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This is a collection of all our member's albums. Click on the album name to see larger images. Click on the member name to go to a member's profile page to see all of the albums created by that member.



  1. More wood firings

    I recently participated in a wood firing at the red lodge Clay center #rlcc,
    using the train kiln fired to ^12 and firing down in reduction for several hours to about 1900 F. I used several glazes and flashing slips as well as Helmar porcelain, Coleman porcelain, Babu porcelain and Death valley clay-a heavy iron bearing clay. I am very happy with the results.
    • Album created by Marcia Selsor
    • Updated
    • 14 images
    • 7 image comments
    • 14 images
    • 7 image comments
  2. Untitled Album

    • Album created by Marko
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
  3. Untitled Album

    • Album created by Marko
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 image comments
    • 4 images
    • 4 image comments
  4. Obvara

    • 3 images
    • 4 image comments
  5. really back in Montana

    had an opening with other local artists at the #windyflatsgallery in Nye, Montana. June3, 2017
    • Album created by Marcia Selsor
    • Updated
    • 5 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 5 images
    • 3 image comments
  6. Avatars

    • 1 image
  7. Pottery

    These are things I am working on at this time.
    • Album created by lkilmer
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 3 images
    • 1 image comment
  8. Current Work 2017

    I've been working exclusively with porcelain for the last 8 years. Here's where the body is at now.
    • Album created by dawnmferguson
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 8 images
    • 3 image comments
  9. Air Brushed Pieces

    My first attempt at using a spray gun for the underglaze and the final glaze. All fired to 1260 C. Stoneware and Porcelain
    • Album created by AndreaB
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 12 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 12 image comments
  10. Firing Disaster

    Not sure exactly what went wrong here but pretty sure it had to do with opening a peep hole while the vent was on.
    • Album created by GreyBird
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  11. NHIA Graduating Ceramic Majors 2017

    Selected images from the May 2017 Commencement and the BFA end-of-year student exhibition. This year's class graduating in May (as opposed to January) was a small one.
    • Album created by Guest
    • Updated
    • 21 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 21 images
    • 1 image comment
  12. Hamada?

    • 5 images

    Screenshots of glaze software
    • 2 images
  14. Early Work (2012-2014)

    My first pottery projects from a few years ago.
    • Album created by GiselleNo5
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 10 images
    • 2 image comments
  15. Equipment

    • Album created by GreyBird
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  16. Tools and supplies

    • 0 images
  17. ZAN ceramics images

    images of me, my studio and my work.
    • Album created by ZAN Ceramics
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 16 image comments
    • 9 images
    • 16 image comments
  18. vietnamese pottery wholesale

    Contact TT Pottery
    Address: 3913 Vinalopo Dr.Austin, TX 78738 US
    Phone: (512)584-1802
    Website: https://ttpottery.com

    • Album created by quangvinhdd
    • Updated
    • 65 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 65 images
    • 2 image comments
  19. My Other Art

    Non or partly ceramic images
    • Album created by yappystudent
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  20. Early Work

    Hand Building 2016
    • Album created by pritchpat
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  21. Cool Glazes - Not made by me :)

    Cool Glazes - Not made by me :)
    • Album created by GreyBird
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  22. 3D printer

    • Album created by Marko
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 images
  23. Avatar

    Profile Photo
    • Album created by Suvi
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  24. From Glaze mishap to A-okay!

    • Album created by hibernaculum
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  25. profile picture

    • Album created by rissierae
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment

525 images

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