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Mark C.

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Posts posted by Mark C.

  1. Low fire handbuilding in school was the dar side for me.At that time i had many years of high fire and kiln building under my belt and low fire was just of zero interest until I realized I nned to know as much about clay in all temps and bodies (my clay and glaze class opened my eyes on this).  My low fire work was far from stellar but I did learn how and why.Its all good knowledge in the long run and at that time little did I know it would be my entire life.

  2. Min I used to like those drippers ,but the clever dripper in my mind works so much better-its ceramic made by Bonavita-you pour the water in the grounds with a paper filter inside like yours but it has a silicone stopper in a lever so you steep it for 3 minutes then let it drain out-coffee a bit like a french press only better as it drips into your cup. I have been using them for many years now and gave up on other drippers. I have a plastic one for travel as well.

    I should add I'm very much a coffee person


  3. My two As do not my two Bs do not my  C does not and my CXC (from 1982) does not as well

    of couse they are not modern wheels-the As are not made anymore-the Bs are from the 90s the C is from 1969 or1970 bought new  but has all new everything except deck.The CXC is from 82 bought new. One of my As is new in box still . Not sure what I''m going to do with it.

    I sold a model B recently-in super shape (near new) for $500 with extras.

    I did not need 6 wheels down to 5 and one is in a box new. I bought it as new old stock.

    I get the inside reverse sliders deal as well. Makes sense.

    I think Brent did not have reversing wheels until late 90s? what years yours?

  4. ( for me.(It took hold of me in the middle 90s..." )-tuna fishing that is-yes I'm 67 now and clay started for me  in 69-70-Diving with scuba in 82.-snorkled since a kid-still am a kid really at heart.This covid has slowed me down at a great time as I was trying to let off the gas and now thats easy.

  5.  Thanks for posting the my question 

    As some of you know already besides clay I have a few other passions-one is diving with a camera the other is Tuna Fishing.

    It took hold of me in the middle 90s (tuna fishing) and I have only missed one year since catching albacore tuna. Most is what we refer to as ( out front) our local Humboldt county waters or trailer the 23 foot whaler up to middle Oregon or as far south as Monterey. I have fished most ports in a 300 mile rage from home in past 25 years.

    About three years ago some local filmmakers got a grant to make a film about the food grown or made or caught in whats know as Humboldt Nation ( I live in Humboldt County)

    We produce some of the best foods on the planet here like Cypress Cheese as well as Beers and Breads. They filmed  interviews for a year and thought about one large film but realized it was to big so they made three films-the first two where shown at a grand opening last fall in our restored grand Eureka Theater. They where very well done and have been rebroadcast on local PBS station. Its big screen film. The third film on local tuna was completed last week and they released it a few days ago for free  due to Covid and the Theaters being closed here . Its on Vimeo

    I will add My interview was 3 years ago and since that time Myself and crew supplied them with sport tuna video clips during the last two years -the shots taken with the Dophins and the tuna working bait where taken off my vessel Onokai as well as us catching tuna. We are the ones in the yellow bibs catching tuna.This was a few different trips. I'm the guy with fish on working the boat throttle back and reeling fish in as My friend Duncan McNeill gaffs the fish. My other Friend Yoshi  Uemura and Travis may also abroad shot video as well as caught fish.

    My friend Dennis Rael (in film as well speaking about sport tuna) got me involved in this film (he fishes on my boat as well) He got the filmmakers  intrested into the sport Tuna part of this fishery story .I am known around here as a Tuna Head (I have whats known and Tuna Fever ,a really bad case of it) Its  been infecting me going on 26 years now.There is no known cure.

    Now the ocean is really whats behind this passion and thats where I am most comfortable -either on it or under it. Tuna for me has spilled into making lots of ceramic tuna as well as My underwater photography has turned into making clay fish-mosty tropical as I know about most of the saltwater species now and fish are a huge passion for me . I have a library on fish species as well as cal and of course Tuna Books-I seem to only catch and eat Tuna mostly the days over other fish (a few Halibut as well) . Clay still runs deep but I need ocean time to maintain the studio time-its wrapped together for me as a lifestyle at this point. Clay Tuna and diving.


    A foot note-this film is best viewed on large screen so if you can you can run it thru a Roku unit I'm told or I ran it thru a HDMI cable and adaptor and on to a large screen TV thru a laptop or iPad .

    Just use the largest screen you access to. to have the best experience of the film. It was made for the Theater screen. They did great job with the editing and sound

    Enjoy the film -Click on the food for thought Humboldt County photo when it comes up


  6. GEP 

    Here is an more detail thread on the soap dishes-I was throwing away photos on my old posts because no one needs to see them anymore due to my over the limit photo files. I have reached my limit again-darn so I found this old post from 2012 on soap dishes-I will wait before throwing out these photos.I'm not happy about throwing photos away on posts that folks can still learn from but seems there is no other way.Or I could stop posting photos-ok rant 4 over tonight


  7. I make a few hundred of these every year.They can be cut to any length . I made the die from aluminum-I shoot out a foot and a half  at a  time-about-6-8 of them let dry a tad cut them with my favorite two mud cutter tools -the large bow and then the smaller bow(mud tools). I fix some (banana shape a little) that way they drain and soap sludge either drain out hols or on hole less ones it stays in center. I designed the ridges to sit the soap high and dry just like your thrown rings.

    I think an extruder is a great production tool if not overused-which many times it is. That being forms that are not very functional enough.

    We hot dip the feet in a hot wax pan so these wax right up easy.

    The black holes are hard to see in the bottom black soap shot.

    A side view would show a slightly curved form in the narrow view.

    We use the hole less ones ourselves as they keep the sink counter cleaner. 

    I make them up to 5 inch and down to 3 inch in length I cit the feet at a angle -then they all need a super sponging job while in teen state. I use a 3/8 brass and wood handle hole cutter. These forms are super strong if dropped.The extruder compresses the clay .They fit under bowls or in small spots all over the kiln as stuffers.I can whip them out . I sell them for 10-12$ right now

    I stack them in piles and customers paw through them (in normal times) now they are piled in the natural foods markets and are selling well now.

    If you box them up in a box of say 50 they weigh a ton.-not as heavy as a banana box full of French butterdishes.I just moved a bunch of heavy pottery boxes so thats my crabby.




  8. Still pretty tight around here. Beauty shops that hare certified opened two days ago. Resuratants still closed -but soon will open at 50% and must certify.Only take out still.

    Some galleries opened -my largest local one can have three patrons at a time -they flow in a clockwise manner in shop.99%  of all business have you must wear a mask to enter.

    All employés must be masked.Far from normal here

    Pottery sales are picking up and demand is solid. Tourist are not here much yet and we still have a shelter in place order. 108 cases with 92 recovered in the county.

    No groups more than 10 yet-except to protest and the limit is whatever you want.lets hope the spike does not occur 


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