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Mark C.

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Posts posted by Mark C.

  1. For me its not a shortage issue -its more a wrist hands issue . I need them to last my whole life without to much pain. Clay work has taken its toll and I need to do less  clay so that I can continue without giving up the ghost.

    With three bones missing in right wrist (a prc) and one bone gone in left thumb clay has had some serious effects on my after 50 years. I really do not want a wrist fusion which is what is next-so I need to gauge clay /pain with giving up the ghost

    My long term plan which is getting more short term every day less clay work-less outlets less sales -

  2. 19 hours ago, Min said:

    Hi Mark, do you have the chem analysis for the new CimTalcs? (I couldn't find it when I did a search)

    No I do not and I did ask about it. I'm in the process of ordering a ton of dry glaze along with a sample of that glaze made with CimTalc -I'll try again for the breakdown info next time i speack to Juan at Laguna (hes the clay and glaze tester )

    The 1st link above has some info in it

  3. For me its not my favorite  glaze but my customers favorites and thats cobalt Oxide-its used  in 420 grams per batch in my simple black glaze which is used mostly as an underglaze with rutile base glaze over it. Its been published in CM a few times in my articles like the one in last October issue (2021) on Tumble stacking

    I am more of an iron glaze liker but could not make a living with that color palette

    I use alot of the higher purity iron these days .

  4. Just glazed two kiln loads  (35 cubic car kiln and 12 cubic updraft kiln) and loaded them for a 5 am start.Been glazing for a day and a half. Just like last week and the 6 before.

    Been at this for 6-7 weeks straight now in a row. Just received my largest  natural gas bill I have ever had in a 30 day period in 49 years. That means I'm working  way to much

    I brush (skunk and deer hair brushes) and dip the glazes and use a ear syringe as well. Dipping is faster and with this many wares its all that makes sense.

    I am using aboiut 15 different glazes now-firing to a soft cone 11 gas reduction.

    Only  28 days left until clay vacation  starts-that means stay out of studio and do paperwork and trim fruit trees

  5. For me coaching was from the start as a kid. My older brothers where track stars-one was 11 years older the other 5 years older. The oldest went on to be Stanfords best high hurdler (on a scholarship) and went on to be an olympic athlete . The other was also on the record books so by the time I was in Junior high the coaches all knew what I was capable of. I grew up with a pole valult and high jump pit in backyard. I was the Junior highs best jumper. Turns out my older brother pulled his achilles tendon the meet befor the plane left for Toyko Olympics in 64 and dashed him from the team. He then quit his doctors training path and became an art professor later for 25 years in the california UC stystem at UCSB Santa Barbara in print making.  He died of melanoma cancer in 92. My other brother also excelled at art but took his life at 23.That  brother made it almost thru High school before his art interests overran the coaches interests . For me in Junior high seeing both brothers records still on the board the coaches (all track and fild and some gymnastics) had big plans and worked me to death. In late 9th grade I had enough as I wanted to just high jump and they wanted me to run track as well. I have medals from those days still in the long runs 400 and 800 meters and and relays but the high jump records are what I really liked (the western roll at that time). At some point in an endless running around the track one day  in May in 9th grade I had had enough . I told the coach I was done running for him and he should do the 20 laps that day. I turned my interests to art like all my brothers before me. The rest is history except I really cut my own path thru school and beyond. 

    For me coaches are all in my past. What I learned form coaches is I was not meant to be in the herd with the rest I excelled on my own paths-What they learned is I was a independent thinker and most coaches where NOT

  6. It may be worth getting a pyrometer and seeing how fast it climbs on a medium setting. Maybe you just need to leave it there and let it slowly climb to extend the firing. For a bisque firing it may be that you never need to go to a higher setting than that.)

    A digital pyrometer (cheap) is what need to see wahts going on really-you may have to drill a small hole in kiln but its no big deal to install one.

  7. Mugs are my best sellers-I make 5 sizes and 3 kinds-regular -soup-motion.

    Spoon rests -sell them by the hundreds-sponge holders -also sell a zillion

    from there its an assortment of glasses -half glasses pie plates chip and dips

    candle holders cereal bowls and miso bowls -as well as all size serving bowls (very popular) and huge bowls )no one makes them much anymore

     utensil holders-baking dishes a few sizes platers round and oval in many sizes -vases- canister sets

    I make 35 forms and soon will be narrowing it down as shows are going to an end for me in next  few years

    Teapots -flatware are near the bottom as slow sellers

    These two photos are my 2 shows I did this year-Aug and Oct-I have my 43rd annual xmas show (private in a local shopping center) left to do

    shows sell all forms other outlets sell a limited variety of forms like my galleries or supermarkets-much more limited selection than a show




  8. Well Laguna west is out of some basic clays it seems- I heard today as I placed a small order for a potter friend. with them . I also heard that  a minspar  shortage was also making headaches for low fire bodies as well with them.

