want to bother looking for them so he takes mine and promptly misplaces them.  I try not to complain,  I am lucky to have a husband that can fix anything.     Denice

  12. I made some small ornaments several years ago,  I cut small holes  in the Christmas tree ornaments and then filled the holes with transparent colored glazes.   I mixed up a small batch of porcelain clay to use because I wanted the ornaments to be very white.   I also made some that looked like old fashion  candies and filled small open areas with the low fire glaze. Most people think they are some kind of stain glass ornament on the tree until they get a closer look.      Denice

  13. I started out making pots in cardboard containers like oatmeal boxes and then I moved onto slabs.   After a while I wanted to make a series so  I started working with hump and slump molds,   I even worked with canvas slump molds.   Right now I am making tile so I guess I am back to slab.   When I finish this project I am going to do some throwing,  I am losing the feeling in my fingers on my left hand.   This is quite common with people who have MS.    Maybe some throwing will help retrain my nerve pathways!   Denice

  14. I did some slip casting also in the early 90's but on a much smaller scale.   I made a mold of a triangular large lamp and used that mold for a few years,  I also made molds for a medieval chess set for my son.  I thought it would be a good item to sell at Renaissance fairs.   After figuring the costs of materials,  booth fees  I would be lucky to break even when I compared  to what other chess sets  sold for.  I still have the mold and chess set  and molds.    Denice

  15. I have my cut off wires hung on the wall next to the wheel and a cottage cheese container full of basic throwing tools.   I have another container with hand building tools on a separate table  Extra tools and misc.  are in  divided trays that stack inside of each other.  I keep my extruder dies in a shoe box on a shelf near the extruder,  I also have rolling pins on that shelf and my Skutt thermocouple.   I have managed to collect way to many tools,  I bought some to fill out a order that my husband was getting from China years ago.  They were really cheap,  I have purchased some old tools at estate sales, they are my favorite to work with.   I will put together a set of tools and a bag of clay for someone who needs it for therapy or just home bound and bored,  I even offer to fire whatever they make.   My neighbors have three school age children,  I offered to give them clay and tools during the shelter in,   they turned me down.  The mother is a teacher and I have run into teachers that didn't think art was necessary when my son was in school.   Denice

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