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    Hulk reacted to Chilly in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    1st rhubarb crop this year.  Steamed in a sieve over other veg.

  2. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Rae Reich in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Hey Babs, deep dish is fairly standard pizza dough, search "Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza Recipe From King Arthur Flour" …aha! https://food52.com/recipes/82857-crispy-cheese-pan-pizza-recipe Next time will roll the bottom in some corn meal, let the dough age a full day, and use a bigger dish - so the dough part isn't quite that thick.
    That plate is a second (bit overfired) from Heath (Bay Area); my best friend (spouse) bought a set over thirty five years ago...
  3. Like
    Hulk reacted to liambesaw in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Not on my kitchen table yet, will be about 6 months, but we make our own miso paste here and for the first time we are using jars that I made to do it!

  4. Like
    Hulk reacted to Smokey2 in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Last night's dinner:
    Beer Crust with with last season's home canned tomato sauce and sopressa
  5. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Rae Reich in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    For a break in stream of turkey and related left overs, pizza of the deepdish

  6. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from GEP in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    For a break in stream of turkey and related left overs, pizza of the deepdish

  7. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Min in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    For a break in stream of turkey and related left overs, pizza of the deepdish

  8. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in What’s on your workbench?   
    Still making tile probably will take me another week to make enough and then I will have to start glazing.  Denice
  9. Like
    Hulk reacted to Callie Beller Diesel in What’s on your workbench?   
    I did photos today. Here are some ideas that bear more exploring, although I have to test and see how folks will respond to them. Also, I found a much better alternative to the cover style travel mug lid. It fits a number of mugs in my personal collection. It’s been handy since we’re doing all the home office stuff in the basement so we can have some work/life separation and it’s cold down there. 

  10. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from oldlady in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    For a break in stream of turkey and related left overs, pizza of the deepdish

  11. Like
    Hulk reacted to LeeU in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Ha ha---someone noticed! I don't of course. I cut it up...I took the pic with it still whole just to show off...opps, I meant to show it off. 
  12. Like
    Hulk reacted to Babs in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    My morning tea this a.m.
    Autumn here. Stunning day.
    First quinces so.
    Plate old one Andrea Hicks who, for a time, worked with 
    Malcolm Cooke.
    Cuppacumblong Pottery.

  13. Like
    Hulk reacted to LeeU in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    I love mushrooms! This is a glazed, roasted portobella cap with deconstructed "stuffing" alongside & underneath. Glaze is balsamic vinegar with just a touch of real maple syrup and chili paste. The stuffing, made stove-top, is chopped "whatever" mushrooms, shredded carrot, minced garlic, minced onion, some yogurt and coconut flour to hold it together. A sprinkle of flax seeds on top-should be sesame seed but I'm out.  Delicious hot or cold/room temp.  Bowl is anagama fired from a couple of years ago and a little porcelain pillow for the sticks. 

  14. Like
    Hulk reacted to Pres in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    Smokey, not so bad, I used to be 170-180 when I was teaching, wore large shirts, 34" pants. Diagnosed with diabetes the last year of work, don't want to take meds, so I now weigh this morning 140. Wear small shirts and 29 inch waist. The incredible shrinking man.
  15. Like
    Hulk reacted to Smokey2 in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    I'm in shape... round is a shape so I guess I'm in perfect shape.
    Seriously,  I'm at 175lbs. Last year at this time I was at 225lbs. Where's the chocolate I need to get back into shape.
  16. Like
    Hulk reacted to Min in What's On Your Kitchen Table?   
    Crispy tofu marinated in dark soy sauce with lots of ginger and chili oil with sweet and sour veggies on basmati rice. Bowl is one of my dinner bowls (that we use more than dinner plates).

