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Are exhibitions or juried art shows worth entering?

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For me, no... however, other things have happened for me locally. I have submitted my horsehair Raku pottery to my local PBS station's annual art auction, which is a juried event, and have been accepted all 3 times and all my entries had garnered at least 3 times my valued prices. The last time around I had won a Juror's award which got me an interview and article in a local news outlet but did not generate new business. I plan on continuing my donations to the art auction because each entry gets me a little more notoriety since the work gives me 6 minutes of TV exposure during the auction and it is good enough to be accepted for the auction. Someday it may lead to greater things!

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No.  Not exhibitions.  Even donations do not "generate great marketing"  (that's what the people asking will say)  If I donate, it's because I believe in the cause.  Not because it will be a marketing tool for me.  

Juried shows are a different situation for me.  A show versus an exhibition.  


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Juried gallery exhibitions may get you one or two sales beyond the piece you have in the show, but mostly it's just a resume builder that may help you get into other galleries or build your social media account a little. Art fairs will definitely build sales, because you can show so much more work to so many more people.

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Juried exhibitions or invitationals through galleries have never netted me any sales. They can be a nice ego rub, which has its own value, but that value isn’t monetary IME. 

Juried fairs or markets however, are a good thing. Juries can help put together a crowd of compatible artists and quality of work, which helps get it in front of people who are interested in such things. 

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I use to donate pieces a couple of times a year,  one was for AIDS and the other Hunger.    I never got any business from them and I thought they treated the artist badly,  I finally quit in protest with other artist who were treated badly by the committee.  I didn't have any problems .  my piece sold but the work that didn't got dumped on the sidewalk the day after the auction.  One of my friends who is a well known metal sculptor  had his work thrown out.  His sculpture covered  home is in tourist guide books.   Denice 

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@Bam2015 Hello there,

Yes, they can be worth entering! Exhibitions and juried shows often provide great exposure, networking opportunities, and can help build your reputation. Many artists find they help generate new business. Just make sure the shows align with your goals.



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