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Mark C.

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Posts posted by Mark C.

  1. 1 hour ago, Dick White said:

    Not so much about the initial question (replacing the pedal pot) but regarding the later comments about motors and voltage - dunno about what Brent was doing back when the earth was still flat, but I believe Brent motors now  are 90v DC. The controller rectifies whatever design input of local AC voltage and the pedal pot instructs the controller to increase/decrease the DC voltage to the motor to make it go faster or slower.

    Dick whats the amps on that 90v ?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bill Kielb said:

    I would check your measurement of the existing. Especially if it’s in circuit, might have to disconnect two of the wires to make sure you are measuring the pot alone. I say this because low potentiometer ranges are not as common and when used they tend to (Not always) be a high current device. Having such a small change in resistance say zero to 200 ohms  often leads to difficulty in precision.

    So double check first with nothing else connected and if it is truly prox 0-200 ohms neither the 10k nor the 1meg will likely do. Just need a 0-200. With that part number I would feel better if you would have said 26k ohms. Any chance your reading above is really in thousands?

    I'll recheck in am as I'm doing some electric kiln work tomorrow  

    The one i checked is a brand new unit-I have a few used ones as well so I do not have to diassemble anything.

  3. I have had plenty of sidse trips (breaks in pottery life as well). Many trips around the planet diving all these decades as well . I structrured my summers so I could fish and dive. 

    I have no regrets except for the wear and tear on hands/bones in hand that got and will get cut out and tossed .We have bones for a reason.

    For some reason Tom I thought you where out of the house building business now ?

  4. I looked and all I have is the new potentiometer (new spare) and a new style broken one. I think I gave all my old Brent stuff to the last person who I sold an older wheel to from the early 70s.

    let us know if you find a source 

    another thought is those new ones as seen in photo have the same slider so look for that one and fit it to old body mount.I think they attach the same way.I have the number on the side but you can read that number in above photo on right (black unit)

    If you find them please let us know the source.

  5. 2021 will bring in a fury of potting in 1st two weeks to get stock to cover my hand surgery recovery time in my outlets.

    I plan on time away from clay for several months after the 19th.

    winter is slow sales and thats what I need now. I will not do my usual may spring fair. Maybe an August show buts it still upo in the air. I'm not going to do a 4th of July show that I have done since 1973 staright thru iuntil covid cancelled it-I'm now done with the one day show forever myself.

    I will put in another mini split in kitchen (14 foot ceilings) late spring.for the ac part mostly in summer.Its the only project this coming year after way to many last year.

    As to potting I plan on stocking better for xmas since this crazy season that just passed . I was prepared I thought but never had a rush Like I just went thru.Just paid my gas bill $1450,00

    I need to get back slowy into clay after the recovery.

    I plan on diving /underwater phots in Bali in the fall if covid gets kicked down by then-it will be at least 3 weeks abroad this time.I missed this years trip . I'm also going to do a few less shows and try hard to work less -as I do not yet know how thats done well.


  6. 6 hours ago, glazenerd said:

    Well Mark- you have a 35CF car kiln=== just sayin... I would love nothing more than to stay where I am at. Yet, I know that I will not be able to take care of it as time marches on. 

    The car kiln and the updraft are maybe only a few of the reasons I cannot move.I'm thinking about pouring a large slab in kiln area for an 18 cubic Geil kiln I have access to add to my kiln quiver as well now. All my stuff is heavy-the many tons of Bronze in the yards from shipwrecks is also a deterrent . I did sell about 2k worth last year in salvage and have at least that again to sell. Heck I have one blade of a bronze ships propeller that weights over 750 #s in driveway.Now its a 40 foot x 14 solar array that I put in that also a chain around our ankles now. The two dive compressors I can still move -The  house is only 1250 square feet so thats not an issue all same level as well. Its the near 1 acre yard work that will be an issue-I have a rider mower now but the day will come we hire a Gardner-its just in the plan.

    The zillion tons of glaze materials also slows down the move process as well as just about everything I do is so heavy.

    In my next life I think car salesman so all my hand s have to do is point towards cars-that a good one over there see where I'm pointing .Its also a high milage unit-yes Desoto is an older brand name but just look at that styling.

  7. 51 minutes ago, Denice said:

     I need to look into making french presses,  my son will only make his coffee with a french press.   He is somewhat a fanatic when it comes to coffee,  he orders green coffee beans and roast them himself.   If he asks you if want a cup of coffee just say no,  it will be a couple of hours before he is finished making it.   He had me make him two part shaving mugs that held hot water in the bottom and the shaving cream was made in the next layer.   The hot water kept the shaving cream warm and  this made it easier to shave a heavy beard.   I made him musical pots when we was in high school and a urn for his dog a few years ago,  the things we do for our children.

    Have him check out the (clever dripper ) if he is coffee person like me. (I stopped roasting beans a long time ago)Make the best coffee -better than french press.

  8. The deal with the older  brent foot petals (I have owned two) is If you can find the part let us know (I never could) Brent stopped selling them decades ago and I think the manufacture stopped making them. The new ones do not fit in the old foot pedals . These as you noted are cheap parts and finding a supplier would be great.I had to swap out to the new style foot pedal a few decades ago (maybe 3 decades) when I could not find a replacement.There is a slight chance I may now have an older one (I'll look as I do not have the older foot pedal anymore)If I do you can have it.I'll look today.