  17. Like
    Hulk reacted to Chilly in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    Gardening, general pottering around (I got into spinning and weaving, so this weekend I've been dying sheep fleece - on my feet all day, up and down from the greenhouse to the tap.
    We've been for a daily walk, around 2-3 miles.  The local scout leaders have volunteered to deliver prescription medicines to those unable to get to the pharmacy.  Up to 5 couples/brothers turn up at near closing time for the local pharmacy.  We're given a box and sort out who can walk to the closest, and who can drive and drop them on their way home.  Scouting is completely closed, but this way we all feel we are doing some good.  It's great when someone comes to their door and it's quite clear they needed the service.  They've all been very grateful.  And the local church gave us 3 trays of Easter eggs to hand out with the medicines.  The pharmacist gave us a goody bag for helping.   We feel we aught to give him a gift for trusting us with medicine and people's names/addresses etc. 
  18. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    Back to the garden this morning,  freezing weather moving in for several days.   Going to cover up my asparagus with plastic and thick heavy rugs to keep the plastic from blowing away.  Denice
  19. Like
    Hulk reacted to LinR in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    A 2 mile walk weather permitting every day best recent time 33 min 33 sec.  Not bad for a pair pushing 80 very hard.  Good weather has also meant the garden getting a lot of attention.  Good thing because there was a lot of neglect over the past couple of years.  Wednesday 3 yards of garden soil will be dumped on the driveway.  That should keep us out of trouble or kill us. Lin
  20. Like
    Hulk reacted to Mark C. in What’s on your workbench?   
    Blackthorn Yesterdays glaze loads
    The 1st photo is the small updraft gas kiln the other three shots are the larger downdraft car kiln
    packed up most of these pots for future wholesale order in gallery about 10 drive from here.I take them about 1/2 way down in next Month (late May ) if I'm allowed to go.
    The fires turned out very well with only a few refires(3-4 pots with pits) It's pits that happen with so much rutile glaze used in a reduction atmosphere . I have learned very well how to get near 100% refires to work at this point-it all depends where in kiln they go. Working with most of the glazes for over 40 years now I can usually control how much they run. I had one runner in all these pots and it was a sponge holder fired to a hard cone 11 near burner.
    Min the new Seafoam satin matt glaze came out super in the small kiln bottom (hot spot)Thanks again for that help
    Glazes range from black to browns blues and greens to landscapes-shiny to matt.
    I decided to work one week in clay and take the next week off and so forth to get my other projects done. Back to clay next Monday.
    I unloaded on Friday  afternoon and by saturday mid day  they where all packed in boxes and accounted for.Some for wholesale otrder some for lacal supoermarkets some for a gallery when they reopen.

  21. Like
    Hulk reacted to neilestrick in What’s on your workbench?   
    1 and 2 pound vases.

  22. Like
    Hulk reacted to Babs in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    Last 3 weeks been laid flat then low with chest lurgi. No energy.
    But yesterday I walked perimeter of a couple of paddocks..dogs happy.
    I do usually practise Iyengar yoga daily and so last night I did a short restorative prac. This is my mental health saving  section of my day. A bit of stillness in the turbulent times.
    Not down the shed yet but soon..
    Now what can I eat.
    Ideas pot book got lots of unattended jottings...
  23. Like
    Hulk got a reaction from Bill Kielb in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    Hope your foot improves soon Mark! ...have had a few pf rounds on right foot, in remission now almost a year. Ladder work seems to be a factor for me.
    Really missing swimming (and socializing at the gym), however, still getting out on the bike between rain clouds. It's just eerie though, so little traffic, so quiet; lots of bikers though.
    Be careful out there! Traffic being spread thin, many more one on one encounters, all kinds, got it?
  24. Like
    Hulk reacted to Denice in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    I usually do my MS stretches,  but I hurt my hip in my shop the day before so I skipped it.   Later in the day I felt better so I went out and cleared and raked out my garden.   Today I hurt everywhere.    Denice
  25. Like
    Hulk reacted to Bill Kielb in QotW: What are you doing for exercise during this coronovirus time, beyond working in the shop?   
    I’ve taken to make a point daily of a decent two mile stroll with weights on. 1 mile on the ankles,  remaining mile on the wrists to give the knees a break. Not hard 5# each just enough to make sure I do something  aerobic each day. Along with my regular slow mo (20 sec. reps to exhaust the muscle group) workout which has always been a habit. Probably adds up to 10000 steps or better of walking. Gets me outside for at least 45 minutes ensuring I don’t get stuck behind a computer. Throwing some stuff at home, custom  requests.
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