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Mark C.

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About Mark C.

  • Birthday 03/15/1953

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  • Location
    Near Arcata Ca-redwood rain forest
  • Interests
    Diving-underwater photo-salvage diving-dive Travel
    Extreme offshore tuna fishing off north coast of Ca.

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  1. Mark I was wondering if you had ever used the Wonderbat system.   I tried it out today, and it didn't want to stay seated in the opening, kept moving up and down.  This is my first time throwing in about 2 years and I have never thrown much on a electric wheel.  The next pot I got out a regular  bat and didn't have any problems centering it.   Does the square need some clay underneath it?  The wheel I got off of E-Bay came with two sets,  it would be a shame not to use them.   By the way I sold my kickwheel so we were able to set up the Brent this weekend.   I also bought a 3 cu. ft. Blue Diamond kiln,  I paid $250 for it.   It has a manufacture date of 1969 on it but has never been used,  it also came with $100 worth of shelves and stilts.   My small Paragon finally bit the dust,  it is around the same age but it is well used.   I like having a kiln that size for special jobs.   Denice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. oldlady


      denise, i used them for years.  if you dampen the bats themselves, they expand just enough to fit tightly.  you learn to center a little differently if they lift up a bit.  very useful as the pot pops off when it dries enough.

    3. Benzine


      I agree with oldlady.  I too use the Wonderbat system, and they will expand, when wet.  This is good to keep them snug, bad if you are trying to put a damp one, back in the system, because sometimes they don't fit back in, until the insert and base dry.

    4. Denice


      I have my old kiln in the trash and my new kiln installed.  We discovered that it had been fired once and the cone had some how melted back into the cone cylinder of the kiln sitter making it unusable.  We replaced it but had to move the kilns around the new one had a short cord.  While we had the kilns out we put up another piece of cement board on the wall in the kiln room.  Once we started to move things around we discovered that our corrugated  aluminum for the Skutt envirovent need to be replaced.   Our quick and easy job turned into a marathon.  I  have a bisque firing going this morning and I am going to try wetting the wonderbats and see if that helps.    Denice

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