    As you can see from the images the slider has the part number . It fits into the base which is a separate part so if you can find the slider part you can modify the part to fit your base.

    Just look for the part number and send a photo to compare to suppliers-I did that about 20 years ago with zero luck

    It would be a godsend if you find the supplier for us all as that part is under 10$ I'm sure and just snaps in the plastic base . The old Brent footpedl has a different shape than the new one. 

    As you know the old potentiometers are all white the new ones  (late 70s onward are all black)If you can find the newer ones we all will benifit as Brent stuff is way overpriced.

  9. Heres the car kiln load from Mondays post on glaze day. Today it came out and was all distributed to 6 outlets and my booth (on Friday ). I reloaded the kiln today with a loose bisque and am firing late tonight for a quick turnaround -Have 210 mugs and 50 tumblers in load as well as bowls and candle holders sponge holders and 1/2 glasses . It will be two kilns worth as I have a lot of glazed pots laying around. Last two fire of the year on Saturday .Trying to stay ahead of demand but its been tough thios year due to sales over the top.7 more days 7 more days just 7 more days

  10. They are what I call door skins-the light weight interior doors .You can find used ones for free or a 1$ They hold a lot. When I have more than one kiln I need the space and since my dry space is also doing some doble duty  right now and it was not raining I took advantage and spread out today 47 cubic feet of glaze ware takes a lot of space. I can usually easy do the 35 cubic. I l;ike all the ware out of studio next to kilns before loading. Going in and out is to much .I carry the wares on those 18 inch bats and use a stoll next to kiln to load from. Less walking .Whats funny is today all the space is jambed tonight its all empty. the cycle is weekly right now. until next week when its just deklivery and  taking care of my own booth selling . Break down is xmas eve. Put it all away on xmas day(the special xmas booth only made fro xmas sales) unless it raining. I have killed xmas for my wife about 25 years ago.I do not have much xmas sprint left in me. 

  11. This is what almost every Monday looks like on Glaze day-its whats on the workbench which is every flat surface I can find in kiln loading area. These are all the pots we glazed today(my assistant and I ) and I loaded the small 12 cubic kiln and the large 35 cubic car kiln(I forgot to take that photo but I have posted it more times than I can recall.This may be my last workbench shot this year not the last fire but the workbench is always looking like this every week since Sept when sales took off. As in above post my back hurts as do my feet and arms. These long days are killer on the body. I lit the kilns for a slow rise and will finish firing on Tuesday -unload them both on Thursday. I start throwing agin in am and this week is the last cycle this year for me. 98% of this glaze ware fit in the two kilns and I got it done by 6 pm. Out of a bath now feeling sore like i do every Monday night.Pottery is a contact profession and at my level it can wack you.I loaded over 50 advancer shelves in the se two kilns this afternoon. We cheated a bit and waxed a the load and I glazed a hour yesterday to get a jump on todays madness.My booth is closed for Monday and Tuesday so I could work without distractions of going and coming twice a day to booth.

    I'll get the burners up later tonight to go thru quartz slow and get up at 5 am and kick both kilns up hard and go back to sleep a few hours.Fires will be over in afternoon at a soft 1/2 cone 11.  Slow two day cool. All pots are porcelain .I;m out of a few items right now and need some of these for orders NOW.

    The beat goes on. Its days like this I wonder when folks ask about being a potter and how much do you have to work every day.I strongly feel if you ask that question you are not cut out for it. Time for some more Queens Gambit on Netflix.-Mea I'm putting my feet up tonight.


  12. I put up some extra tables to handle all the bisques ware and one glaze kiln unloading today.It's finally raining (more than 1/4 inch) and dry space is at a premium-studion will be full of wares as well.Today bedsides dropping pots of at market this am and seting up my sales booth will be unloading and waxing all tghe bisqueware. (also one small 12 cubic glaze fire to unload and box up. No firing today so its a day off.Its a warm storm so its now 50 degrees out.Much better to wirk in than the low 40s

  13. I will condider shorting the 1000 foot pier I was dreaming of to say 500 feet

    As to the  ceramic tec i'll give up the kiln controlers on an electric (I do not have one) But am willing to finish without one

  14. The marketing of midrange was cone 5 at first-I'll go look at some 80s and 70s catalogs I have but I recall cone 5 was the magic number. Of course I never cared as I was all in at cone 10. still am all in at cone 10 reduction. I love it and feel its my groove. I have made it work well in glazes and a following. 

    Now back in the day energy was cheap as well. We made kilns of hard brick back then before the shortages and spikes in costs.

  15. As to the workbench I'm overloaded with demand currently. I open my booth on the 11th -build it on the 10th same day I unload two glaze fires. Every outlet is selling like crazy -one gallery sent a email today as they sold all the tumblers today to one customer (48 of them) . I called them back and said more on the 12th. My  organic markets are outselling last year by a bunch. This years xmas season is nuts and since it my 40th something season thats saying something. To top it all off covid is on the rise now even here behind the redwood curtain.

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