    I'm not sure if Min has much pull with the spar they named after her but maybe she could lean on that supplier(only kidding Min)

    I'm a bit slow on the uptake but zircopax has been replaced as well

    I'm about ready to order a few tons of Daves Porcealin (4800#s) as it comes full pallets at 2400#  each

    They where out of it last week hope its made soon-this will be spring use as my fakll clay is in clay shed now


  9. I have developed in m,y 40 plus years of doing shows a top notch system for my workflow

    Two weekends agao I was at a show 1000 miles away from home . On last day I made two lists one what sold best at that show (thios list gets refered to next year before show to take extra of those items (in this case I am retiring from that show and willnot go back ) I made the list from habit anyway.

    The next list is what I need to make after the show to keep my inventory up (these two lists are often not alike )

    This list is what I am now making for stock-smalls like sponge holders and spoonrests never get on the list as they are a constant making for me in the stuffer space of all fires.Today I made chopstick bowls after selling a bunch and dropping off 84  in a 20 box drop off wholesale order last week on way home from show in NV in San Lois Obispo near a gallery that carries my work

    This list is my go to in next few weeks as its whats needed to get back to normal inventory for me.

    Its algorithm has been tested thru time and is bullet proof



  10. I also am like Gep in asking for an order via email. I get some looky lous wanting stuff but not folllowing thru and its a waste of my time. I now have a $100 minimum order posted on web site. That has slowed down the the non seriors customers somewhat

    I also have mentioned on my website that its for return customers only-not looking for new customers-this also cut out the space cadets who do not respond

    Weather they call me direct or start with email I get them onto the email venue. Covid has excelerated poor customers for me (not folllowing thru) and I need to weed them out

    I had never had customers order and never follow thru until covid hit

    Right now shows are my best of times as well as my outlets and customer email orders are my worst

    I got this email yesterday for example 

    (I was at the Boulder City show and took your card. I couldn’t buy there, because I was with my wife and wanted to buy soup mugs for her for Christmas, which is also her birthday. I don’t see a way to order on the site. How can I order a set of four for her.)

    Now I am going thru this  so called waiting for a email response after I asked what colors  they want (I'm well stocked now as well)-It may or may now happen on thier end

    It does meet m,y 100$ minimum as well but this customer may vanish just as well so for me its not yet an real order.

    I will post a photo of my workflow tool later as well-its in studio now.

    I did just ship out two orders yesterday so my sytem is still working-all return customers from shows in my past

  11. Call amaco/Brent and ask

    I would just have her and throw the regular direction as lefty does not matter as most throw all the same direction no matter if you are right or left handed

    I'm making the assumption she is new to throwing and just learning-if she is already throwing clockwise then you should get it turning clockwise

  12. I ordered clay way ahead of time (4 tons half  of that was special softness) and trucking took extra long. I knew it was like that so no surprises .Since I'm a materials hoarder no problems with materials-none needed

    spoke to soon-was leaving town soon for show  and was low on small paper bags(I have enough just not many extra) and the whole sale grocery supply house has only one size bag instock seems like bags are supply chain issues now as well. 

    I plan on stopping in SF on return at a wholesale supply and picking up a few bales of different size bags there. I usually stock a  one to two year supply but have let it get low with lack of shows past two years. Get your bags early before xmas season

    I forgot to add tires to that list. My 1ton van(art show vehicle)  needed new tires (80 PSI load range E) Michelin is the brand coast about 350$ each. I had to order two at a time thru costco to get them on van. Seems they are hard to get now as well. Same deal with my big truck tires last month-high inflation load range E tires are in high demand and low supply.

    The list keeps expanding

  13. I always add new colors every so often. I reacently repalaced a robin egg blue with another blue that easier to work with.

    Colors keep me involved-either better colors or easier more dependable colors-either way its always on my mind

    currently using about 12-15 glazes as a standard.

    I have soemthat like hot and cool spots and get into those in the gas kilns so they are optimum looking

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